2002-11-17, 17:13
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Odinism, asatru
They last three weeks i´ve been reading a lot about Odinism and the asatru concept. My interest for it started after I read the Vargsmal, the book of Varg Vikernes from Burzum wich he wrote in jail. Who of you share the interest, in the myths on Baldr, Odin´s missing eye, Loki and Ragnarok?
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2002-11-17, 17:59
Supreme Metalhead
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Yeah, Norse Mythology rocks, Erm, dude, were did you buy Vargsmal?
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-11-17, 23:49
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Where can I get a good artist's impression of Loki?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2002-11-18, 03:18
Forum Daemon
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Marvel Comics.

2002-11-18, 07:13
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I've got it from the internet, just search for it on google or something....
Else I'll post the url in the evening
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2002-11-18, 15:37
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Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2002-11-18, 16:05
Supreme Metalhead
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You fucking rule!
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-11-18, 16:28
cool, i've been looking for it for a while now...thanks

2002-11-18, 17:29
Supreme Metalhead
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I just printed it off. haha
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-11-18, 18:09
Join Date: Jul 2002
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thank you...
I printed it myself as well, read it everyday on my way to school or work... Varg Rules, Hail Wuotan!
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2002-11-18, 20:05
Senior Metalhead
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I have to get this shit. As a proud norseman, I have to. Balder, Tor, Loke, Odin, Heimdall, all my forefather's Gods......
"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"
Last edited by DerMeister : 2002-11-18 at 20:09.

2002-11-18, 21:06
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Scotland
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Haha, Soon if it works i'll get norwegian citizen ship, erase my scottish past, haha..
and Sanderinos, i'm learning norwegian,. your siganture says "i am the son of odin" yeah?
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-11-18, 22:12
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nice avatar cthulhu 
Please, Don't steal my signature

2002-11-18, 22:42
Forum Daemon
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I just have to interject that this is some of the most stupid, backwards-assed shit I've seen. Looking up to a goddamned racist stuck in the past, what the fuck is that? You might as well call someone brilliant for believing in and writing about the Odyssey or the Bible. But no, because it's some stupid, pussy-assed, pantheist cunt, it's cool.

2002-11-18, 22:44
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Originally posted by PST 88
I just have to interject that this is some of the most stupid, backwards-assed shit I've seen. Looking up to a goddamned racist stuck in the past, what the fuck is that? You might as well call someone brilliant for believing in and writing about the Odyssey or the Bible. But no, because it's some stupid, pussy-assed, pantheist cunt, it's cool.

2002-11-19, 00:22
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by PST 88
I just have to interject that this is some of the most stupid, backwards-assed shit I've seen. Looking up to a goddamned racist stuck in the past, what the fuck is that? You might as well call someone brilliant for believing in and writing about the Odyssey or the Bible. But no, because it's some stupid, pussy-assed, pantheist cunt, it's cool.
stuck in the past????? what the fuck? why dont you say that about any other religion, which one hasnt been around for at least a couple hundred years. i take it that your jewish, isnt judaism older than odinism?? why dont you say that to the millions of christians who have a 2000 year old religion or even to the catholics whose religion is even older????

2002-11-19, 01:30
Forum Daemon
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Catholicism is OLDER than 2000 years now? Although it wasnt actually created until many years after Jesus's death, it's somehow older than 2000 years. Thanks for your enlightenment.
And when have I said ANYHING at all good about any other religion? I'm not a fan of any. Including Odinism. I just found it, well, disgustingly hypocritical, for all the same reasons you thought I was. Except for one thing: I dont believe in anything; y'all do, or at least claim to and masturbate over the texts for.
I havent said it about any other religion because no other religion was enough of a fucking cunting dumbass to post a stupidass thread here about itself. The day someone puts up a thread ecstatic about learning more about the Vulgate bible or the Talmud or the Koran, I'll respond to it the same way. Also, I hate Varg. Fuck Varg, fuck him in his stupid asses.
And for the record, I'm only Jewish because my mother's vagina was.
By the way, I think it's brilliant when he complains about the Negroes and calls people "race traitors." Really classy, Norse stuff there.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2002-11-19 at 01:35.

2002-11-19, 02:37
Join Date: Jul 2002
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alright then, so catholism isnt over 200 years old, i thought it was. and since you dont like any religion, i guess its ok for you to say so. just like how if i dont like any jews, it'd make it ok for me to bitch at them huh?
i have alot of jewish friends, just an example. no offence

2002-11-19, 04:18
Forum Daemon
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I make more fun of Jews than anyone you'll ever meet dude. So yeah, I dont mind you making fun of them. Except for one thing: this would be going against a policy I have. I like to call this policy "Shut The Fuck Up, Weijia," and you can not make fun of Jews while shutting the fuck up. If you find some way you can, feel free.
And yes, Catholicism IS older than 200 years, but not 2000.
And I didnt, like Varg in there, call people inferior because of their racial makeup or beliefs. If you want to try and get me on that, dont be defending a racist cunt like Varg. My comment was on every one of you in this thread's hypocrisy, not for believing in something. Believe in whatever you want, but keep it away from me. If some Southern Baptist asshole came in here and made a thread with a link about how superior Southern white folk are and how we're all inferior and going to hell, I guarantee you'd get pissed. Yet, when Varg does it, it's okay. Why? Because he's Nordic, and that's cool. Not racist; cool. Cunts. And because these Gods dress cooler and let you feel special, they're cooler than any other religions. "Everyone else's God is stupid, but mine kicks ass!" Cunts.
Also: shut the fuck up, weijia.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2002-11-19 at 04:35.

2002-11-19, 04:37
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I could give a shit about Catholicism, mythology, or what Varg wipes his ass with. Weijia, if you're gonna constantly run your mouth, its probably a good idea that you shut the fuck up first.

2002-11-19, 07:52
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and Sanderinos, i'm learning norwegian,. your siganture says "i am the son of odin" yeah?
yes it does! a proud son of Odin...
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Last edited by sanderinos : 2002-11-19 at 07:54.

2002-11-19, 13:30
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by PST 88
I just have to interject that this is some of the most stupid, backwards-assed shit I've seen. Looking up to a goddamned racist stuck in the past, what the fuck is that? You might as well call someone brilliant for believing in and writing about the Odyssey or the Bible. But no, because it's some stupid, pussy-assed, pantheist cunt, it's cool.
I must admit, some of the things he says are pretty stupid... but what really matters is that it is fun to read. Especially the things he says about Eronymous, the tales of him growing up, his links with Odinism. I like that and with me, a lot of others.
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2002-11-19, 20:16
Senior Metalhead
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I love Norse mythology. I finally got myself Mjollnir on a necklace. It took fucking forever to find one.
Procrasination and masturbation are one in the same--in the end, you're just fucking yourself.

2002-11-21, 08:01
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
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I love Norse mythology. I finally got myself Mjollnir on a necklace. It took fucking forever to find one.
Cool, I'm trying to find one myself... but instead nof pentagrams, it takes quite a while. Do you have a complete 'report' on Ragnarok, 'cause I only have shreds and pieces...
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