Is it possible to get the title corrected on one of my archived tabs?
The tab is: "Take It All Away" by Girlschool. That is the correct title.
When I submitted the tab, I noticed the pulldown menu for the CD in question had the incorrect title for that song (it had it as "Take It All the Way"). So I bypassed the menu and typed in the correct title in the song title box, then submitted the tab.
When the tab was archived (about two days ago), the link to the tab had the wrong title ("Take It All the Way"). I didn't think that was a problem because the tab itself had the correct name at the top. But when I clicked on the tab, I discovered the title I had put on the tab itself had also been removed. So now the correct title isn't on the tab anywhere.
I'm guessing the banner title I had at the top of the tab was removed on the assumption that I had the title wrong (because my title didn't agree with the information on the site). So here's some confirmation that the song is in fact called "Take It All Away". (The single info is right at the top, and the full track listing for the
Demolition CD is about half way down the page.)
GS Discography
Could I get one of the following alterations made (either one would be fine):
a) correct the link to the tab to show the right title, or...
b) restore the title at the top of the tab as it was when it was submitted
Tab As Submitted
If one of those is possible to do (whichever one is easier, and whenever you have time), I'd appreciate it a lot.
I'm just thinking people probably aren't likely to trust the accuracy of the tab if they think I can't even get the title right.