2002-10-07, 08:22
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Help Me??!!gddmt
I've been listening Borgir's För all tid for couple of years ago, coz i havent found any good blackmetal... I think that BM rules and stuff, but I just cant find any good bands... theyre all something like fucking dark funeral and in flames and other shit like that...(no affence to fans) but if you could gimme couple o good bands like the old Borgir id be very 'appy!!!
cheers mate 
Thelou nasou karfoso to skili ston kolo mazi me era kilo voutiro!

2002-10-07, 08:53
how can you call in flames black metal?

2002-10-07, 09:47
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Posts: 21
well okay... maybe it isn't... ive only heard one song and i didnt like it... and someone called it BM... but thanks for that!
Thelou nasou karfoso to skili ston kolo mazi me era kilo voutiro!

2002-10-07, 11:08
Supreme Metalhead
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Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Emperor, Arcturus, Ulver, Cradle of filth, Absurd, Nokturnal Mortum, Viking Crown, Immortal, Marduk.
that shall do to be going on with
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-10-07, 12:10
Limbonic Art

2002-10-07, 15:42
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"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"

2002-10-08, 03:04
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Originally posted by DerMeister
yeah!!!!!!! it rules 
also try OPETH
I know, they are not like old borgir... but good bands anyway
I cut you once I cut you twice
You're my midnight sacrifice
You shamed me... you shame God
You scream my name, and now you're gone
Last edited by Pablo : 2002-10-08 at 03:14.

2002-10-08, 03:48
try these bands ... they are all good :
Ancient Ceremony
Anorexia Nervosa
Carpathian Forest
Carpe Tenebrum
Darkwoods My Betrothed
Diabolical Masquerade
Limbonic Art
Lorde Of All Desires
Mystic Circle

2002-10-08, 03:53
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 79
All good bands.
As far as old Borgir, well, hell, you can't beat Borgir themselves back then, the sound is pretty unique to them. Some death metal like Dark Tranquility might interest you.
Maybe Emperor's "Anthems" as well, or "newer" Burzum i.e. "Filosofem".

2002-10-08, 07:33
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Posts: 21
Thelou nasou karfoso to skili ston kolo mazi me era kilo voutiro!

2002-10-08, 08:27
Nokturnal Mortum
my brain is slowly kicking in one post/band at a time 

2002-10-08, 13:33
Anaal Nathrakh(i get their cd today, i cant wait for UPS)
and the ever popular not really black metal but close enfu Cradle of Filth....

2002-10-08, 13:43
ancient ritessssssssssss

2002-10-08, 13:54
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Thats Dead (ex mayhem)'s Pre Mayhem band.
Fucking awesome
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-10-08, 14:14
ye, anaal nathrakh fucking kick ass.
and how about...
nokturnal mortum

2002-10-08, 18:59
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And.....I had some more, but I can't remember......later.
"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"

2002-10-08, 20:24
Well, I'm still new to metal, so I have no clue what I'm saying, but here it goes. I just bought a black metal sampler CD from Century Black, aka Century Media, and here's what they've got on here:
Old Man's Child
Rotting Christ

2002-10-08, 22:13
hell ye!
i havn't heard much from old mans child, so i cant comment.
Satyricon - fucking awsome!
borknagar - one of the greatest black metal bands IMO, now one of the most artistic, followed the same musical path as Arcturus IMO
Katatonia - meh...not a personal fav.
Arcturus - (same as borknagar reply)
Ophthalamia - i love these guys!!!!! fast...black/death
Einherjer - not toooo bad, then again, i havn't heard too much
Rotting Christ - i've got one word. GREAT
Sacramentum - Sacreligious and sweet as
Ulver - ewwwwwww not too keen on their new work
Samael - only heard a few things, but like wat i've heard so far 
Mayhem - the most infamous black metal band on the face of the earth
tiamat - very electronic....not my thing, but not bad for kicks now and then
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i just wanted to put a comment for all them
well i'm off to work now...

2002-10-08, 23:00
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Posts: 415
Some old in flames vocals sound like black metal but thats about it.

2002-10-09, 00:16
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 26
I can't believe no one has mentiond these two yet!

2002-10-09, 06:56
I am a tax on the world..
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if you want to sample old mans child, get the following cds:
ill-natured spiritual invasion,
pagan prosperity,
revalation 666,
and damn, their new cd isn't out yet, i cant wait..!
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2002-10-09, 18:49
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There is this dude from malta who calls himself Sauron, and has a one-man-band called Apotheosis. It's really great black metal, with trash influences. Great compositions!
Anyone mentioned Troll? With Nagash/Lex Icon?
"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"

2002-10-09, 18:50
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Where Dead Angels Lie
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Originally posted by powersofterror
if you want to sample old mans child, get the following cds:
ill-natured spiritual invasion,
pagan prosperity,
revalation 666,
and damn, their new cd isn't out yet, i cant wait..!
Which one is best? I saw all their CDs in a store. LOW-PRICE!!! I wanna buy one of them.
"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"

2002-10-10, 05:22
Originally posted by DerMeister
Which one is best? I saw all their CDs in a store. LOW-PRICE!!! I wanna buy one of them.
Get all !
but if you can only buy one get The Pagan Prosperity or Revelations 666

2002-10-10, 06:15
Senior Metalhead
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awww dude... I didnt expect to get this much answers... wow...
you guys really saved my life... I've tried bands like Troll, old manschild and Bal-Sagoth... Theyre just awesome... a big "cheers" to all of you 
Doom what thou wilt

2002-10-10, 07:29
Senior Metalhead
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oh yes... i changed my nick... so im no longer Hardytheharhar coz i got bored of it...
Doom what thou wilt

2002-10-10, 12:14
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Try Anorexia Nervosa , Behemoth , Seth , Lord Belial , Under Covered Slut , Burzum and even old Mayhem.
Hail and Kill!
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