2006-11-18, 05:21
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Ottawa
Posts: 2
Drummer OR whole new band needed in Ottawa Ont.
Looking for band in ottawa ontario, not illinois i fucked up like that before... anybody you dont even have to speak fucking english, just be able to read this before you agree to those terms. Im either looking to fill a spot for drummer (jail) or just fit into a new band, i play technical DM or neo-classical mostly, wont bend from that much... and i do DM vocals... good gutteral and throat yells, if not.. well whatever someone to fuckin jam with, im sick of punks. The only preferance is that you're into death metal, prog metal or just... anything willing to fit some gutterals in with non-faggot music. Im an avid music and lyric writer, I spread, taking all the advice Chuck Schuldiner ever taught me, if that doesn't convince you, obviously you care not for death metal... so stop reading. Finding true metalhead around here is wrong, i als o want to find a new bassist if fits are lively, my bassist is in for attempted murder.. yeh my band (which consist of two people right now..lol) carries a bad image, but thats shagged, otherwise we wouldnt be searching. My other guitarist is willing to do bass lines in studio seeing as he has played for 6 years, but we can take a spot for that too if anyone is interested. If nobody is interested then whatever, if any other sick alcoholic fucks in Ottawa want to get wrecked and jam, drop me a line Satyrs_Summon@hotmail.com