2007-11-05, 22:32
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 26
Need help! - Immortal "Where Dark and Light don't differ"
Alright so I'm using the tab off of powertabs.com (only one there)... and I have a question about one section.
Get the tab here:
Get the song here (if you don't have it you should freaking be ashamed anyways  ): http://samples.musica.mustdie.ru/i/...al/1999_446.mp3
My problem is at about 1:03 during that little descending part (right before the tremoloed power chords)... in the tab it's shown as basically this sort of thing:
4-4-4-5-5-4-3-3-2-1-0 (with each number representing a power chord)... basically it's just mashing, no fancy picking or anything.
But when I listen to the song... it sounds like a little "flurry" of notes partway through that.
Can't tell what it is. If someone could enlighten me that'd be awesome.
Thanks for any help.