Ok, ok, another metal band you my say, but hey, lets give it a try...
SHATIZAR's "Peace for Vieques" Music Video
Implications: Nanotechnology — including
nanobiotechnology — has been pegged by industry and
governments to become the world’s largest and fastest
industrial revolution — dwarfing history’s past
technological upheavals. More than 450 dedicated
nanotech enterprises are already in the marketplace
manufacturing a host of "old-nano" products (e.g.,
particles used in cosmetics and sprays) and "new-nano"
products (e.g., chips, sensors and new forms of
carbon). Global R & D spending is at US$4 billion. The
US National Science Foundation predicts that within
ten years the entire semiconductor industry and half
of the pharmaceutical industry will rely on
nanotechnology and that, by 2015, the global market
will be US$1 trillion. 1. Industry will fight hard to
make sure that health and environmental concerns do
not derail the progress of nanotech, as has happened
with biotech.
Don't it always seem to go
that you don't know what you've got
till it's gone.
They paved paradise
and put up a parking lot.
"Nanotech or Global Wreck" New album by
Soon in a store near you!