2006-09-20, 20:19
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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California has reached a new low
Have you guys heard of this? The state of california is sueing car manufacturers for increasing global warming. This is probably the dumbest lawsuit i've ever heard in my entire life. So let me get this straight in order to reduce this "global warming" lets sue car companies in order to stop it? Wow, the must have absolustely lost their minds.
Instead of putting pressure on the government to increase regulations or even their own state goverments (which they already somewhat have) they decided the monetary option is the best one to take.
I think this goes right along the same lines of sueing mcdonalds because i'm fat now mentality.
Opinions on this?
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-09-20, 20:21
slack as fuck
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Opinion? I think they're fucking idiots.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-09-20, 20:22
Join Date: Apr 2004
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fuck at least somebodys doing something
what i mean by that is that SOMEBODY has acknowledged global warming inside the us
Last edited by Transient : 2006-09-20 at 20:36.

2006-09-20, 20:34
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I think its fucking funny.

2006-09-20, 20:38
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Usually when the state is the plaintiff, they win. Like the thing with Florida suing the ciggarette companies. But uhh, this one has no chance. Lol, LA already has a pretty bad smog problem but without cars, that city (nor any other major-ass city) would be nothing. If nothing else, you should blame the people who drive so much. Make them take the bus or something.
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-09-20, 20:41
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Originally Posted by Transient
fuck at least somebodys doing something
what i mean by that is that SOMEBODY has acknowledged global warming inside the us
Just because someone is doing something dosen't mean it is a good thing. I'd rather have my goverment use just a tad bit of imagination to solve this "problem". And lots of people have "acknowledged" the "problem".
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2006-09-20, 20:41
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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LA is a fucking hole...the godamn sky has that beautiful green tint.
This won't solve much...I wish believable solutions were being made.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-09-20, 21:11
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Darko
Just because someone is doing something dosen't mean it is a good thing. I'd rather have my goverment use just a tad bit of imagination to solve this "problem". And lots of people have "acknowledged" the "problem".
Thats basically what i was saying. I mean there are a zillions way of going around this other than telling some companies to pay for something they may have indirectly helped do. I'm not going to cause blame or even put too much of my opinion on "global warming" because this thread really isn't about that, moreover the rediculous type of thinking like this.
And bassbehemoth how much time have you spent in L.A.? 
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-09-20, 21:24
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The thing is that I'm pretty syre we're not even sure how much of an impact we are having on global warming (or how badly those companies mentioned have impacted climate change).
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Darko : 2006-09-20 at 21:28.

2006-09-20, 21:27
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Originally Posted by tmfreak
And bassbehemoth how much time have you spent in L.A.? 
Ouch, what do you think I am? A Farmer?
I've been there at least 4 times...I've been all over the States and to the Dominican several times, just nowhere else. Blow me. 
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-09-20, 21:28
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Darko
The thing is that we're not even sure how much of an impact we are having on global warming (or how badly those companies have impacted climate change).
Exactly. Their lawyers would have to essentially PROVE global warming and PROVE that the automakers are at some portion directly responsible. haha i didn't even think about that. Can we say biggest lawsuit ever? Why not go ahead and sue coal companies while we are at it, hell lets go ahead and sue a volcano considering one eruption puts more carbon into the atmosphere than anyone can possibly imagine.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-09-20, 21:46
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Where the grass is green, and the girls 69.
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Fuck that is stupid! lol my god.
Even if it were the car manufactorers' fault for global warming... What the fuck is sucking money out of them going to do?
The money bathing retards are going to have to stop turning a blind side to the fact we are killing the planet at some stage, perhaps instead of sueing, maybe a plan is in order?
My bands page ^
Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible 

2006-09-20, 21:50
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by tmfreak
I think this goes right along the same lines of sueing mcdonalds because i'm fat now mentality.
Mentality, yes. Legality, no.
McDonalds is a matter of personal choice - the product when used as intended hurts the consumer. Air pollution is a matter of environmental distress - the product don't hurt the consumer as much the environment (allegedly). Conversely, no McDonalds is easy to maintain in your life, but no car would fuck people up entirely.
What will probably happen is the companies being sued will get together, reach a 'settlement' which consists of them saying many fine words and giving away a small amount of money to the climate change institutes. The victory will be political rather than legal.
Fuck-all will change and skin cancer will still be California's most popular pasttime that isn't sodomy.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-09-20, 22:04
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Where the grass is green, and the girls 69.
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Owning a car and eating mc'donalds are both choices when it comes down to it though, yes you would have to make MAJOR changes to not have a car, when it would be a lot easier just to get one. Just like it is a lot easier to buy fast food than it is to cook something. It's a choice.
My bands page ^
Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible 

2006-09-20, 22:10
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
Originally Posted by OpethFan
Owning a car and eating mc'donalds are both choices when it comes down to it though, yes you would have to make MAJOR changes to not have a car, when it would be a lot easier just to get one. Just like it is a lot easier to buy fast food than it is to cook something. It's a choice.
We can't all live in villages like you.  You have to drive everywhere where I live. Nothing is really in a realistic walking distance. And while....yes, buying and driving a car is a "choice" its as much a choice as buying/renting a place to live at some point or another. Not living in some sort of sturdy structure is just not realistic, just as having a car is not realistic. Europe tries to help the problem better though, by having a better public transportation system. 'Tis just not like that in America.
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-09-20, 22:15
Join Date: Dec 2004
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california revolutionized sprawl-style city planning. you sleep in the bed you make.
its a dumb lawsuit to make automakers comply with a newly passed emission cutting law in California.
automakers have been dodging this and have been tying up actually complying with thier own lawsuits.
i agree its underhanded tactics, but both sides are being asses about it.
its hard to sympathize with the state of california, they planned all these monotonous, 8 lane highway,endless strip mall style towns and cities that like, YOU have to own a car to reasonably navigate. LA is the epitome of the "from air conditioned car to air conditioned job to air conditioned home" modern lifestyle.
edit: they should sue the air conditioner manufacturers while they are at it. i wonder how all these lawyers are getting to the courthouse to present this case.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......
Last edited by low-tech : 2006-09-20 at 22:18.

2006-09-21, 02:01
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
Sue volcanoes! Really, while they may not have a mind of their own, those things pump so much gas in the air that is harmful to the ozone layer, it's not even funny. Well.............maybe to yellow bald men. 
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-09-21, 02:03
I am a tax on the world..
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They're suing the wrong groupe of people, and sane is exactly right.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2006-09-21, 02:09
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People need scapegoats and other things just so they can feel better about themselves. Would you guys feel good if you had to blame yourself for your contribution to what is potentially the end of our world? No. but you guys have the maturity and understanding to accept blame..... plus we don't care
as someone said in this thread, it's like when fat people sued McDonolds. Or with the whole thing with Wal0mart and how wages there are apparently poor. Stop eating at McDonolds, and don't work at Wal-mart, right?
This is all Arnold's doing. I saw him on tv one time when I was flipping through the channels, and he was making all these statements about how he was going to "combat" the whole issue with global warming. I'm guessing that this deal with suing car manufacturers is his doing.
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2006-09-21, 02:13
Senior Metalhead
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Location: vancouver
Posts: 102
I agree with bassB. L.A. is kind of a dump. I lived there for 4 years. The sky is the colour of orange aid mixed with shit most of the time. As for cars being an option, thats not really possible. You need to take the freeway everywhere and the transit system sucks. I'll admit that I don't know the absolute best way to solve this problem but I'm guessing this isn't it. Maybe we should just cut california off and sink it out in the ocean. The ocean is already ruined in that area anyway from all the runoffs and oil rigs.

2006-09-21, 02:16
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Oh yeah, its election season!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2006-09-21, 02:17
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Originally Posted by Grimsweeper
I agree with bassB. L.A. is kind of a dump. I lived there for 4 years. The sky is the colour of orange aid mixed with shit most of the time. As for cars being an option, thats not really possible. You need to take the freeway everywhere and the transit system sucks. I'll admit that I don't know the absolute best way to solve this problem but I'm guessing this isn't it. Maybe we should just cut california off and sink it out in the ocean. The ocean is already ruined in that area anyway from all the runoffs and oil rigs.
According to my Geography professor, California will be pushed up into the west coast of canada in the distant future. Making all the beaches grimly cold and full of black metal in a few miliniea. 
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-09-21, 02:22
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Originally Posted by Blood Red Bass
According to my Geography professor, California will be pushed up into the west coast of canada in the distant future. Making all the beaches grimly cold and full of black metal in a few miliniea. 
How would that happen? And BC isn't very brutal, except for the North.
It's all about the East Coast bitches. John Cabot and shit, niggas.
i wonder what the earth was like before is was a total dump? 
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-09-21, 02:23
Senior Metalhead
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Location: vancouver
Posts: 102
Originally Posted by Blood Red Bass
According to my Geography professor, California will be pushed up into the west coast of canada in the distant future. Making all the beaches grimly cold and full of black metal in a few miliniea. 
I was ok with this until you mentioned the black metal haha 

2006-09-21, 02:28
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Fuck getting California in BC...it would have to go to Alberta, so all the mexicans will be employed.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-09-21, 02:51
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
People need scapegoats and other things just so they can feel better about themselves. Would you guys feel good if you had to blame yourself for your contribution to what is potentially the end of our world? No. but you guys have the maturity and understanding to accept blame..... plus we don't care
as someone said in this thread, it's like when fat people sued McDonolds. Or with the whole thing with Wal0mart and how wages there are apparently poor. Stop eating at McDonolds, and don't work at Wal-mart, right?
This is all Arnold's doing. I saw him on tv one time when I was flipping through the channels, and he was making all these statements about how he was going to "combat" the whole issue with global warming. I'm guessing that this deal with suing car manufacturers is his doing.
ACtually although you bring up some points the walmart issue is NOT like mcdonalds at all. I took that stance (don't work there) for a little bit of time but i'm a pretty sped up on Wal-Mart person. I've watched dozens of documentaries, endless research, wrote multiple songs, and written a couple of massive papers on this idiot company. Unfortunately areas dont' have a CHOICE to work at Wal-Mart. If its not them then its somebody else and the cycle continues. This isn't about Wal-Mart so i'll keep my tangent short... hah
Yeah continuing on what was said, America is nothing like Europe. California and some other places are a perfect example of... Americans need to spread out and enjoy long roads and country sides. This isn't a bad thing (in my opinion), but its just compltely different. Even down to the design of american motorcycles is this present. (watched a thing on it haha) I think there are (in my opinion) a zillion other things countries, and states and what not globally could to do stop the effects if any real ones by human kind other than dealing with bullshit automobile problems. There are alot bigger producers of carbon waste than automobiles. But like what was said you need a scrape goat. Blaming suvs seems to be the cool thing to do. To be honest i think alot of it is straight bullshit.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-09-21, 03:09
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
How would that happen? And BC isn't very brutal, except for the North.
It's all about the East Coast bitches. John Cabot and shit, niggas.
i wonder what the earth was like before is was a total dump? 
I can find out in further detail by tomorrow, cause that is when I have his class. So don't think I'm just bullshitting in order to further my post count.
Anyway, that class is getting more interesting every time I attend it. According to a video he showed us, the material that makes up the moon came from the earth after a giant comet pwned the earth and snet a huge amount of dust and rock out of the atmosphere. No big deal, everyone knew that right? But the material that formed the earth, according to the video, took the spherical shape that we recognize the moon having, in just 24 hours.
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.
Last edited by Blood Red Bass : 2006-09-21 at 03:14.

2006-09-21, 13:26
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
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Doesnt surprise me, have a look at the demographics of the majority of the electorate, before an election, it will do them wonders.

2006-09-21, 13:59
Join Date: Dec 2004
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arnold was one of the first private owners of an actual military hummer.
SUVs do eat alot of gas. well, so does my cargo van. but at least i only drive the thing when im going out of town or for a show.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2006-09-21, 15:10
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
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Originally Posted by tmfreak
Instead of putting pressure on the government to increase regulations or even their own state goverments (which they already somewhat have) they decided the monetary option is the best one to take.
exactly! thats why the shouldn't be able to sue them anyway. the govt sets regulations for them (which these companies have met) and so if the state of ca wants to sue someone...they should try going up against the federal govt. damn hippies 

2006-09-21, 19:18
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
HA! I know the answer now to why california will eventually be moved to the western part of canada. Most of the north amierica is on a tectonic plate that is moving west. California, however, belongs to a different plate that is moving north. California is heading upwards on its own but will be pushed even more westward by the north american plate. So the end result is california being pushed northwest, slamming into canada, and giving all teh blonde-haired, blue eyed people of california a good reason to stay inside.
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.
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