2006-11-26, 20:44
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
Posts: 2,680
Originally Posted by Ekinox
Hi i'm new on this site and I was wondering; many tabs have errors in it, if I know how to correct some of em for instance like Mother north do i make a whole new tab or i can just take the tab of the guy and correct it ?
first thing you should/could do.
t6ry to contact the person that made the tab, give him the corections and asks if he gives you co author sumtin for the corections.
if you wont egt a ersponse (some members havent been on the site for years) then i guess take his tab and correct it, but give the original co-author thingy (sry i forgot what its called).
most people wont liek it when others take their tab and submit it as their own, thats y you betetr give them co author for the work they did.
< no wonder hes mad!!