2006-10-31, 21:24
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Lorain, Ohio
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by k13m
is that the marilyn manson song???
"God damn your righteous hand!"
Yes, it's a Marilyn Manson song. I've read the written tabs, but I'm having problems with the timing and that's why I would like to have the power tab.
I once knew a girl by the name of Coma White. She was driven by a strict diet of caffine, nicotine and cocaine. She was destroying herself and didn't even know it. The worst part, she didn't even care. As long as her face was on ever magazine cover and she kept getting the seven digit checks, she was fine. She died yesterday, cold and alone. I watched as her body laid there stiff and emotionless and I couldn't tell the difference.