2007-12-11, 06:48
New Blood
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 32
Just a question...
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I couldnt find any other section more suitable. My question is, if you really want to make it as a musician is it wrong to have a back up plan for something to fall back on if you dont make it?

2007-12-11, 11:39
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 135
Shit no!!! That's one of the smartest things you can do is have a backup plan. Far too many people don't, then they end up working for measly wages when they're 30. I commend you for having enough sense to actually think about having one.
Seriously, odds of you "making it" are totally NOT in your favor, no matter how hard you work at it.
Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit, or just plain stupid.

2007-12-11, 12:37
New Blood
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 32
Yeh its just sometimes I get the impression that if you truely want to make it in music you should be confident enough to not need a backup plan. But for the style of music I play (thrash with technical and original bits throw in) even if we did get signed I think itd be hard to live off the money from it. I do music and playing live for the love of it seriously, i'm willing to gig for free anytime because of the amazing buzz you get playing live, but in a few years time when im a bit older I really need to start thinking about money to survive with.

2007-12-11, 12:50
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Even if you get signed in a metal band, that definitely doesn't mean you're not going to be broke-ass poor.
This thread reminded me of the 50plus-year-old guy that tried to add me on myspace the other day. He was in an Ozzy cover band(As Ozzy) and several other non-famous metal bands. LOL.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-12-11, 15:51
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by metalshred
Yeh its just sometimes I get the impression that if you truely want to make it in music you should be confident enough to not need a backup plan. But for the style of music I play (thrash with technical and original bits throw in) even if we did get signed I think itd be hard to live off the money from it. I do music and playing live for the love of it seriously, i'm willing to gig for free anytime because of the amazing buzz you get playing live, but in a few years time when im a bit older I really need to start thinking about money to survive with.
Yeah man, that was my big mistake: having too much confidence, and making my ENTIRE life revolve around my band. It almost destroyed my life while totally changing me as a person (for the better of course), but for about 5 years of my life, I was living below the poverty line (making under $10,000 a year.) I love music unconditionally, but it was after my band broke up and all my "friends" fucked me over, that I started to really reconsider what I was doing in the city. There was certainly more to life than what I saw and was going through...
It's been almost 3 years since then and I haven't been any happier, my guitar playing skills have gone through the roof, I have all new gear now, and I'm able to write and play comfortably and more freely in my own style. And I'm not starving 24/7 and I'm able to pay my bills. Sure I have a 9 to 5 job but it's doing my 2nd love in life (computer networking/IT work) and I'm able to plan my days out according to what I see fit, and maintain some kind of level of discipline where I can achieve anything I want without any bullshit interrupting me from doing my thing.
So would I suggest having a backup plan? Absolutley. When I came out of high school all I wanted to be was a session guitarist - nothing else. I got swept up and sidetracked in visions of fame and glory offered by people who were nothing but actual - well, sycophants. When the band I put 22 hours of work everyday in went to shit, and I could hear eviction notices being put on my apartment door while I was inside totally strung out, reality hit me hard.
When you're trying to leave you own goddamn apartment to move out and your ex-friend/singer is trying to stop you from leaving town by any means neccessary, you know something's fucked up and you made bad choices in life.
Make sure of two things: #1 - the people you're doing music with are equal or better people as they are musicians; #2 - whatever backup plan you make, make sure it involves something you actually give a shit about or have some talent in that you enjoy. There is actually more to life than music, and while it took me a year to get over this fact I totally embrace and accept that now.

2007-12-11, 17:10
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 216
Originally Posted by Sycophant
Yeah man, that was my big mistake: having too much confidence, and making my ENTIRE life revolve around my band. It almost destroyed my life while totally changing me as a person (for the better of course), but for about 5 years of my life, I was living below the poverty line (making under $10,000 a year.) I love music unconditionally, but it was after my band broke up and all my "friends" fucked me over, that I started to really reconsider what I was doing in the city. There was certainly more to life than what I saw and was going through...
It's been almost 3 years since then and I haven't been any happier, my guitar playing skills have gone through the roof, I have all new gear now, and I'm able to write and play comfortably and more freely in my own style. And I'm not starving 24/7 and I'm able to pay my bills. Sure I have a 9 to 5 job but it's doing my 2nd love in life (computer networking/IT work) and I'm able to plan my days out according to what I see fit, and maintain some kind of level of discipline where I can achieve anything I want without any bullshit interrupting me from doing my thing.
So would I suggest having a backup plan? Absolutley. When I came out of high school all I wanted to be was a session guitarist - nothing else. I got swept up and sidetracked in visions of fame and glory offered by people who were nothing but actual - well, sycophants. When the band I put 22 hours of work everyday in went to shit, and I could hear eviction notices being put on my apartment door while I was inside totally strung out, reality hit me hard.
When you're trying to leave you own goddamn apartment to move out and your ex-friend/singer is trying to stop you from leaving town by any means neccessary, you know something's fucked up and you made bad choices in life.
Make sure of two things: #1 - the people you're doing music with are equal or better people as they are musicians; #2 - whatever backup plan you make, make sure it involves something you actually give a shit about or have some talent in that you enjoy. There is actually more to life than music, and while it took me a year to get over this fact I totally embrace and accept that now.
Yea, my dad did the same thing and now He's half living with my grandparents and I see him once like maybe every two years. I love him but he's pretty much a loser cause he never did anything except try to make it as a musician and now he's old and broke. And like Sycophant said he has better gear and can afford to pay bills.
Pm me if you live near/in southern Delaware

2007-12-11, 17:20
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just finnish any random study you fancy, then afterwards hit the road to fame

2007-12-11, 17:35
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Whatever, I'm close to 30 and doing odd jobs.
Ramen noodle for the win!
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2007-12-11, 21:01
I am a tax on the world..
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What do you call a musician that's not married?
I'm getting a Master's degree in music performance, and I'll probably end up teaching High School Algebra I or maybe even become a P.E. coach. hahaha. But I'll still gig and teach private lessons.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2007-12-11 at 21:04.

2007-12-12, 02:01
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
I'm studying to be a Lawyer and still maintain a good level of performance on my guitar. A backup plan is always good, most of the greats had them. Hell, one of my professors is a lawyer and can shred on the guitar.
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley

2007-12-12, 02:14
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 216
I plan on becoming a funeral director/mortician = kick-ass job, good money, and a death metal/grind band in the making.
Pm me if you live near/in southern Delaware

2007-12-12, 09:55
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by metalshred
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I couldnt find any other section more suitable. My question is, if you really want to make it as a musician is it wrong to have a back up plan for something to fall back on if you dont make it?
I'd recommend that you run your musical life in parallel to something else that will allow you do things like eat and not die.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2007-12-12, 18:05
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Hickland
Posts: 45
Man, if you're playing extreme metal you're going to be broke no matter what. A fall back plan is important. I'm studying to become a Paramedic so I can stop eating damn Ramen noodles.
What has nine arms and sucks? Def Leppard.

2007-12-12, 18:22
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Sycophant
Yeah man, that was my big mistake: having too much confidence, and making my ENTIRE life revolve around my band. It almost destroyed my life while totally changing me as a person (for the better of course), but for about 5 years of my life, I was living below the poverty line (making under $10,000 a year.) I love music unconditionally, but it was after my band broke up and all my "friends" fucked me over, that I started to really reconsider what I was doing in the city. There was certainly more to life than what I saw and was going through...
It's been almost 3 years since then and I haven't been any happier, my guitar playing skills have gone through the roof, I have all new gear now, and I'm able to write and play comfortably and more freely in my own style. And I'm not starving 24/7 and I'm able to pay my bills. Sure I have a 9 to 5 job but it's doing my 2nd love in life (computer networking/IT work) and I'm able to plan my days out according to what I see fit, and maintain some kind of level of discipline where I can achieve anything I want without any bullshit interrupting me from doing my thing.
So would I suggest having a backup plan? Absolutley. When I came out of high school all I wanted to be was a session guitarist - nothing else. I got swept up and sidetracked in visions of fame and glory offered by people who were nothing but actual - well, sycophants. When the band I put 22 hours of work everyday in went to shit, and I could hear eviction notices being put on my apartment door while I was inside totally strung out, reality hit me hard.
When you're trying to leave you own goddamn apartment to move out and your ex-friend/singer is trying to stop you from leaving town by any means neccessary, you know something's fucked up and you made bad choices in life.
Make sure of two things: #1 - the people you're doing music with are equal or better people as they are musicians; #2 - whatever backup plan you make, make sure it involves something you actually give a shit about or have some talent in that you enjoy. There is actually more to life than music, and while it took me a year to get over this fact I totally embrace and accept that now.
Well shit, that's quite the story.
I play in a band now but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be playing in it in 2010. Just a fact. I'm getting older, my friends are getting older and it's just for fun. Sure we play some shows and we sell some cd's but we're not 100% dedicated like others.
That doesn't really mean you can't achieve anything. If your band has some quality you're bound to make some people find out about you and like you. I know guys with double the motivation and dedication then us lot but they didn't achieve half the things we did. Fun in making music and beeing on the road with friends is our main motivator.
I'm pretty damn sure when we are all married and working class, the band will fall apart. We all have our bachelor or masters degree so our jobs will probably be demanding as well. For us it's just a passing phase but one that we've enjoyed for years and hopefully for some years to come.
For most people it's a passing phase. For some it's their life employment but remember it's only a few that make it that far. I think a backup plan is a must but hey, if you're smart, you already figured that out.

2007-12-12, 18:58
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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yeah but you should have a pretty good idea by the time youre 19-20 if youre going to try and make a go of it as a band for money. and at least in the states thats the age when you normally kick into gear with real college or get a serious job or whatever

2007-12-12, 20:55
Join Date: Sep 2005
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I would never try to make a living as a musician. Stay in school.

2007-12-12, 21:33
Noob lud
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Regarding the last two posts, I think being in school is the prime time to be in a band. You have 4 months during the summer to tour or record. You have almost two more months of breaks during the two semesters to do the same.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2007-12-12, 22:30
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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just depends on your work cycle and all that too, depends if you need/want a full time job during your breaks
still id say youre crazy if you try to start the ball rolling if youre past 25 with a degree or a steady job

2007-12-13, 08:50
Vaginal Warts
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Originally Posted by powersofterror
What do you call a musician that's not married?
I'm getting a Master's degree in music performance, and I'll probably end up teaching High School Algebra I or maybe even become a P.E. coach. hahaha. But I'll still gig and teach private lessons.
Fuck, we're on the same road here.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.
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