2007-04-02, 06:45
Supreme Metalhead
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Ive noticed, im developing a good deal of Tinnitus in my right ear. Theres a constant ringing thats fairly loud now. I know this has been induced from sound trauma. and i was wondering if any of you guys have found a way to lessen it. Ive read its not curable, but im trying to find ways to reduce it. I'm going to start wearing earplugs at practices, but i cant make myself put them on on stage. haha. So i guess share your Tinnitus story's and ways you've helped it.

2007-04-02, 06:53
Life is pain.
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ive had this since i was born as far as i know, or can remember, i can never remember not having ringing in my ears. theres no way to reduce it.

2007-04-02, 06:54
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ive somehow avoided it, my hearing sucks tho...........
always wear earplugs or ear-phones at jams

2007-04-02, 08:11
Forum Daemon
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Still just remember a character in The Falls, a composer who would compose variations on his Tinnitus. Can't think of anything better than that to do with it,

2007-04-02, 09:19
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Well I don't think this is exactly tinnitus, but I can't hear those ringtones people under 21 only are supposed to hear... the high frequency ones...
Some crazy shit happens occasionally though. You may not believe me, but I don't care. Sometimes, I hear songs... randomly. In one ear usually, and kinda just a low shhhhh... but definantly is music. Kinda like Disgorge or something like that. This has happened on two occasions, both times in my left ear, for about 5 seconds. It's definantly music, and it's awesome in a 'this is unusual, but not healthy' way.

2007-04-02, 11:06
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Shreddist
Ive noticed, im developing a good deal of Tinnitus in my right ear. Theres a constant ringing thats fairly loud now. I know this has been induced from sound trauma. and i was wondering if any of you guys have found a way to lessen it. Ive read its not curable, but im trying to find ways to reduce it. I'm going to start wearing earplugs at practices, but i cant make myself put them on on stage. haha. So i guess share your Tinnitus story's and ways you've helped it.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2007-04-02, 14:06
Die Young.
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Originally Posted by low-tech
ive somehow avoided it, my hearing sucks tho...........
always wear earplugs or ear-phones at jams
I avoided that, my hearing sucks(now), and I never wear ear protection. LOL.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-04-02, 14:11
Life is pain.
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its true you know.

2007-04-02, 14:26
Metal As Fuck!
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Knock on wood I don't hear a ringing in my ear(s), but my hearing sucks as well. I try to wear earplugs during practices, but I often forget...
R.I.P. Dimebag
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2007-04-02, 14:38
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i went to this hearingstore and they made me a couple of costomfit earplugs, you know the kind the pros use.
really worth your money cause you dont want to be near deaf when your thirty

2007-04-02, 15:25
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I think it's irresponsible to do anything that involves loud noise without some kind of ear protection.
On my first drum set, it wasn't so bad. It sucked so much, cymbals and all that I could play with no headphones and it'd be ok. But now, if I don't, it hurts. Dome it a couple times and my god I regret it. Just last night I was sitting in the bathroom, and there was nothing going on, yet I could hear this high pitched ringing. Isn't loud until you actually notice it.
I've also wondered how people play on stage. Do any of you guys wear any sort of protection? I've worn ear plugs to shows and stuff and I could still hear the music pretty well. Then again, this was when I was in the audience so it could be different on stage.
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2007-04-02, 16:04
Life is pain.
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wear plugs at shows. the mixer is, so obviously its mixed for plugs.

2007-04-02, 16:13
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Originally Posted by Infinity
wear plugs at shows. the mixer is, so obviously its mixed for plugs.
X 100. i wear ear plugs all the time at shows and practice. it actually makes metal sound better.

2007-04-02, 16:26
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
X 100. i wear ear plugs all the time at shows and practice. it actually makes metal sound better.
Hmm, maybe I should try that...
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-04-02, 17:26
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 408
Yep, I have it too. I got it in my left ear only. I got it from a Sloan concert of all things! I was too close to the speaker on the left and I thought it would go away. It's the same when you go to the bars or clubbing. After you get out, your ears are ringing and your hearing is reduced. it's called temporary threshold shift, your bodies way of defending itself with loud volumes. You usually sleep it off. If you don't, then welcome to the club.
Mine has gotten louder over time. It's noticably louder when I'm developing a cold.
Get custom fitted earplugs. you can't even see them. they're expensive but it's cheap compared to the longterm effects like going to sleep when it's absolutely quiet except for that damn ringing that will NEVER stop. Stop being an idiot and wear earplugs, not the cheap ones. custom plugs REDUCE volume and actually enhance quality. My friend finally gave in (after I bought mine) and bought some and he will never go back now.
Vincent Van Gogh had tinnitus and he sliced his ear off. It didn't fix the problem.
There is no way to reduce the ringing volume. The only real way is to ignore and try to forget about it. People have to have ambient music or sounds on or they'll go nuts.
If you don't have it be thankful. It's only a matter of time though, I'm sure.
By the way, there is a difference between tinnitus and hearing lose. Tinnitus doesn't affect your hearing capability, it's just the damn ringing.
when sound travels through your ear, the hairs in your ear bend and fluctuate. when the sound it too much, the hairs snap/break and can never rebound back. the unfortuante thing is that hair in your ear does not regenerate or grow back, hence it's broken forever.
bottom line: Wear earplugs that work.

2007-04-02, 17:37
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Wear do you buy custom fitted ear plugs? Roughly how much are they price wise?
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-04-02, 17:49
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
You get someone to orgasm into your ear and wait till the semen hardens. I'd do it to you for free, and I'm sure FuckFrost would be happy to oblige in the same manner.
Yeah, I get those temporary threshold shifts or whatever they're called after practically every gig I go to, and they last for like 2-3 days. I really should invest in some ear plugs.

2007-04-02, 18:09
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
You get someone to orgasm into your ear and wait till the semen hardens. I'd do it to you for free, and I'm sure FuckFrost would be happy to oblige in the same manner.
Yeah, I get those temporary threshold shifts or whatever they're called after practically every gig I go to, and they last for like 2-3 days. I really should invest in some ear plugs.
Hmm, well your method worked for my nose plugs! llo loz.
Yes, my ears are fucked for that long too after shows..godamn, I remember after Slayer(front row, jeff's side, right next to a set of speakers) my ears were fucked for about 4-5 days.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-04-02, 20:35
Senior Metalhead
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Go to places like hearing centers in your town.
Check the yellow pages under "hearing aids" You'll find some clinics that do this sort of thing. Sometimes it's even covered under insurance if it's work related.
Anyways, I shopped around and found the prices here ranged from $165 to 200 CAN.
It's expensive but if you take care of them and don't lose them, they'll last for a very long time. the filters are exchangable. I went for 15 dec reduction. you can get 20, 25 dec filters if needed.
that 15 goes a long way. say, 100 dec music, you can only listen for say 10 minutes. 85 however, you can get two hours.
yep, they plug your ear with a tampon and then fill it with goop. you sit there for a few minutes to let them harden. I'll tell you, i've never heard quiet more in my life, except for the ringing! Then they pull the string out.
two weeks later, your plugs are done.

2007-04-02, 21:39
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Originally Posted by Party Time 2000
Go to places like hearing centers in your town.
Check the yellow pages under "hearing aids" You'll find some clinics that do this sort of thing. Sometimes it's even covered under insurance if it's work related.
Anyways, I shopped around and found the prices here ranged from $165 to 200 CAN.
It's expensive but if you take care of them and don't lose them, they'll last for a very long time. the filters are exchangable. I went for 15 dec reduction. you can get 20, 25 dec filters if needed.
that 15 goes a long way. say, 100 dec music, you can only listen for say 10 minutes. 85 however, you can get two hours.
yep, they plug your ear with a tampon and then fill it with goop. you sit there for a few minutes to let them harden. I'll tell you, i've never heard quiet more in my life, except for the ringing! Then they pull the string out.
two weeks later, your plugs are done.
Damn, definitely not cheap...but thanks for the info!
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-04-02, 21:48
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Eh? What? Speak up sonny, did someone say something?
I wore ear plugs all the time at band practices and when playing live. I tend not to wear them when I go to see bands play live. If I did I might not hear my mate ask if I want another beer!! But I don't go to concerts that often any more.
It makes sense if you play in a band on a frequent basis(such as every day) to wear some defenders. If not, after a while the decibels bend over those little hairs in the ear canal and they never straighten up rendering you hard of hearing! 

2007-04-02, 22:10
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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i have tinnitus that is NOT caused by hearing loss. i had a hearing test done and it showed that my hearing is absolutely spot on perfect. so, since im only 18 and the main cause of tinnitus has been ruled out, im under going a lot of tests to check if i have a brain tumor.
tinnitus is not fun. its beyond fucking obnoxious. you dont fucking want it. wear earplugs, its not a pussy thing to do.

2007-04-03, 01:18
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Location: Toronto, Canada
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hear-ohs or whatever the fuck theyre called. They're cheap, have a 12db reduction, AND they work wonders. Squeeze them till they're small, jam them in, wait 5 minutes for them to expand in your ear and take up all the space. They do wonders for me.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2007-04-03, 01:24
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12db is nothing, get ones that are rated 25-30

2007-04-03, 01:25
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 1,816
Originally Posted by Transient
12db is nothing, get ones that are rated 25-30
still works for me... reduces flinch worthy loudness into quiet headphone volume
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2007-04-03, 01:54
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haha youll see how well it worked when youre 50

2007-04-03, 01:55
Supreme Metalhead
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i tried 25db earplugs, and i tried to sing a single word, that i sing back up during a chorus. couldnt tell what note in hell i was hitting.

2007-04-03, 02:09
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So what do you guys reccomed? 20db earplugs? for a band set-up in a small room?
I use cheap earplugs and they work fairly well and if I forget I just stuff tissue into my ears, that works wonders too.

2007-04-03, 02:31
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Originally Posted by Shreddist
i tried 25db earplugs, and i tried to sing a single word, that i sing back up during a chorus. couldnt tell what note in hell i was hitting.
singing makes it a lot worse, i just guitar

2007-04-03, 07:04
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I think my ear plugs block out about 25 or 29 decibels.
Biggest problem with drumming with them is that I feel the need to play harder and hit shit harder. I dunno why. I'm worried about breaking something.
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2007-04-03, 13:19
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I just take the earplugs (or the box) from my work. I dunno what the sound reduction is but I can play with my band full volume and not get the ringing. They work just fine, protect my hearing, and I have money left to buy new gear ahahahahahaha

2007-04-03, 17:31
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Originally Posted by Transient
i have tinnitus that is NOT caused by hearing loss.
Hearing loss is different from Tinnitus.
Anyways, the thing with the foam plugs is this.
They chop the top end of music. This leads to shitty listening and an opinion that earplugs suck. We'll the cheap ones suck. And yes, the music doesn't sound all that good with the foamies. and you can't hear yourself talk (or sing).
Noise attenuators (filters) reduce volume, while maintaining quality. It's like listening to your radio and you just turn the knob down. You can hear people talk to you perfectly.
They suggested that I use 15Db filters. If you're working say with an impact gun or on an airport landing strip, you should go much higher.
Actually, earplugs originated from drummers. They're the ones who came up with them.
I'm starting to sound like a damn salesman. Who wants a bridge that I'm selling?

2007-04-03, 23:00
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Originally Posted by Party Time 2000
Noise attenuators (filters) reduce volume, while maintaining quality. It's like listening to your radio and you just turn the knob down. You can hear people talk to you perfectly.
are those basically special foamies? that dont degrade the sound? and can you hear yourself talk and sing?
anyone tried these? http://www.guitarcenter.com/shop/pr...l_sku=101338945
Last edited by Shreddist : 2007-04-03 at 23:05.

2007-04-04, 01:54
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by Party Time 2000
Hearing loss is different from Tinnitus.
hey i could write a fucking book about tinnitus. dont be a smartass. the usual cause of tinnitus is hearing damage which usually also results in hearing loss. i dont have that, which is why i am anomaly.

2007-04-04, 02:35
Life is pain.
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Originally Posted by Transient
hey i could write a fucking book about tinnitus. dont be a smartass. the usual cause of tinnitus is hearing damage which usually also results in hearing loss. i dont have that, which is why i am anomaly.
He can write books about lots of things! Don't be a smart-ass to him!

2007-04-04, 16:58
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Well, to be an even smarter-ass, I suggest that people wear plugs before they become like us, who have all this knowledge about one hell of a shitty condition.
To answer the other dude.
Yes, custom plugs are molds that are cored out and fitted with interchangable filters.

2007-04-10, 00:59
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Transient
i have tinnitus that is NOT caused by hearing loss. i had a hearing test done and it showed that my hearing is absolutely spot on perfect. so, since im only 18 and the main cause of tinnitus has been ruled out, im under going a lot of tests to check if i have a brain tumor.
did you know that chronic masturbation can cause hearing problems and buzzing in the ears?
i think you should forget the tests and just cut back on the ole bishop bashing...


2007-04-10, 01:41
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Just thought I'd throw this in. I wear ear plugs whenever I jam loud, which is rare now because I live in air force dorms. However, my job in the USAF is extremely taxing on my ears as I'm around running engines all the time now, so I'm very concious about my hearing now. Ear plugs and defenders on the flightline, ear plugs at home.
Originally Posted by Transient

2007-04-10, 01:51
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Originally Posted by User01
did you know that chronic masturbation can cause hearing problems and buzzing in the ears?
i think you should forget the tests and just cut back on the ole bishop bashing...


2007-04-10, 02:28
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
obviously not as funny as you... 

2007-04-10, 02:32
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2007-04-10, 02:39
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Originally Posted by User01
did you know that chronic masturbation can cause hearing problems and buzzing in the ears?
i think you should forget the tests and just cut back on the ole bishop bashing...

If that was true, then I wouldn't be able to hear myself screaming.
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2007-04-10, 13:56
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Jesus fucking christ, lighten up.

2007-04-10, 14:03
Life is pain.
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What have you got against Jesus!?

2007-04-10, 14:19
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Originally Posted by Infinity
What have you got against Jesus!?
Adam is my Lord and Saviour, not Jesus. Jesus is merely a false prophet.

2007-04-10, 14:20
Life is pain.
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adam is the reincarnation of jesus

2007-04-10, 15:11
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Originally Posted by User01
lighten up about racism? ok...
calling people paki isnt really funny and is quite fucking low
even though im not pakistani, part of me wants to kick the shit out of you...but the other part of me tells me that your prob some sad skinny little fuck that just mouthes off online but in real life would shit a brick.
I would most definitely call you a Paki in real life, because pissing off people who so easily take things to heart is great. Anyway, enough of this faggery, I'm done with you.

2007-04-10, 15:14
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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And He can help your hearing so don't be dumbasses.
When my husband worked in the ship engine rooms I'm not sure if they were provided hearing protection or not, but it would have been a bit fruitless to wear them because the easiest ways to tell if things were working right was by the sound. If the noise varied they knew something was up and could check it out.
When he got out and it had been pre-determined he has tinnitus, the Navy said that's just a part of the job. One of the main reasons he didn't re-enlist after 13 years was because they wouldn't take him out of the engine room. He was too good at what he did so he told them bye. The VA does give him about $100 a month for it, but that's not much.
He can't hear cicadas in August at all when they chirp. He comments a lot about ear buds being cranked up causing the deafness to young people by the time they're 30, too. I used to like loud and bassy back in my teens, but I've got a bit of hearing trouble, too. Some from that probably and some from sinus and ear trouble.
Sometimes things you eat can aggrevate tinnitus so pay attention if it seems more severe. And get your ears checked by a doc and make sure to get wax removed. That can harden and effect your hearing, too.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2007-04-10, 16:12
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lol @ the fucking smelly paki.

2007-04-10, 16:50
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by problematic
lol @ the fucking smelly paki.
lol. i cant be bothered anymore.
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