2006-10-29, 01:07
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Man, I hate cops
So I was woken up today around 10:00 AM (very early for me) by the cops banging on my door. Finally after 15 minutes I answered the door (first mistake) and they questioned me on what I had been smoking. In panick, I told them it was salvia (second mistake) and they wanted to see it, so I went to get my bottle, and they followed me into my house without even asking if they could come in, this is while they knew my parents were out of town, and I was too shook to tell them to get out (3rd). They proceeded to find all my bongs and pipes, and 2 blunts i was dreaming of smoking for days. Man Im bummed. Fuckin pigs. Anyways, after having my rights violated they gave me a ticket and left. Afterwards I thought of how bad I fucked everything up. I could have at least hid all my shit SHIT SHIT SHIT  sorry blood pleasure went up, anyways I could have hid my shittt and saved a couple hundred.
To make things worse, I was harrased undefinitetly. I heard the words "I dont give a fuck" like some power-egomaniacs from both the old man and young girl (hot but bitchy) and the dude told me "You may act like a good kid, but I think your gonna stay right where you are." Man, who gets off from being so fucking negative and fucking up everyone elses day?
Does anyone have any legal advice, or know what I can do (in Oregon). I want to sue them and demand my shit back, but I doubt thats possible. Im not even admitting the shits mine.
( ( ) )

2006-10-29, 01:08
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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fuck you cops protect us every day you fucking hippy
i wish they fucked with you more than they did

2006-10-29, 01:14
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 1,863
you fucked up........they'll most likely just hit you with a ton of fines and shit.
is salvia illegal? that stuff is still legal where i am.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,aint nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2006-10-29, 01:15
Wasted Custom User title
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when there is a clear violation of his rights, then it is acceptable to say fuck the police.
did they even have a warrant? what motive did they have knocking on your door in the first place?
This is my signature.

2006-10-29, 01:07
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They must of had one to go in, not unless he invited them in.

2006-10-29, 01:45
Life is pain.
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Get a job and grow some fucking brains you loser cunt.

2006-10-29, 01:52
Noob lud
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Originally Posted by Requiem
They must of had one to go in, not unless he invited them in.
"so I went to get my bottle, and they followed me into my house without even asking if they could come in"
Yeah it looks like you pretty much fucked yourself with this one.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-10-29, 01:54
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by The Execrator
"so I went to get my bottle, and they followed me into my house without even asking if they could come in"
Yeah it looks like you pretty much fucked yourself with this one.
They cant do that.

2006-10-29, 01:55
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by Requiem
They cant do that.
which is justins point. now all that needs to be done is for dystopia to use his time machine and say HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING instead of COME IN SIRS

2006-10-29, 02:10
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by DeathCS
when there is a clear violation of his rights, then it is acceptable to say fuck the police.
did they even have a warrant? what motive did they have knocking on your door in the first place?
Finally, someone who understands what having your rights violated by the man feels like.
No, they invited themselves in. I went to get the salvia (legal) even though I didn't have any, and they came in and searched my room. There is no way they could get a warrent. They said it was over a complaint that someone was smokin, but now I see the police just outsmarted me the whole day, which sucks because cops are idiots! I could NOT BELIEVE the shit these crooked ass cops pulled on me.
And Transient, NO they don't, my family and friends and our guns are more than enough protection for me.
( ( ) )

2006-10-29, 02:19
Noob lud
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Location: Upstate New Yaawwk
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Originally Posted by Dystopia
No, they invited themselves in. I went to get the salvia (legal) even though I didn't have any, and they came in and searched my room. There is no way they could get a warrent. They said it was over a complaint that someone was smokin, but now I see the police just outsmarted me the whole day, which sucks because cops are idiots! I could NOT BELIEVE the shit these crooked ass cops pulled on me.
If you consider them idiots then what the fuck do you consider yourself? They definitly violated your rights, no question about that. How? Because they are smart. I'm sure anything you try to get them on they can get you back even worse. If they can outsmart you to get into your house and take your shit, they can definitly fuck you even harder....and deeper...
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-10-29, 02:22
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 4,510
This thread is fucking gay. Stop making threads about how much you smoke and how much of a gay lord you are. It's like people that brag about how much they drink.

2006-10-29, 02:27
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Posts: 1,199
Originally Posted by The Execrator
If you consider them idiots then what the fuck do you consider yourself? They definitly violated your rights, no question about that. How? Because they are smart. I'm sure anything you try to get them on they can get you back even worse. If they can outsmart you to get into your house and take your shit, they can definitly fuck you even harder....and deeper...
I must say, The Execrator has an excellent point.

2006-10-29, 02:35
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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Originally Posted by Dystopia
Finally, someone who understands what having your rights violated by the man feels like.
No, they invited themselves in. I went to get the salvia (legal) even though I didn't have any, and they came in and searched my room. There is no way they could get a warrent. They said it was over a complaint that someone was smokin, but now I see the police just outsmarted me the whole day, which sucks because cops are idiots! I could NOT BELIEVE the shit these crooked ass cops pulled on me.
And Transient, NO they don't, my family and friends and our guns are more than enough protection for me.
holy shit youre fucking dumb

2006-10-29, 02:36
Join Date: Dec 2005
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I just have to say you're a freakin dumbshit
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.
Youve made me cry
Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.
RIP this guy

2006-10-29, 02:42
Noob lud
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Upstate New Yaawwk
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Originally Posted by Infinity
This thread is fucking gay. Stop making threads about how much you smoke and how much of a gay lord you are. It's like people that brag about how much they drink.
There is no need to address your point twice
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-10-29, 02:59
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Sounds to me like you gave them and invite man, you need to study a little law. However, i know how it feels to run into some un-cool cops ill make a longer post later.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-29, 03:05
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Location: Yggdrassyl
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uhm.. I don't rea;y understand the whole story, as only a fraction (I guess) is posted, but yes, what motivation do those cops have to knock on your door? They can't just do a random search,. so what is their reason?
Also. I'm not an U.S. citizen, so I wouldn't know for sure, but I thought Saliva something something wasn't illegal in the U.S.?
And uhm, they can't search your room unless you invited them, and legaly speaking, if you can't prove you didn't object tot them searching your room, that could count as inviting.. well, that is kinda how the dutch legal system would work, altough the u.s systewm lets you be fucked more.
Annyway.. GET A FUCKING LAWYER ..seriously.
p.s. typing is difficult if you are as wasted as I am now.. you have to hit backspace after every 3 letters.. I spend 20 minutes typing this out 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2006-10-29, 03:09
Noob lud
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Location: Upstate New Yaawwk
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-10-29, 03:26
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
uhm.. I don't rea;y understand the whole story, as only a fraction (I guess) is posted, but yes, what motivation do those cops have to knock on your door? They can't just do a random search,. so what is their reason?
Also. I'm not an U.S. citizen, so I wouldn't know for sure, but I thought Saliva something something wasn't illegal in the U.S.?
And uhm, they can't search your room unless you invited them, and legaly speaking, if you can't prove you didn't object tot them searching your room, that could count as inviting.. well, that is kinda how the dutch legal system would work, altough the u.s systewm lets you be fucked more.
Annyway.. GET A FUCKING LAWYER ..seriously.
p.s. typing is difficult if you are as wasted as I am now.. you have to hit backspace after every 3 letters.. I spend 20 minutes typing this out 
Yea i mean dude they had some reason to know you were smoking out. Cops dont randomly knock on people's doors and go "Hey what you smokin". As for pressing charges fuck that. Dude you got off, dont follow it up. I mean i dont know how old you are and shit so....if you're under 17 you could press charges, if you are over 17 ignorance is not an excuse if you dont know the law and thats what you will be told in court. You should know by then you can tell them to get the fuck off your property(If they dont have a warrant,which want take them less than 5 minutes to get most of the time). Sorry for typos i too am pretty drunk at this momment.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2006-10-29 at 03:30.

2006-10-29, 03:26
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
uhm.. I don't rea;y understand the whole story, as only a fraction (I guess) is posted, but yes, what motivation do those cops have to knock on your door? They can't just do a random search,. so what is their reason?
Also. I'm not an U.S. citizen, so I wouldn't know for sure, but I thought Saliva something something wasn't illegal in the U.S.?
And uhm, they can't search your room unless you invited them, and legaly speaking, if you can't prove you didn't object tot them searching your room, that could count as inviting.. well, that is kinda how the dutch legal system would work, altough the u.s systewm lets you be fucked more.
Annyway.. GET A FUCKING LAWYER ..seriously.
p.s. typing is difficult if you are as wasted as I am now.. you have to hit backspace after every 3 letters.. I spend 20 minutes typing this out 
yeah i prfer typos thery funnier 
( ( ) )

2006-10-29, 03:56
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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You shouldn't be a pothead then..it's illegalz.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-10-29, 04:05
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You shouldn't be a pothead then..it's illegalz.
un;ess you live in holland. then you are not elligibale for peanlty, only just a sad person
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2006-10-29, 04:14
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-10-29, 04:22
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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This is a pretty stupid thread. Just because you have some almost groundless single incidence against police you hate cops? Seriously grow up and realize cops do WAY ... WAY more good than harm. And to stereotype / generalize all cops basedo ff this one incidence is for me to say i hate black people because they might have commited a crime i didn't like before.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-10-29, 04:47
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
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Originally Posted by The Execrator
If you consider them idiots then what the fuck do you consider yourself? They definitly violated your rights, no question about that. How? Because they are smart. I'm sure anything you try to get them on they can get you back even worse. If they can outsmart you to get into your house and take your shit, they can definitly fuck you even harder....and deeper...
if you've never been in a situation like this its hard to understand. most cops will make you feel like you're committing a crime you didn't commit, accuse you of stuff and take advantage of you. obviously these particular cops were taking advantage of him, ignoring his rights and getting him into trouble he shouldn't be in.
in the future, just ask if they have a warrant. if they don't, state that you do not consent to a warrantless search.
This is my signature.

2006-10-29, 05:06
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Pr0az
Yea i mean dude they had some reason to know you were smoking out. Cops dont randomly knock on people's doors and go "Hey what you smokin".
Im 98% sure someone ratted me out, that or my neighbors but I highly doubt the latter. Thing is I was under a lot of pressure cuz i was so freaked out I really had no idea what to expect i didnt think they were after me for pot when i saw them through glass window door. i just decided to be honest (somewhat) like i always do and get get the whole thing over with, because i panicked. i will never make THAT mistake again (this makes 4 mistakes).
( ( ) )

2006-10-29, 05:17
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Portugal
Posts: 1,234
holy shit, you hate cops just because they found your stash? are you some sort of mentally challenged monkey?
if i were the cops, i would've burned the stash right infront of you, shot you the leg for good measure and pat you in the back afterwards, whispering at your ear: "make sure you behave, motherfucker."

2006-10-29, 05:40
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by Dystopia
Im 98% sure someone ratted me out, that or my neighbors but I highly doubt the latter. Thing is I was under a lot of pressure cuz i was so freaked out I really had no idea what to expect i didnt think they were after me for pot when i saw them through glass window door. i just decided to be honest (somewhat) like i always do and get get the whole thing over with, because i panicked. i will never make THAT mistake again (this makes 4 mistakes).
Sounds to me you need to find a new place to smoke and a new dealer.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-29, 05:42
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Massachusetts
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Originally Posted by Dystopia
Thing is I was under a lot of pressure cuz i was so freaked out I really had no idea what to expect i didnt think they were after me for pot when i saw them through glass window door.
I know what you mean. You were caught off guard, it's that simple. You were woken up earlier than usual and then had to talk to a pair of cops who most likely had an intimidating dimeanor, regardless of whether or not you had anything to hide.
Originally Posted by Dystopia
i just decided to be honest (somewhat) like i always do and get get the whole thing over with, because i panicked. i will never make THAT mistake again (this makes 4 mistakes).
Let's look at it this way: You can't be honest to the law if you're a regular breaker of which (a pot-smoker). I mean, if you're gonna break the law, for whatever reason, then it's your responsibility to learn the law and how to avoid it. Get what I'm saying?
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.

2006-10-29, 05:45
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 800
Originally Posted by tmfreak
This is a pretty stupid thread. Just because you have some almost groundless single incidence against police you hate cops? Seriously grow up and realize cops do WAY ... WAY more good than harm. And to stereotype / generalize all cops basedo ff this one incidence is for me to say i hate black people because they might have commited a crime i didn't like before.
Exactly. It's so stupid when people just toss out a mindless generalization and don't even think twice about it. Although I think that when he initially said cops are idiots, he wasn't fully serious, it's still a stupid thing to say, especially in a forum.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.

2006-10-29, 06:35
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Pr0az
Sounds to me you need to find a new place to smoke and a new dealer.
( ( ) )

2006-10-29, 06:43
Muffin Ass
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Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by Dystopia
So I was woken up today around 10:00 AM (very early for me) by the cops banging on my door. Finally after 15 minutes I answered the door (first mistake) and they questioned me on what I had been smoking. In panick, I told them it was salvia (second mistake) and they wanted to see it, so I went to get my bottle, and they followed me into my house without even asking if they could come in, this is while they knew my parents were out of town, and I was too shook to tell them to get out (3rd). They proceeded to find all my bongs and pipes, and 2 blunts i was dreaming of smoking for days. Man Im bummed. Fuckin pigs. Anyways, after having my rights violated they gave me a ticket and left. Afterwards I thought of how bad I fucked everything up. I could have at least hid all my shit SHIT SHIT SHIT  sorry blood pleasure went up, anyways I could have hid my shittt and saved a couple hundred.
To make things worse, I was harrased undefinitetly. I heard the words "I dont give a fuck" like some power-egomaniacs from both the old man and young girl (hot but bitchy) and the dude told me "You may act like a good kid, but I think your gonna stay right where you are." Man, who gets off from being so fucking negative and fucking up everyone elses day?
Does anyone have any legal advice, or know what I can do (in Oregon). I want to sue them and demand my shit back, but I doubt thats possible. Im not even admitting the shits mine.
Is your middle name "Dumbass"?
Did the idea of saying NO to all of their questions ever cross your mind?
Do you really think you're going to get your shit back?
Someone shoot this tard and put him out of our misery.

2006-10-29, 06:45
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Bia
Is your middle name "Dumbass"?
Did the idea of saying NO to all of their questions ever cross your mind?
Do you really think you're going to get your shit back?
Someone shoot this tard and put him out of our misery.
( ( ) )

2006-10-29, 06:50
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by Dystopia
Please huh?
Damn straight....time you learned some manners EMO BOY

2006-10-29, 06:57
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2006-10-29, 07:34
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Originally Posted by Dystopia
... our guns are more than enough protection for me.
Only in America. 

2006-10-29, 07:42
Forum Daemon
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Your rights weren't violated. Once you answered their question in the manner you did, you gave them a reason to search your spot as a continuation of their visit. It's similar to when a cop will search a car on a routine traffic stop if the person gives them a reason to believe there's something illegal to be found. It's a rule that only applies to situations like these, to make what a cop on the scene following his instincts can find admissable, but it certainly does apply.
Now, if you'd denied smoking anything questionable and didn't go back to find your salvia, and they'd entered anyway without permission or a warrant, it would be a different story. But you fucked up, so the story is 'dumb stoner loses battle of wits to cops, tells internet.'
Cops are members of the best gang and often act like it. Of course people will hate them for it.

2006-10-29, 07:59
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Seriously though, go away.

2006-10-29, 11:36
You gamma-minus fucktards
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far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-10-29, 12:28
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You shouldn't be a pothead then..it's illegalz.
Yeah, if they came in looking for some Xbox games, that would be ridiculous, but getting caught is a risk you know you are taking when you do something illegal.
And all you pot smokers claim it doesn't affect your reasoning. " I wasn't smoking x, I was smoking y" is not a good way out. I hope we get more storeis posted of people who can reason well enough to figure their way out of situations like this. 
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-10-29, 14:06
Noob lud
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Originally Posted by DeathCS
if you've never been in a situation like this its hard to understand. most cops will make you feel like you're committing a crime you didn't commit, accuse you of stuff and take advantage of you. obviously these particular cops were taking advantage of him, ignoring his rights and getting him into trouble he shouldn't be in.
in the future, just ask if they have a warrant. if they don't, state that you do not consent to a warrantless search.
I completely understand his situation. I have a few friends who have went through this shit. I'm just giving my advice.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-10-29, 17:36
slack as fuck
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Location: Goddamn maritimes..
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Originally Posted by Transient
fuck you cops protect us every day you fucking hippy
i wish they fucked with you more than they did
what the fuck was that for?
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-10-29, 19:26
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Dystopia
and they followed me into my house without even asking if they could come in
should have closed your door. the end.

2006-10-29, 19:44
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by newHELLonEARTH
what the fuck was that for?
first of all this whole thread reeks of masked bragging/reaching out for support from his pothead "homies"
second of all he DID have illegal shit on him, so i find his acting innocent fucking stupid.
third of all, as PST said, cops CAN search if you give them reason. its the same thing with putting your 40 in a brown bag, that only works to a certain extent
fourth and most importantly, its fucking absurd for him to say 'fuck police' when cops are out there daily putting up with all kinds of shit, at BEST aggravating and demeaning and at worst lethal. for him to say "fuck cops" because HE got caught doing possessing something ILLEGAL because of HIS own stupidity. that is the ultimate in shooting the messenger, and then condemning the post office as a whole.

2006-10-29, 19:55
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by Transient
first of all this whole thread reeks of masked bragging/reaching out for support from his pothead "homies"
second of all he DID have illegal shit on him, so i find his acting innocent fucking stupid.
third of all, as PST said, cops CAN search if you give them reason. its the same thing with putting your 40 in a brown bag, that only works to a certain extent
fourth and most importantly, its fucking absurd for him to say 'fuck police' when cops are out there daily putting up with all kinds of shit, at BEST aggravating and demeaning and at worst lethal. for him to say "fuck cops" because HE got caught doing possessing something ILLEGAL because of HIS own stupidity. that is the ultimate in shooting the messenger, and then condemning the post office as a whole.
Exactly on all points...
I am a potsmoker but certainly not any morons "homey" that's going to dish out sympathy for stupidity.
PST hit the nail on the head 100% and reinforced my original point in this thread....
if he had simply answered NO to all questions.... this gayass thread wouldnt be here now.
EDIT to add...
By admitting to the police he did indeed have weed... the police had NO CHOICE but to follow him inside to retrieve it. Cops in general are not stupid....they know it's unlikely...but possible the douche could return with a shotgun and start popping off rounds. They work too hard to risk some assclown killing them for simply doing a tough job protecting and serving society.
COPS are just like any other group including Metalheads....
Most are cool and decent people and of course there's always the idiot in the crowd that smudges the reputation of the majority.
Last edited by Bia : 2006-10-29 at 19:59.

2006-10-29, 20:44
Throbbing Member
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You know whats awesome? If they weren't cops and just some random guys scamming you out of your weed they know you have.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2006-10-29, 20:49
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
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Cops cannot come into ur house without a warrant.
IF they do enter they must get your approval or the approval of the home owner.
You can go to the local police station and talk to the sergeants or the chief and explain that it was an illegal search and seisure.
REMEMBER! Cops are only allowed to enter if there is a possibility a heinous crime is involved like a murder, robbery, rape or a kidnapping. So tell the authorities that they did conduct themselves under law enforcement personell policies.
But since weed is involved, I doubt they will ever give u drug smoking tools and stuff back to u.
I suck at guitar.

2006-10-29, 20:51
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Behind you! Boo!
Posts: 878
I bet those 'crooked' cops have either sold your stash or smoked it themselves, hey I've seen Bad Lieutenant!
Heavy usage of the herb for extended periods increases an individuals chances of developing schizophrenia by four fold! So when you are in the throws of delusional psychosis I look forward to reading your posts as theyll be far more entertaining, more thought out and more reality based than the ones you post now!

2006-10-29, 21:00
Forum Daemon
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Those of you claiming rights were violated: Look up 'exigent circumstances.' Cops can come into your house without a warrant or an invitation, under certain circumstances. Believing that they can't will get you into stupid shit like this cunt. The only thing worse than not knowing the law in these kinds of situations is believing you do because you've seen some TV cop shows; you're better off ignorant than falsely confident.

2006-10-29, 21:10
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Transient
first of all this whole thread reeks of masked bragging/reaching out for support from his pothead "homies"
second of all he DID have illegal shit on him, so i find his acting innocent fucking stupid.
third of all, as PST said, cops CAN search if you give them reason. its the same thing with putting your 40 in a brown bag, that only works to a certain extent
fourth and most importantly, its fucking absurd for him to say 'fuck police' when cops are out there daily putting up with all kinds of shit, at BEST aggravating and demeaning and at worst lethal. for him to say "fuck cops" because HE got caught doing possessing something ILLEGAL because of HIS own stupidity. that is the ultimate in shooting the messenger, and then condemning the post office as a whole.
+ fucking 1
If you do illegal shit knowing the concequences you can't bitch about the concequences. If you're willing to run the numbers game of not getting caught then thats totally up to you, its the same with doing anything illegal, such as speeding.
I'm not saying you have to be ready to EXPECT concequences to happen from doing something illegal, you just can't bitch about it when they happen.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-10-29, 21:21
Forum Daemon
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Posts: 4,982
Yeah, I'm a firm believer that, if you go into something knowing the potential consequences, it's no tragedy when the consequences pop out. It sucks, sure, but it's something you signed up for when you decided to keep drugs in the house.
One question I have to ask, though, is who the hell pre-rolls blunts days ahead of time? That was the weirdest thing about the whole story for me.

2006-10-29, 21:27
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Originally Posted by PST 88
One question I have to ask, though, is who the hell pre-rolls blunts days ahead of time? That was the weirdest thing about the whole story for me.
Maybe the kind of people that have camo papers and a magic mushroom lighter? 
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-10-29, 21:29
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by PST 88
Those of you claiming rights were violated: Look up 'exigent circumstances.' Cops can come into your house without a warrant or an invitation, under certain circumstances. Believing that they can't will get you into stupid shit like this cunt. The only thing worse than not knowing the law in these kinds of situations is believing you do because you've seen some TV cop shows; you're better off ignorant than falsely confident.
You need to read a little on 'extigent circumstances'. So Here. Thats not gonna be used on some kid smoking marijane in his room. Its gonna be used on a drug lord or a murderer. But his rights were not violated however he invited them in. But without that consent they could not have barged in on him. I mean it could take them less than 5 minutes to get a warrant but you can do alot of things in 5 minutes. Also due to his age he could plead ignorance to the law because his like 15 or somethen. But if parents were not told and they didt do anything to him i would leave it the fuck alone.
I agree with your ignorant part too. I saw a guy one day smoking weed in his drive way right by the road. I told him he needed to go inside with that shit. His reply, "o man they cant do anything im in my yard". Fucking pathetic.
Originally Posted by PST 88
Yeah, I'm a firm believer that, if you go into something knowing the potential consequences, it's no tragedy when the consequences pop out. It sucks, sure, but it's something you signed up for when you decided to keep drugs in the house.
One question I have to ask, though, is who the hell pre-rolls blunts days ahead of time? That was the weirdest thing about the whole story for me.
^ i agree with that post 100%.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2006-10-29 at 21:34.

2006-10-29, 21:38
Muffin Ass
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Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by Pr0az
But without that consent they could not have barged in on him.
Absolutely incorrect. He opened the door and went to retrieve an illegal substance after admitting he had it. They are BOUND to follow him in.
Originally Posted by Bones98
Cops cannot come into ur house without a warrant.
IF they do enter they must get your approval or the approval of the home owner.
You can go to the local police station and talk to the sergeants or the chief and explain that it was an illegal search and seisure.
REMEMBER! Cops are only allowed to enter if there is a possibility a heinous crime is involved like a murder, robbery, rape or a kidnapping.
Again... 100% incorrect.
He admitted he had weed and went to get it......they are then by law allowed to follow him to get it. He could have come back blasting a shotgun and COPS and the law know this...
You morons watch too much TV and listen to too many pseudo lawyer wannabes

2006-10-29, 21:40
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
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Originally Posted by Pr0az
You need to read a little on 'extigent circumstances'. So Here. Thats not gonna be used on some kid smoking marijane in his room. Its gonna be used on a drug lord or a murderer. But his rights were not violated however he invited them in. But without that consent they could not have barged in on him. I mean it could take them less than 5 minutes to get a warrant but you can do alot of things in 5 minutes. Also due to his age he could plead ignorance to the law because his like 15 or somethen. But if parents were not told and they didt do anything to him i would leave it the fuck alone.
I agree with your ignorant part too. I saw a guy one day smoking weed in his drive way right by the road. I told him he needed to go inside with that shit. His reply, "o man they cant do anything im in my yard". Fucking pathetic.
^ i agree with that post 100%.
For the furnace of hell, please tell me you were joking about that bolded part...
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-10-29, 21:42
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Nope...he could for them entering his house. If they had pressed charges against him, that could definately have been his defense.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2006-10-29 at 21:47.

2006-10-29, 21:46
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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damn nevermind

2006-10-29, 21:47
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Originally Posted by Bia
Absolutely incorrect. He opened the door and went to retrieve an illegal substance after admitting he had it. They are BOUND to follow him in.
Dude read over my post a little better.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-29, 21:47
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
I don't really care about a particular scenario, but I have never ever heard or read of ignorance of a law beign used as an excuse in a court of law. If that was the case, every kid under 18 would use that defense all the time.
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-10-29, 21:50
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by Blood Red Bass
I don't really care about a particular scenario, but I have never ever heard or read of ignorance of a law beign used as an excuse in a court of law. If that was the case, every kid under 18 would use that defense all the time.
Blood...just for entering the house and thats it.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-29, 22:16
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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I only read most of the first page here, but from the sounds of it it sounds like they might not have been real cops. I think I'd be seeing who filed the complaint against you. If they'll disclose that information to you.
Too much of that sounds fishy.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-10-29, 22:21
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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doesnt anyone else get pissed at the thought of that little shithead getting away with breaking the law by means of a technicality? not to mention that HE wasnt even aware to the full extent of the technicality, so he wormed his way to the internet where he hoped someone could help defend him despite his lack of innocence

2006-10-29, 22:56
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by Transient
doesnt anyone else get pissed at the thought of that little shithead getting away with breaking the law by means of a technicality? not to mention that HE wasnt even aware to the full extent of the technicality, so he wormed his way to the internet where he hoped someone could help defend him despite his lack of innocence
Not really. We all hope if we get caught doing something illegal we will get away with it by technicality.
As for the last part, enough has been said about that above.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-29, 23:07
Forum Daemon
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From your link:
'When police have a reasonable and sincere fear that ... contraband might be destroyed, this usually constitutes sufficient exigency to justify a simultaneous, no-refusal entry.' (I ellided the part that didn't appear in other definitions I've encountered, mostly in my parents' law library; I don't believe the 'jeopardy' aspect is as necessary as the site makes it out to be)
They can easily claim that dude was acting in such a way (because he was obviously freaked out) that he appeared intent on destroying evidence under the pretext of finding the salvia, leaving the cops at the door. The fact that he only had some pot and paraphernalia is irrelevant, since there's no telling what else he could have been smoking.
As for ignorance, it's always been policy that ignorantia juris non excusat, unless there's some way in which it would be impossible for him to know the law. With something like this, that claim won't hold up.
I'm not pissed off at the idea of somebody getting off on a technicality. They're there to protect the genuinely innocent and to stop the genuinely evil-minded cops. It's as dumb to think that cops are always good as to think that they all suck; most of them are willing to cut corners on hunches and fuck up good cases through bad work, and many are willing to arrest somebody for no good reason.

2006-10-29, 23:26
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Thats actually somewhat of an intresting point you bring up pst which is similar to this stuff in my philosophy class. Basically one should only be held accountable for actions within their scope of control. And obviously if for some reason the person was unable to be able to learn the law that he lives by then it would make only logical and reasonable sense that he shouldn't be subjected to the law which is intended for people who are completely and mentally capable of making decisions. And since hes obviously the latter it wouldn't make any logical sense of not knowing the law and letting him get away with it. Sure he could use that as his defense all day every single day, but that doesn't mean it will hold solid what so ever in a court of law.
Edit: Although i generally don't agree with too much of what BIA has to say. i will definately agree with her on the part of too much watching tv. Its almost everybody nowadays has become experts in every single field, based solely on a few tv shows they watch, documentaries and or a few internet articles. What can not be denied is that even if stupid people sue for stupid reasons, or attempt to get away from concequences from doing stupid things, they will ultimately be defeated because not just me or you can see the ridiculousness that is, these stupid arguments
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...
Last edited by tmfreak : 2006-10-29 at 23:31.

2006-10-29, 23:29
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by tmfreak
Thats actually somewhat of an intresting point you bring up pst which is similar to this stuff in my philosophy class. Basically one should only be held accountable for actions within their scope of control. And obviously if for some reason the person was unable to be able to learn the law that he lives by then it would make only logical and reasonable sense that he shouldn't be subjected to the law which is intended for people who are completely and mentally capable of making decisions. And since hes obviously the latter it wouldn't make any logical sense of not knowing the law and letting him get away with it. Sure he could use that as his defense all day every single day, but that doesn't mean it will hold solid what so ever in a court of law.
It would hold up due to his age. But again the fucker admitted to much at the door.
If your an adult however ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
American court systems are funny.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-29, 23:33
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Pr0az
It would hold up due to his age. But again the fucker admitted to much at the door.
If your an adult however ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
American court systems are funny.
Apparently those of 15-18 years of age are incapable of being held up to the law because of their age.
Last time i checked a child of 13 or 14 or 15 years of age that commits a murder, is still tried for him having known better.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-10-29, 23:47
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
.....hard to explain i guess. Dude they basically trapped that kid and he basically trapped his self.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2006-10-29 at 23:49.

2006-10-29, 23:53
Forum Daemon
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Ignorance isn't automatically a defence if you're under 18 (I don't see where you got 15 as his age, by the way). If you're demonstrably capable of understanding the law, you're held accountable to it. That is how I've always read it.
I've also never read anything that claims that 'ignorance of the law' is something that magically applies when you turn 18, though I haven't read everything. I do know that a minor is held accountable to a curfew despite being ignorant of it. I know that a dumb minor whose friends convince him pot is legal will still get into shit for possessing it. I know that a minor who, through his ignorance, lets in cops called to deal with a noise complaint about the party he's thrown while his parents are out of town will still have to deal with the consequences if they find anything illegal there. I can't seem to find anything that says that ignorance of the law doesn't apply to minors. So I'm sceptical about this claim.
They didn't trap Dystopia. They put him in a situation where they could rely on him to trap himself through his own stupidity and worry.

2006-10-30, 00:02
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Behind you! Boo!
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Get him to plead insanity!  If he's wet enough behind the ears to think he'll get his drug paraphernalia back from the fuzz, he's likely to pull that off!!
A friend of mine flushed his girlfriend's head down the toilet.........he pleaded in-sanitary! Ho ho boom boom! *dumm char*(crash from house band)
I wonder if he got busted because Foxguitar spotted his 'weed smoking thread' I mean didn't he 'claim' to be a copper or was it a survivalist nutter?
Last edited by Dahmers Fridge : 2006-10-30 at 00:04.

2006-10-30, 00:05
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by Pr0az
Dude read over my post a little better.
Apologies...I stand corrected.
And yeah.... I'm not a dude.

2006-10-30, 00:06
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
I'm in law class's now, so I've read about a lot of judgments. Some are along the lines of this. As ever one knows courts follow precedents when deciding a case(if one was like it before).Ive read a ruling about some guy getting his case thrown out of court in a different situation but dealing with the same matter. So they would follow stare decisis, in which case he would get off. Thats all I'm going by I'm not a lawyer or anything so hey who knows. Laws funky in the U.S. anyway.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-30, 00:08
Forum Daemon
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What case and in what state? What was the situation?

2006-10-30, 00:20
Supreme Metalhead
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Tell them to Read Between The Lines! 

2006-10-30, 00:23
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Check out New York Vs. Burger.
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-30, 00:37
Forum Daemon
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That precedent won't be relevant, since the statute the police followed in New York vs. Burger was deemed to violate the Fourth Ammendment. That is, the rule invoked to allow the cops to search without warrant or permission was determined to be unconstitutional, which won't be the case with the rule these cops will invoke.
A case for Dystopia (and I'm somewhat doubting that he'll have to go to court at all) would have to focus on demonstrating that the cops didn't have reason to believe he was going to destroy the evidence of the complaint they'd come to investigate, which is tricky.

2006-10-30, 00:47
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
All in all i think he got what he deserved. I can see your points PST, we both have decent arguments. This is a truly debatable subject. This can all lead back to the blind suing target . 
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2006-10-30 at 00:53.

2006-10-30, 01:18
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Transient
first of all this whole thread reeks of masked bragging/reaching out for support from his pothead "homies"
second of all he DID have illegal shit on him, so i find his acting innocent fucking stupid.
third of all, as PST said, cops CAN search if you give them reason. its the same thing with putting your 40 in a brown bag, that only works to a certain extent
fourth and most importantly, its fucking absurd for him to say 'fuck police' when cops are out there daily putting up with all kinds of shit, at BEST aggravating and demeaning and at worst lethal. for him to say "fuck cops" because HE got caught doing possessing something ILLEGAL because of HIS own stupidity. that is the ultimate in shooting the messenger, and then condemning the post office as a whole.
Im not asking for support or advice on things i COULD have done, because if you look at my first post you can see that I now KNOW what I COULD have done, and I need info on what I can do NOW. I dont need bitching, i feel shitty enough from the incident itself and I hate myself for it.
I never admitted to having weed until they were all the way in my room and they bullshitted about the smell (there was no smell). Yeah i screwed up big and made those cops look smart but that doesn't help me out to hear that. Any REAL LEGAL advice before this thread gets closed?
( ( ) )

2006-10-30, 01:23
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by Dystopia
Im not asking for support or advice on things i COULD have done, because if you look at my first post you can see that I now KNOW what I COULD have done, and I need info on what I can do NOW. I dont need bitching, i feel shitty enough from the incident itself and I hate myself for it.
I never admitted to having weed until they were all the way in my room and they bullshitted about the smell (there was no smell). Yeah i screwed up big and made those cops look smart but that doesn't help me out to hear that. Any REAL LEGAL advice before this thread gets closed?
Don't pursue!
Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends. ~Rusty Cooley

2006-10-30, 01:25
Forum Daemon
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Posts: 4,982
You didn't have to admit to having weed at any time during the entire process for what they did to be admissable. You've gotten tons of real legal advice in this thread and you're too dumb to see it. You'll get more and better from a real lawyer than from an internet metal forum. This thread won't be closed anytime soon.
And yeah, the law is a fucked up thing and I do my best not to run afoul of it. But I also try to have as good a grasp of what could be relevant to my life and activities as possible.

2006-10-30, 02:40
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
Get him to plead insanity!  If he's wet enough behind the ears to think he'll get his drug paraphernalia back from the fuzz, he's likely to pull that off!!
A friend of mine flushed his girlfriend's head down the toilet.........he pleaded in-sanitary! Ho ho boom boom! *dumm char*(crash from house band)
I wonder if he got busted because Foxguitar spotted his 'weed smoking thread' I mean didn't he 'claim' to be a copper or was it a survivalist nutter?
hahahaha everytime you post its something whacky and funny as hell

2006-10-30, 06:32
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
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Just came in to say OWN3DZORZ F4GG0T.

2006-10-30, 07:38
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Your rights weren't violated. Once you answered their question in the manner you did, you gave them a reason to search your spot as a continuation of their visit. It's similar to when a cop will search a car on a routine traffic stop if the person gives them a reason to believe there's something illegal to be found. It's a rule that only applies to situations like these, to make what a cop on the scene following his instincts can find admissable, but it certainly does apply.
Now, if you'd denied smoking anything questionable and didn't go back to find your salvia, and they'd entered anyway without permission or a warrant, it would be a different story. But you fucked up, so the story is 'dumb stoner loses battle of wits to cops, tells internet.'
Cops are members of the best gang and often act like it. Of course people will hate them for it.
I got this far and not reading more.
PST is 100% correct. Your rights were not violated.
One time, after comming home for a concert I got pulled over for no reason. The cops claimed to have smelled marijuana (impossible because I don't smoke) so I said "well maybe it's because i just got back from a concert with weed all around me." He searched my friend and I then searched the car. I wasn't scared because I knew nothing was in there. He, of course, didn't find anything and let me go. I went home and told my dad (who is a cop) and he said it was illegal to search based on smell alone, but since I said my little statement it was probabla cause.
What does this little anecdote mean? It means by your little comment about salvia, it gave those cops probabal cause to come in. You could have still said "get out of here" and they probably would have...so you're not smart for that.

2006-10-30, 09:18
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Behind you! Boo!
Posts: 878
Originally Posted by Dystopia
Im not asking for support or advice on things i COULD have done, because if you look at my first post you can see that I now KNOW what I COULD have done, and I need info on what I can do NOW. I dont need bitching, i feel shitty enough from the incident itself and I hate myself for it.
I never admitted to having weed until they were all the way in my room and they bullshitted about the smell (there was no smell). Yeah i screwed up big and made those cops look smart but that doesn't help me out to hear that. Any REAL LEGAL advice before this thread gets closed?
Just take it on the chin mate, you smoked illegal substances, broke the law and got caught, that's the gamble. If the cops aren't going to take it further and you got a slap on the wrist or small fine just take it. It's no good bleating about your 'own rights' when you are flaunting laws and being a criminal! It always amazes me that the people screaming the most about their rights being violated are those who break the law and willingly violate other people's rights in the hedonistic pursuit of their own gratification or gain. 

2006-10-30, 12:13
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
Just take it on the chin mate, you smoked illegal substances, broke the law and got caught, that's the gamble. If the cops aren't going to take it further and you got a slap on the wrist or small fine just take it. It's no good bleating about your 'own rights' when you are flaunting laws and being a criminal! It always amazes me that the people screaming the most about their rights being violated are those who break the law and willingly violate other people's rights in the hedonistic pursuit of their own gratification or gain. 
DAMN, what a sentence. 
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-10-30, 13:17
the siamese
Join Date: May 2005
Location: naked in a dead teenages dump
Posts: 2,294
Originally Posted by Dystopia
And Transient, NO they don't, my family and friends and our guns are more than enough protection for me.
....dammit, another Redneck!
go to your swimming sally, its your element
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.
Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.

2006-10-30, 14:05
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
Posts: 3,622
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
....dammit, another Redneck!
go to your swimming sally, its your element
That was just stupid.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-10-30, 14:23
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
....dammit, another Redneck!
go to your swimming sally, its your element

2006-10-30, 14:40
the siamese
Join Date: May 2005
Location: naked in a dead teenages dump
Posts: 2,294
Originally Posted by tmfreak
That was just stupid.
that was just annoying
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.
Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.

2006-10-30, 14:54
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
that was just annoying
that was just irrelevent. 
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.
Last edited by Blood Red Bass : 2006-10-30 at 15:20.

2006-10-30, 14:59
the siamese
Join Date: May 2005
Location: naked in a dead teenages dump
Posts: 2,294
is it a real word lolll?
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.
Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.

2006-10-30, 15:40
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Originally Posted by Dystopia
Im not asking for support or advice on things i COULD have done, because if you look at my first post you can see that I now KNOW what I COULD have done, and I need info on what I can do NOW. I dont need bitching, i feel shitty enough from the incident itself and I hate myself for it.
I never admitted to having weed until they were all the way in my room and they bullshitted about the smell (there was no smell). Yeah i screwed up big and made those cops look smart but that doesn't help me out to hear that. Any REAL LEGAL advice before this thread gets closed?
If you acn't talk to a pay attorney at least talk to a free legal advisor. They can tell you more than we can. In the mean time have an e-hug from the ole lady. What doesn't kill makes ya stronger and wiser hopefully.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-10-30, 16:05
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Portugal
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Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
is it a real word lolll?

2006-10-30, 16:06
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
is it a real word lolll?
Uh yes.
And i'm sorry you find critical posts about your useless posts annoying. Welcome to a forum of free ideas.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...
Last edited by tmfreak : 2006-10-30 at 16:11.

2006-10-30, 17:13
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Portugal
Posts: 1,234
Originally Posted by tmfreak
Uh yes.
actually, it's "irrelevant".
just to let you know.

2006-10-30, 18:10
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
Posts: 3,622
Originally Posted by Ten Ton Alien
actually, it's "irrelevant".
just to let you know.
i realize this. That wasn't my point.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-10-30, 20:42
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967

2006-10-30, 21:09
Master Killer
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some people are fucking stupid.
some people are fucking stupid, and get caught.
that's what this thread is about.

2006-10-30, 21:13
the siamese
Join Date: May 2005
Location: naked in a dead teenages dump
Posts: 2,294
Originally Posted by tmfreak
Uh yes.
And i'm sorry you find critical posts about your useless posts annoying. Welcome to a forum of free ideas.
LOL........no really?!
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.
Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.
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