2006-11-28, 09:30
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: London, UK
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Tabspedia (copying tabs)
http://www.tabspedia.com/ seems to just be copying many of our tabs, and stripping them of our details, and the owner putting his own email address in. I have asked him to take down my two tabs, and i suggest that others do the same.
What a wanker!
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2006-11-28, 10:06
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 178
They do, indeed. I checked the tab of Metal Heart (Accept Cover), Dimmu Borgir. Exactly thesame. With thesame notes, mistakes and errors in it.

2006-11-28, 10:28
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 178
I have informed Metaltabs about this, so let us hope sonething will be done about it.

2006-11-28, 10:36
Supreme Metalhead
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This is seriously bad... he's ripped off tons of stuff from this site. I checked and the Coroner, Cryptopsy and even two Toxik tabs he has up there are exactly identical to the ones from here!
This guy's email address is thudord@yahoo.com
...and the funny part is he owns the site, yet he credits himself at the bottom for submitting the plagazrized tabs.
Thanks SGOL for the heads up, I'm mailing this guy right away to see what the hell is up with this bullshit. I'm also mailing MetalTabs. I hope somehow this guy can be stopped.
Last edited by Sycophant : 2006-11-28 at 10:45.

2006-11-28, 10:53
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 178
Can everyone please inform MetalTabs about this problem?
Click HERE!!
Last edited by MetalThrashingMad : 2006-11-28 at 21:09.

2006-11-28, 12:52
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dont mailbomb alex, bomb the fucking webmaster of that shabby rippoff site!

2006-11-28, 13:21
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Dornean Tudor (thudord@yahoo.com)
al. pinului nr.7 botosani
botosani, botosani 710079
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2006-11-28, 14:20
Attorney at Bird Law
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I sent them an e-mail.
It was brought to my attention that your website, www.tabspedia.com, has some of my tabs on it. I wouldn't have a problem with this except-
1. I never gave permission to whoever posted them to do so.
2. I never allow the headers to be ripped out of my tabs.
I don't know who decided that I didn't deserve credit for my hard work, but I do, and as a result, I demand that my tabs be taken down from your website.
I'd also highly recommend that you take down any tabs you found on www.metaltas.com, because if you don't, you'll be getting a whole lot of e-mails from a whole lot of irritated members from there.
Here are my tabs-
I suggest any big contributors to this site go check and see how much of your plagiarized work is there and that you demand it be removed immediately.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2006-11-28, 15:10
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Originally Posted by sqol
Dornean Tudor (thudord@yahoo.com)
al. pinului nr.7 botosani
botosani, botosani 710079
Fucking gypsies.

2006-11-29, 08:07
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 178
Are there any tabs of his own anyway? Because I cannot find any tab that is not on another site.

2006-11-29, 09:18
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 60
I'ts a gay little shit site anyway.
I can't believe someone actually found it (unless it's by mistake).

2006-11-29, 11:46
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 178
It should be by mistake, else you do not find such a n00bish site. But glad enough it has been found. Else the whole MetalTabs site would have been plundered.

2006-11-30, 18:10
Supreme Metalhead
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I'd be fucking pissed if someone did that to me. That's about as bad as stealing money from someone. You work hard, you should earn due credit for it. It's simple.

2006-11-30, 22:34
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Originally Posted by belphegor79
I'd be fucking pissed if someone did that to me. That's about as bad as stealing money from someone. You work hard, you should earn due credit for it. It's simple.
Yeah, exactly. It says there are over 14000 tabs so this has obviously been going on for some time.

2006-11-30, 23:25
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Theres websites/programs that allow you to spam email addresses. I once changed my brother's profile pic on msn to gay porn, and he retaliated by sending me 7000 emails informing me that my gay porn dvd was now in stock. Bastard. Something to think about.

2006-12-01, 00:40
New Blood
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Posts: 24
Originally Posted by fatdanny
Theres websites/programs that allow you to spam email addresses. I once changed my brother's profile pic on msn to gay porn, and he retaliated by sending me 7000 emails informing me that my gay porn dvd was now in stock. Bastard. Something to think about.
I did that to a mates mobile phone once and it kept crashing everytime he powered it up, software couldn't cope with the amount of txt messages being recieved, wonder if that'd happen to his e-mail account?

2006-12-01, 02:43
Wasted Custom User title
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My ONE tab
Staring through the eyes of the dead by Cannibal corpse, and this site has it.
Its most definitely my tab as well. What a fucker.
This is my signature.

2006-12-01, 08:07
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by fatdanny
Theres websites/programs that allow you to spam email addresses. I once changed my brother's profile pic on msn to gay porn, and he retaliated by sending me 7000 emails informing me that my gay porn dvd was now in stock. Bastard. Something to think about.
Links, dammit, links!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2006-12-01, 08:27
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 178
Bomb him with loads of e-mayls!!!

2006-12-01, 13:03
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lol, am i glad i got all my tabs removed a while ago
i dont think theirs alot we can do about these kinda things, nothing official anyway i think. so anyone knows how to hack a site or fix some virusses on that site?? seems like the most reasonable (and most fun) way to deal with this cunt.
< no wonder hes mad!!

2006-12-01, 16:41
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Scotland
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Links, dammit, links!
google "spam generator" or something similar. I probably can't research this myself because I'm websensed at uni, and I expect most of these sites are riddled with spyware.

2006-12-02, 01:20
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Originally Posted by fatdanny
google "spam generator" or something similar. I probably can't research this myself because I'm websensed at uni, and I expect most of these sites are riddled with spyware.
Fuck that. This will be the outcome:
a) I get spammed to fuck
b) I get into legal trouble
Spam emails are highly illegal, I've read in the paper about people getting fucked on, all those sites look either too legit or too sketchy.
Sent him an email, telling him of his cum-guzzling.

2006-12-02, 19:20
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 178
Originally Posted by problematic
...Spam emails are highly illegal...
As if plagiarism is legal...

2006-12-06, 14:32
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by fatdanny
Theres websites/programs that allow you to spam email addresses. I once changed my brother's profile pic on msn to gay porn, and he retaliated by sending me 7000 emails informing me that my gay porn dvd was now in stock. Bastard. Something to think about.
Now that is some funny shit!

2006-12-14, 13:42
Senior Metalhead
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So did anybody check back to see how many of the stolen tabs were removed?
I actually saw this site at the beginning of this year. I came across it while I was searching for deadborn tabs and realised that he'd stolen mine aswell. I sent him a mail and asked nicely for them to be removed, they were. I also told him that he should contact the original tabbers before putting the transcriptions on his site. I guess he chose to ignore that advice.

2006-12-15, 05:58
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He got some of mine too. I don't really care, but he's kind of a jag-off for stripping them down.
EDIT: Hahaha, he even stole the Noothgrush song I did. That song is only on the Bleeeuuuurrrrggg! 7".
Last edited by Cunty Shunt : 2006-12-15 at 06:06.

2006-12-15, 06:20
Slayer of dumb cunts
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OOOHHHH no you didn't... OHHH FUCK no you didn't. Oh hells no.
How about i send this stupid mother fucker an email every single day until all of my tabs are removed.
Roger that.. Roger fucking that. Seriously lets email him to death. I'm going to send like 10 emails tonight alone.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-12-15, 06:39
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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I sent 26 emails to that cunt.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2006-12-15, 07:36
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 178
The more the better.
For each tab in the database stolen, we should send at least two e-mayls to recommend of removing them.
Still there are no tabs removed.

2007-02-19, 12:20
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 178
There has still no tab either been given credit to who MADE it, or removed. So let's bomb him agayn!!
Sent him six for today, and will add some more.

2007-02-19, 12:34
Life is pain.
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the email is more than likely fake or a dormant account he doesnt use.
nothing will be done to him.
what would happen if i went to the police and explained to them the plagurism that is happening, it IS AGAINST THE LAW. they have to do SOMETHING about it dont they?

2007-02-19, 12:43
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 178
His personal stuff is posted here, so you can make a phone call to the Romanian police and tell them he is involved in such mischievous behaviour.

2007-02-19, 19:11
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Is the page down?

2007-02-20, 07:56
Schrodinger's Cat
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I'm sure police forces the world over have got better things to do than to chase a tab theif. It looks like there's nothing we can do other than appeal to this chap's "better nature", i.e spam the fuck out of him.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2007-02-20, 11:54
Life is pain.
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im sure they would too, but truth comes down to it that they must uphold the law, how would they feel if i took all the credit for chasing down and imprisoning a mass murderer when it was really them, they wouldn't like it.

2007-02-20, 15:20
Schrodinger's Cat
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Anybody who walks into a police station and tells the desk sergeant, "My tab has been stolen" will be greeted with, "So what?" and then fits of laughter. Even if they did take it seriously, you and I don't own the copyright to the songs we tab - that belongs to the artist. Our intepretations of other peoples' songs, as far as I know and believe, are not copyrightable.
Don't get me wrong, I'm annoyed that this cunt has nicked my tabs without giving me credit for my hard work, but the legal route will ultimately be fruitless. The best course of action would be to contact his web service provider (if you can find it out) and inform them of what he's doing. They can then choose to take action if they deem it necessary. Otherwise, our hands seem to be - frustratingly - tied.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2007-02-24, 23:17
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I don't think the legal action route will do much either, so maybe if everyone reminds him each day of what a shit eating jigaboo he is, he'll drink a can of WD40 and the problem will be somewhat resolved.
"I think we're already 'circling the drain' as a species, and I'd love to see the circles get a little faster and a little shorter."

2007-02-25, 00:12
Life is pain.
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emailing will do nothing. i think its obviously a fake.

2007-03-01, 15:26
Senior Metalhead
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anyone thought that people could be submitting the tabs themselves onto the site which is owned by someone else??
GO ON 911tabs.com and see how many sites have got YOUR tabs on!!!
All of my powertabs are all over the internet and some cunt has even made a fucking account on the sites using my name to submit the tabs... 

2007-03-01, 16:38
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Originally Posted by _harris
anyone thought that people could be submitting the tabs themselves onto the site which is owned by someone else??
GO ON 911tabs.com and see how many sites have got YOUR tabs on!!!
All of my powertabs are all over the internet and some cunt has even made a fucking account on the sites using my name to submit the tabs... 
You might also be one of these dudes copying an original tabber... 

2007-03-01, 16:43
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Unanything
You might also be one of these dudes copying an original tabber... 
aaaaaaaaaah noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! who am I, am I me??? 

2007-03-19, 13:49
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I hope so for you

2007-03-20, 02:20
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by _harris
anyone thought that people could be submitting the tabs themselves onto the site which is owned by someone else??
GO ON 911tabs.com and see how many sites have got YOUR tabs on!!!
All of my powertabs are all over the internet and some cunt has even made a fucking account on the sites using my name to submit the tabs... 
If he's using your name, you're still getting credit, right?
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2007-04-05, 12:51
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 178
I also cannot see any problem in someone posting your tabs mentioning your name. If he doesn't, like the thief of tabspedia, then there is a problem to report.
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