2002-09-16, 21:07
Supreme Metalhead
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Today at school, this kid went psycho, he put a soccer goal post through a window, then stoned the staff room window and punching a hole in it.
He then kicked the shit through the janitor who tried to restrain him, then the computing teacher came down, and he got the shit beaten out of him tio, then he put the depute headmasters head in a bin, Kicked the other depute head, called her a lesbian(she is...seriosuly, its not an insult), and then punched the headbaster between the eyes, all in all causing £300-500 damage.
when the police came he was kicking shit through them.
this kid is 13.
Now my question, what drives a kid to this state?
I'm aiming this at sane as he does psychology, but tjhis kid has a history of just snapping, now he went to far and is expelled.
It was funny at the time but on reflection, hes on welfare and wont be able to pay for the damages so that coems from our taxes or Education funds.
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-16, 21:15
The Devil
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It's kind of hard to ask someone to examine this psychologically without knowing the person.
He most likely just have mental issues, and certain things/people/sounds make him lash out in violent ways. Some people do this for attention.....they're morons. But to the ones with real problems it's actually quite sad.
He probably shouldn't have been placed in a public school in the first place. He would need to be somewhere where the staff are more prepared to such incidences.
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2002-09-16, 21:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Yeah, in primary school there was another kid like him, scott mcarthur, he was sent to a special school, i met him recently, hes now .... normal
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-16, 21:20
The Devil
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I'm Scott from Canada.  (just thought was funny)
Anyways.....there was also a child that i knew when i went to elementary school who lashed out sometimes. I think he eventually was taken to a different school because it was getting too serious.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
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Through me among the people lost for ay
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To rear me was the task of power divine
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Eternal, and eternal I endure
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2002-09-16, 21:23
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Hmm.... *looks suspiciously for no reason*
Dude, wheres sane when ya need him
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-16, 21:24
The Devil
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He's probably sleeping....it's about 7:30am in aussie land right now.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
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To rear me was the task of power divine
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Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-09-16, 21:25
Supreme Metalhead
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Lazy cunt....
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-16, 23:26
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Lazy cunt your bloody self! Now it's 9:30am, excuse me for making you wait...
I'm not a psychologist until I ask a million questions...
* He has a history of this?
* He's 13? He mashed up a few adults? Did he totally flip or what?
* Tell me about his home environment...
* Do you think he was actually in control or 'snapped', out of control?
* I wonder what happened to him at primary school...
* Know him at all? What's he like?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2002-09-16, 23:37
Forum Daemon
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I have a couple questions too. 13? Who the hell lets himself get the shit kicked out of him by a 13-year old? Dont you have any former jocks/convicts workin at your school? Or just someone who's hard(haha, used foreign vernacular, point for PST!)? I mean, I woulda disagreed with this when I was 13, but gettin your ass beat by a 13-year old cant leave a good feeling in your mouth. Solution: more kids with guns in your schools. You had some kids with guns, this guy'd only've done half the damage he did. Course, this might not be the solution for everyone...
Also, all seriousness aside, this kid has a history eh? Have any idea what it is, or, so far as you know, is it just a 'history of snapping'? Cause, if you have idea as to specifics of other episodes, as well as those of this one, maybe checkin similarities might be in order. Course, I'm the fuck in a high school psych class, not college, so please, please please please, ignore everything but my gun suggestion.

2002-09-17, 02:04
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i think his mom walked in on him humping his pillow....that can have a serious affect on a kids mental stability....there was a kid like that at my school when i lived in Arkansas...the elementry building was connected to the high school building and there were the KKK, Crips, Bloods, Folks, Blah blah blah...lots of violence.. (to give u a rough idea on this school..the principals daughter was in the Crips and she ran over this other chick with a red shirt on...and there was 17 feet of fencing surrounding the school and barbed-wire wrapped around the fence)...anyway, there was a kid that was pissed, and he took out a gun and started shooting the busses. This was all over the local news...he also was in the Crips and he stabbed one of my friends brothers in the face outside of the school for having a goddamn red shirt on..  ..man, my life basiclly sucked til i was 11 years old....i cant wait till i move to Oslo, Norway 

2002-09-17, 06:36
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally posted by metal=life
i cant wait till i move to Oslo, Norway
Me neither.
And Sane, yes i have basically grown up with him, hes done this kind of thing before, just smaller scale, his mums quite a nice person, his brothers a drug addict, and shit
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-17, 13:37
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you must have some pretty pussy police in scotland. who would let a 13 year old beat on them?

2002-09-17, 15:41
Supreme Metalhead
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Scottish Chuffs are gay
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-17, 16:42
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how big was the 13 yr. old? (and please, give the measurements in inches and pounds please  )

2002-09-17, 18:05
The Devil
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Alright, maybe you people don't think much into things around here......but here's my opinion.
The kid is 13 years old, he's in high school (or junior high). The only people mentionned that tried to stop him were school staff right? Now....follow me on this. The school staff will try it's hardest to stop the child without hurting him....meaning, they aren't fighting back, just trying to immobilize him. If they do hurt him......there's a million dollar lawsuit on their hands.
The teachers probably didn't do anything but try to hold his arms or something because of these reasons. Also the whole moral values of beating up someone 20 years younger than you is pretty stupid and frowned upon by just about the whole world.
Think about it this way.........if you're 30-40 years old, and a 13 year old kid has gone crazy hitting everything in his path.....are you going to go ape-shit on his ass and basically pound the living crap out of him? Your arm alone is probably the size of his fucking torso.....wouldn't you just be the greatest hero??
(to some of the younger members of the forums, i expect some jokes and "yeah man! I would have totally kicked his ass!!! YYYYEEEEEAAAAHH!!!!" or something along these lines, because moral values have not yet set into their little brains)
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
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Before me things create were none, save things
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2002-09-17, 18:14
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[i] If they do hurt him......there's a million dollar lawsuit on their hands.
That´s quite shitty in your country.
But i think it´s possible to grab him in this way that he can´t move, without hurting him.
And remember how much he did and what time it took.
One possibility is, that the whole staff was shocked, but i can´t believe that. The second is that most people didn´t have the courage to do something or they ehought that´s none of their business.

2002-09-17, 20:03
Forum Daemon
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Aint hard to restrain somebody without hurting em, even if they're going apeshit. I took that into account in the first place, dude. I mean, if even the biggest freshman in our school(6 ft, 240 was him when he was 13, not sure now) started goin apeshit, I'd expect there'd be someone out there who could get him down, or at least a combination of people. Hell, I'd be down, if just to stop the disruption on my day. And no, I wouldnt beat the shit out of him, like I said: it's not necessary. Well, depends on the kid.
And yeah memnoch, my arm is the size of a 240 pound kid's torso, thanks for the lesson on anatomy.

2002-09-17, 21:08
The Devil
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Where did i ever mention the kid being 240 lbs? And as far as i know, you aren't 30-40 years old either.
Seems to me you misunderstood my lesson young man.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
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Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
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Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-09-17, 21:18
Forum Daemon
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Nah, more that I'm a jackass, old man. But thanks for playing, and you'll have a lovely parting gift: No Jesus, No Beast!

2002-09-17, 22:19
Supreme Metalhead
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Atif, hes like 5, 4 and about skinny build
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-17, 23:04
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Originally posted by memnoch
Think about it this way.........if you're 30-40 years old, and a 13 year old kid has gone crazy hitting everything in his path.....are you going to go ape-shit on his ass and basically pound the living crap out of him? Your arm alone is probably the size of his fucking torso.....wouldn't you just be the greatest hero??
if i started beatign on you, would you let me do it? or would you do something about it?? and he also said the police didnt do anything either.

2002-09-17, 23:14
The Devil
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Originally posted by mrweijia
if i started beatign on you, would you let me do it? or would you do something about it?? and he also said the police didnt do anything either.
You fail to see my point.
Yes, i would beat your ass....you're what, 15 years old? I wouldn't have a problem kicking your ass if you attacked me first.
But, if i was 40, i would simply try to disable you....i wouldn't actually try to damage you because it'd be wrong and sick.
I'm basically 20 years old (in 2 weeks), so think of it this way......if a 6 year old came up to me and started kicking my knees and punching my nuts....i wouldn't tear him apart, because it's wrong. A 20 year old vs a 6 year old?? Hmmm...i wonder who's gonna win. It's the same case with adults, probably all around 30 years old, versus this 13 year old kid.
If a 5 year old start hitting you, would you beat his ass to the ground? Seriously.....i doubt you would, or anyone else here would.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-09-17, 23:14
The Devil
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Originally posted by PST 88
No Jesus, No Beast!
Through me you pass into the city of woe
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To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-09-18, 00:25
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Originally posted by memnoch
You fail to see my point.
Yes, i would beat your ass....you're what, 15 years old? I wouldn't have a problem kicking your ass if you attacked me first.
But, if i was 40, i would simply try to disable you....i wouldn't actually try to damage you because it'd be wrong and sick.
I'm basically 20 years old (in 2 weeks), so think of it this way......if a 6 year old came up to me and started kicking my knees and punching my nuts....i wouldn't tear him apart, because it's wrong. A 20 year old vs a 6 year old?? Hmmm...i wonder who's gonna win. It's the same case with adults, probably all around 30 years old, versus this 13 year old kid.
If a 5 year old start hitting you, would you beat his ass to the ground? Seriously.....i doubt you would, or anyone else here would.
now cthulu dawn said that the police didnt do "anything" thereby meaning, nothing. as in no defence, no restraining etc...
and i'm 16
and i agree with you, i probably wouldnt want to hurt them, just maybe restrain them by forcing them to the ground, but the police didnt do "anything"

2002-09-18, 00:26
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actually cthulu dawn didnt say that "the police didnt do anything", i must have made that up. oh well

2002-09-18, 20:33
Supreme Metalhead
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You Pothead
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-09-19, 01:26
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by memnoch
If a 5 year old start hitting you, would you beat his ass to the ground? Seriously.....i doubt you would, or anyone else here would.
When I was 5, a 2-year-old fucking bit me that I pulled out of the street (fucking parents) so I punched him and pushed him back out in the road, does that count?
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-09-19, 02:31
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taht reminds me, there were 2 kids at the park, among others, one was4, one was 19. the 4 year old threw a stick. it hit the other kid, stuck into his arm and started to bleed. the little kid laughed.
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