2006-08-01, 19:56
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hell
Posts: 269
Coup d'État
Coup d'État
The client state
Tin pot dictator
Terrorist henchman
Third Party Oppressor
Keep commerce free
Let currency run
Embrace the death squad tactics
Crush liberty
Let red blood run
Embrace the 'company' doctrines
Crush all dissent
Crush all dissent
Do not diverge
Stick to the plan
Retreat is not an option
Government purge
A five-year plan
Spread freedom through oppression
The client state
Tin pot dictator
Terrorist henchman
Third Party Oppressor
Stick to the plan
It's all our land

2006-08-01, 22:42
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 134
lol i had to look up your title on wikipedia heres what i got "A coup d'État (pronounced /ku de'ta/), or simply a coup, is the sudden overthrow of a government through unconstitutional means by a part of the state establishment, that mostly replaces just the top power figures".i like this one alot the only thing i see thats wrong is in you say "plan" twice in a stanza no big deal though this song is great,and you must write alot because all the lyrics ive posted have been from awhile ago.
Originally Posted by Wolfsherz

2006-08-01, 23:36
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Hell
Posts: 269
Actually I did it on purpose, hoping I could get away with it. (Apparently I didn't.)
Above it, on the third(?) verse I used run twice, as well.
To break it down it's:
I think the second one works better, because it matches up better.
It's a first draft. That's my excuse.
This is about the CIA and their constant overthrow of democratically elected governments. If you want to read about some blood, violence and gore read what those scumbags have been up to. (All in the name of 'democracy'.)
By the way, everything I've posted on here was stuff I came up with on the spot, so these have all been first drafts. I wouldn't post anything I wrote in the past because I'm not up for humiliating myself. (Unless you want to read some whiny, wanker high school poetry.)

2006-08-02, 03:12
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
i agree with the political sentiments, but im not a fan of politically charged lyrics, if you were from iraq, id be down to hear your views on the US, if you were from nicuragua or el salvador and experienced death squads id be down to hear your music and words. i dont know where you are from, but from what i read it definately doesnt sound personal.
im more willing to hear your first hand experience on this subject over chomskys well thought out, academic thesis or any journalist, political analyst's book on the matter. you know what im saying?
if you are from a country america fucked over, id say talk about things that happened in your life, your experience.
i dont mean to dis your lyrics here, and im not saying what you wrote isnt valid just because you havent seen the shit firsthand, its just this sort of thing is more meaningful when its the victim who speaks, not someone speaking for the victim.
i like alot of political bands from the 80s and 90s, hell even the 60s. but alot of it is definately preaching to the chior when paraphrasing some guys book. i also feel into a big rut written all political stuff for years, its like beating your head into a wall after a while.
i felt like, after a while "everything is fucked, everyone sucks" because i just focus too hard on holding scum assholes in power accountable to a high moral standard
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......
Last edited by low-tech : 2006-08-02 at 03:16.

2006-08-02, 12:09
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Hell
Posts: 269
i agree with the political sentiments, but im not a fan of politically charged lyrics, if you were from iraq, id be down to hear your views on the US, if you were from nicuragua or el salvador and experienced death squads id be down to hear your music and words. i dont know where you are from, but from what i read it definately doesnt sound personal.
I hear what you are saying and I agree with you to an extent. I don't mean to come off sounding like a wanker like Rage Against the Fucking Machine (as much as I might like their music and lyrics, there is something funny about a bunch of millionaires posing as socialists).
No, I am not one of the poor oppressed people from one of the many countries that America fucks in the ass on a regular basis. But seeing as the government of the country I was born in feels it is business as usual to kick the shit out of people around the world, does that mean I should just sit back and say nothing? They are, after all, using my tax dollars to conquer other countries, exploit their resources and overthrow democratically elected governments.
Since I think it is wrong, then by fucking god I'm going to tell people about it.
Anyway, point being, it's not about preaching to the converted or any of that. Considering these fuckhead politicians and corporations get away with these things because people don't know it's happening, then maybe people should be informed.
Or maybe I'm just a spoiled, petit-bourgeois yankee.

2006-08-02, 13:28
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
im just disagreeing with the artist approach, thats all. you can say whatever you want, man. im not saying dont feel strongly about these issues.
just in the context of music where you are presenting art foremost, or even a poem. a political dissertation is best suited, in my opinion, in the realm of activism and protest, not necessarily screamed over blazing instrumental sound.
i just feel it sells the music short, if its an academic approach, not one that reflects your personal experience, personal expression.
ive been around the political hardcore/grindcore scene in the boston/nyc areas thru the 90s and, while agreeing with alot of bands stance on political issues and admiring thier involvemnet in local activism, have been turned off by alot of the stuff ive seen.
i also know alot of people here in providence who are involved in some form of local politics, but dont play in bands that reflect those ideas. and the underlaying principle is people can be into the music and not ideologically,politically agree with the guy playing it. i personally wouldnt force the listener to have to agree with me on such things, it alienates people. some people dont want to be told how they should feel about these things, they can come to thier own conclusions
as i said before theres nothing wrong about what you wrote and how you focus your lyrics. i still like some political bands that are current.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2006-08-02, 14:29
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Posts: 269
While I respect your opinion, I don't know that I agree with:
i just feel it sells the music short, if its an academic approach, not one that reflects your personal experience, personal expression.
These issues are very personal to me. Just because I'm essential powerless (in a physical sense) to prevent them from happening doesn't mean it's somehow just an academic wankfest.
Considering how many songs are written (not just metal) about nothing and have no relevance about anything relating to society, I'd much rather hear someone's opinion about the state of the world than not. Even if it was something I didn't agree with, I'd still be interested in hearing what they were saying.
When it comes to metal especially, there are so many bad and just plain stupid lyrics. The whole gore, murder, death thing is just so fucking pointless if there is no context. How many fucking serial killer songs are out there? 1000? The latest thing seems to be trying to out gross each other with baby killing and shit. Fine if that's what people are into, I guess, but it just seems stupid and pointless. I heard Carcass do this about fifteen years ago. Boring.
As far as alienating people because they don't agree with my opinion, well, sorry, but fuck em. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. (What fun would that be?) But I'm certainly not going to apologize for my beliefs. People are entitled to believe what they want to, but I don't see myself forcing anyone to think or believe anything.
I've also been around a lot of people who were politically active, and yes there is a lot of hypocrisy and bullshit. But what can you do? That's true of any thing in life.
Anyway, probably just talking in circles here.
Nice Pat Robertson picture by the way. Maybe I should write a song about him calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez.

2006-08-02, 15:54
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
you can also be saying something political and important without spoonfeeding the jist. or touch upon subjects that are metaphorical or ironic to present wars and conflicts, injustice. alot of 60s music was based around this. bands wrote songs about drugs and anti-war stuff in veiled words. i always thought this method was used to greater effect than the overt, very specific approach with bands like born against,HHIG,MITB,crossed out,no comment,etc<bands i still love anyway>. it also doesnt present your music on a soapbox.
but whatever, ill leave you alone about this.
pat robertson isnt even worth a song, the guy is a religious troll who just says dumb shit for attention. id like to photoshop a hand with microphone along with the horn salute. maybe throw a band behind him or something.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2006-08-02, 16:53
Supreme Metalhead
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a pretty obvious example-of the metaphorical, at least- of this (but i still think could be done very well)
is the fervor of templars and other denominations inclusive to the crusades;
the crusaders being "bush", and the host of his terror overseas are "infidels, pagans, and the like."
To be fair though, when i read this i didn't immediately connect it with being related to music; it could just as easily see at as poetically phrased political musing. But i understand the angle that low-tech is talking about, and i think you could really spice it up with it, maybe.
Although i like your other stuff alot better, this is an excellent first draft and gives a lot of room for new ideas, definately interested in where it goes
Haha looking back on what low tech just said as i edited this, there are way more creative metaphors then that (and i think a recent non-fiction on the crusades already has this premise anyway)
i have to make this gay ass puppet, for mole day or some shit.
i need ideas. so far i got children of moldem and yngwie molesteen.
yes its a gay project, and no im not in special needs class.
Last edited by IlikeRiffseveryone : 2006-08-02 at 17:01.
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