2002-10-25, 14:02
Senior Metalhead
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Stupid Kazaa users
It should be a rule that if you download stuff from someone ,you share stuff with him.It pisses me off that people want to download stuff from me but when I look at what they got,I get "no results found" which basically means they have nothing in their folder. Greedy bastards. Those uploads are cancelled.
As we place this wretched waste of a man into his final rotting place.
We pray for his soul to be stripped and tormented
of all that is proper, to burn his sins,
In the witness of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Ghost, his soul will fall below the valley of death.
Left to rot forever, to never be free, never return.

2002-10-25, 14:05
New Blood
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*offers knife from other thread* 
Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and does not die

2002-10-25, 15:21
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Yeah thats a definate drawback to Kazaa, and the reason why most of the up and coming P2P programs force you to share or you can't use the software.

2002-10-25, 16:59
Join Date: Jul 2002
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i must confess, i'm one of those users who doesnt share. my bandwidth is too slow to do so.

2002-10-25, 17:07
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it doesn't matter what your bandwidth is weijia, since kazaa has multiple source downloads. it'll only take a little piece from you.
oh, and shut the fuck up.

2002-10-25, 17:19
Supreme Metalhead
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I dotn share, becuase i only use akzaa now if i REALLy need a song, and henceforth i just nuke it as fast as possible, but whatever...
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-10-25, 18:16
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by slayme_returns
it doesn't matter what your bandwidth is weijia, since kazaa has multiple source downloads. it'll only take a little piece from you.
oh, and shut the fuck up.
i've shared before, it uses about 1/3 of my total bandwidth for each thing.

2002-10-25, 18:23
Senior Metalhead
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I share everything I have.. and i'd say 98% of the people that I upload to have 0 participation.. I think the highest level i've had anyone download from me was maybe (high).. <shrugs> to each his own I guess..

2002-10-25, 18:41
Master Killer
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I got everything shared on my Kazaa, I'm on a fast connection, so I don't care,
I got: 5gb of DBZ ep's
about 300 metalcore songs (caliban, ZAO, fear my thoughts, Unearth)
another 200 hardcore songs (shockwave, backfire, xMaroonx, etc.)
at home I do not use kazaa, because its slow, but at school where I am almost every day and like 8 hours a day, I put kazaa on running on the background, I think I made a lot of people happy allready :P

2002-10-25, 18:52
Master Killer
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hahah, shared your 'private' collection ? 

2002-10-25, 18:59
Join Date: Jul 2002
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now that i think about it. i do share. but not mp3's because i move them to a different folder. but all my videos and software is available

2002-10-25, 20:15
New Blood
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I don't understand the participation thing anyways. 

2002-10-25, 21:36
Senior Metalhead
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People who download from me and reach speeds of 20kb/sec don't have to worry about bandwidth.
I don't keep my divx movies (my HD isn't big enough) in the shared folder but i do keep a selection of mp3's there,just in case somebody is interested.
As we place this wretched waste of a man into his final rotting place.
We pray for his soul to be stripped and tormented
of all that is proper, to burn his sins,
In the witness of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Ghost, his soul will fall below the valley of death.
Left to rot forever, to never be free, never return.

2002-10-25, 22:06
Supreme Metalhead
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As i said, its pointless for me to sahre, kazaas on like once every fortnight, and its to downlaod a song, or DBz episode, so for the 40mins its on, its pointless to share
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-10-25, 23:23
Senior Metalhead
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I share everything, because i hate when i'm looking for something rare, and I dont found, I'm angry as fuck. So I share. I do what I want others do.
simple like that
hails and good share 
Please, Don't steal my signature

2002-10-26, 00:51
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Greifswald, Germany
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I didn't share on Kazaa/ Morpheus, because i didn't find anything. So why the hell i should share my files?
I think many people think this way and that's why i didn't find anything on Kazaa.
-> I don't use Kazaa anymore.

2002-10-26, 00:56
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kazaa is excellent for porn, and thats about all.

2002-10-26, 03:21
Senior Metalhead
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porn on the internet...  ...BIG waste of fucking time
it's better "real" sex
Please, Don't steal my signature
Last edited by CradleOfFilth : 2002-10-26 at 14:45.

2002-10-26, 03:30
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2002-10-26, 11:44
I dont believe in gravity
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I'd rather suggest SoulSeek... You can find more rare stuff there 
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2002-10-26, 13:19
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Posts: 65
all my mp3's are shared. i share movies about two weeks or a month, deleting some of them if i need disk space.
btw, when kazaa shows that the song should be available on the net and it has for example two users, i try to download it and it says "more sources needed for download"? is it queued by those users or is it something else?
...when the blackness overwhelms me
where shall i turn?
to run away to never look back
to run away from evil...

2002-10-26, 13:35
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally posted by trm
btw, when kazaa shows that the song should be available on the net and it has for example two users, i try to download it and it says "more sources needed for download"? is it queued by those users or is it something else?
I thought more sources needed meant that the person u were downloading from got offline.
Fender0823: ok here's a good one.........
Fender0823: what if u could have all the babes u wanted in ur bed, but once a month u had to wear a shirt in public that said "I like my men in short shorts" would u do it
Fender0823: :-X god im scary
Fender0823: lol
Fender0823: this is what alcohol does to me.
Ulimnar: hell yeah i would, lol, that'd be hilarious
Fender0823: lmfao!!!!!!!
Fender0823: hahahahahahaha
Fender0823: can i put this in my sig on metaltabs
Fender0823: lololol
Ulimnar: but I'd also carry a gun for any homos that took it seriously
"Wally Leaves us officially" - Ulimnar: lol I think it'll work now...goodbye man
Ulimnar signed off at 10:09:37 PM.

2002-10-26, 18:11
Senior Metalhead
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i've always shared too..... but not everything on my machine.
just a few mp3
I cut you once I cut you twice
You're my midnight sacrifice
You shamed me... you shame God
You scream my name, and now you're gone

2002-10-26, 18:16
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by trm
all my mp3's are shared. i share movies about two weeks or a month, deleting some of them if i need disk space.
btw, when kazaa shows that the song should be available on the net and it has for example two users, i try to download it and it says "more sources needed for download"? is it queued by those users or is it something else?
i think it means that 2 users have that file, but the upload is queued.

2002-10-27, 13:06
You gamma-minus fucktards
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I was downloading a 240Mb Blackadder episode... and the fucking thing cut out at 220Mb.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2002-10-27, 20:54
Yeah that happened to me. I was downloading Red Alert 2 which was 207mb and It took about a week and a half, I was up to 200 when it suddenly dissapeared from my dload list. Usually it should just stop so you can resume but it totally dissapeared. 

2002-10-28, 13:18
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Greifswald, Germany
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I downloaded Stronghold and got an .exe-file that was called killpokemon and alyways wanted to access the net. Damn Kazaa!!! 

2002-10-28, 17:29
Master Killer
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stronghold is cool
does anybody know xThrowdownx? that's one helluva cool band!

2002-10-29, 04:38
Senior Metalhead
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people say that kazza gives you a virus. my cable guy said that it screws up all the time. he also showed me how to play battery.
...and the punk died in satans reign...

2002-10-29, 05:00
Originally posted by MetalPoldi
I downloaded Stronghold and got an .exe-file that was called killpokemon and alyways wanted to access the net. Damn Kazaa!!!
i had that file, its a virus.

2002-10-29, 14:24
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Greifswald, Germany
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I thought so. But nothing happened.

2002-10-31, 15:00
Ah, guys, its not that bad if people don't share! You still get your files!
*looks at downloading files*
More sources needed
more sources needed
more sources needed
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