2002-12-08, 01:34
New Blood
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US Black Metal
What the hell is wrong with everybody? I seem to be one out of few metalheads that acually supports the local metal scene. Why don't people support what few great black metal bands that hail from the USA. Think of em, Ibex Throne fucking shreds, surely some of you are familiar with Judas Iscariot and Krieg. Then we have great bands like Odium, The Oblerterate plauge, Demoncy, Misanthropy, ect...
But you people would rather give your support to mediocre neo-goth psudeo-blackmetal bands like Cradle of Fashion and Dimmu Bitches, trust me, these bands don't make music, they make money. Why did Joe Satyr put 'Joe' in front of his name and switch to Century Media, why did Dimmu Borgir leave no colours and retire thier corpse paint to play in front of a crowd of Mansonites for Centery Media...?
Listen to what you like...but remeber there is vast world in the underground...spawned in your own back yard, and I daresay the scene in the US rivals the scene in Norway as far as talent goes.

2002-12-08, 01:40
Drunken Yeti God
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Well, I'll say that my excuse for not supporting US Black Metal is because I haven't even heard of a damn one of those bands you mentioned. But I'll stop listening to Dimmu Borgir now so I can listen to them, even though that if it wasn't for Dimmu Borgir, I wouldn't listen to any black metal at all. 
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-12-08, 01:54
New Blood
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I thought somebody might have read that thinking I had hostile intent.
I don't care if you enjoy Dimmu, I don't give a rats ass if you want to buy them shiny new cars and an olypmic sized swimming pool, but I will say that you should look up some of the bands I listed. DB couldn't hold a candle to any of them.
Hail True Black Metal

2002-12-08, 01:56
Drunken Yeti God
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Yeah because God knows that "What the hell is wrong with everybody?" has no suggestive hostility in it whatsoever...
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-12-08, 02:00
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Posts: 2,931
i've never heard of us black metal, hell i've never heard of black metal thats not from scandinavia. plus its good music, i'll support us metal if i liek it

2002-12-08, 02:10
New Blood
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Originally posted by walpurgis
Yeah because God knows that "What the hell is wrong with everybody?" has no suggestive hostility in it whatsoever...
I see we are stuck on the first sentence of the post. My message lies in the words that follow it. No need to be so defensive.

2002-12-08, 02:11
Drunken Yeti God
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Heh, yeah, being tired and cranky doesn't work too well.
My apologies.
And I'll actually try to find some of that stuff...
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-12-08, 04:03
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Posts: 2,931
by local, do you mean within the city with local club/bar gigs? or local as in all of the us

2002-12-08, 04:27
Hail !
I like all the bands you listed ... I support US Black Metal but I also like Scandinavian Black Metal ...well I like them if they're good not because of the place they are.
also add:
Kult ov Azazel
Black Witchery
Black Funeral
and Canadian
Blasphemy (kinda)

2002-12-08, 06:19
New Blood
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Posts: 17
Originally posted by Lord Malphas
Hail !
I like all the bands you listed ... I support US Black Metal but I also like Scandinavian Black Metal ...well I like them if they're good not because of the place they are.
also add:
Kult ov Azazel
Black Witchery
Black Funeral
and Canadian
Blasphemy (kinda)
I agree...music is music, where ever it may come from...but what cought my attention is that you listed Throcult (formerly Thoat Culture)...are you from the midwest, like in Colorado, Wyoming, ect..? Did you attend the Black Metal Holocaust by any chance? I've seen Throcult a number of times and I am wearing thier "Unholy fucking blasphey" shirt as I type this. They are great band, and Their Haunted promo kicks ass.
PS..add Ouroboros to you Canadian list, one of the best bands in the Global scene...

2002-12-08, 09:19
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Last time I checked Absu was black metal..and they were from Texas.. throw them up on the list.. they can't help it if a label from France was the only ones to pick them up..
I've got more presence than attendance in a class of schitzophrenics, here here.

2002-12-08, 16:39
Originally posted by Judas-Iscariot
are you from the midwest, like in Colorado, Wyoming, ect..? Did you attend the Black Metal Holocaust by any chance?
No ... Live in Miami Beach, Florida (it sucks) but I know Throcult because of a friend that lives in Colorado.
and no I didn't go to the Black Metal Holocaust ... I wish I had
and yes Midnight, Absu is awesome and Osmose is one of my favorite music labels ... they just signed Black Witchery

2002-12-08, 17:08
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Ancient & Avernus to the list!!
Join the hordes!!

2002-12-08, 18:13
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black witchery fucking rules! I think norwegian black metal is where its at though... 

2002-12-08, 21:56
New Blood
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Us Yankees do just of a good job at playing loud, fast, blaspheous black metal as the Norse do. What evidence do you have to have to prove otherwise?

2002-12-08, 22:17
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Originally posted by Judas-Iscariot
Hail True Black Metal
Uhh, "True" Black metal, is the norwegian scene, where it started.
Where did americans learn it all from? TE NORWEGIAN SCENE, so you just contradicted yourself by saying, listen to true black metal, but forget the scandanavian scene...
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-12-08, 22:23
Gav is right here, "real" true black metal bands are from europe.
But, i am canadian, and i support the local scene, and scandinave one
i dont care from where the music is
you're just stupid and mind-closed
dont start stupid thread like that, you'll be hated 

2002-12-08, 22:36
add Xasthur and Nokturne
Hail Kult ov Azazel (Ft. Lauderdale Natives)

2002-12-08, 22:56
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long live true balck metal!!!!!!

2002-12-08, 23:24
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Of the European Variety...
Face it Judas, No band outside of norway can be True BM...
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-12-08, 23:30
New Blood
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Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
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Originally posted by CtHuLhU DaWn
Uhh, "True" Black metal, is the norwegian scene, where it started.
Where did americans learn it all from? TE NORWEGIAN SCENE, so you just contradicted yourself by saying, listen to true black metal, but forget the scandanavian scene...
Do you not have the cognitive capabilities to read and analyze, and come to a conclusion based on the facts you gathered? Did I say forget the scandanavian scene? No, in an earlier post I stated "Music is music, where ever it comes from"...don't be so assumptious. And "True" black metal only comes from Norway?  This is news to me...
Pull your head out of your ass. Yes, America did learn Black Metal from the Nordic scene, but if you want to trace the roots of black metal you will find that the Norweigan bands got it from Venom (UK) and Bathory (Swe)...so does "True" Black Metal only come from UK and Sweden? 

2002-12-09, 00:00
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I know that Venom and Bathory influenced the scene, BUT! Euronymous (Øystein aarseth) invented the Genre we know as BLACK metal, and where was he from? FUCK ME, HES FROM NORWAY!
I know the history of this genre as well, BUT The sceneOriginated in Norway from several influences, so you pull your head out of YOUR ass, realise that.
Yes the genre took tis name from a venom song, but without Aarseth, the genre would not exist, so forth, it originated in norway, and america only caught on AFTER the innitial stages.
As did Dimmu BOrgir and Cradle of filth.
Those two bands are not "true", they werent around at the start of the scene, neither were the americans.
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-12-09, 00:09
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well yes, technically, true black metal would come from norway. if people from norway make a type of music first, and them people from the U.S. put a spin on it but still have it have the general standards of the original, than the U.S. version is not the "true" version. however, a U.S. band can still make basic "true" black metal if they want to.
"true" is a dumb word. "pure" sounds better........
Judas Iscariot, I think you are overreacting. Dimmu is a great band. You seem to think they are sell outs just because they have been around for awhile and that they have gathered a large following. After a band is around for awhile, they usually are able to (if they are good) sign to a bigger label, like Century Media.
just cuz a band doesn't do everything they did when they started, doesnt make them sell outs. any band thats been around for awhile may change.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-09, 00:49
New Blood
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Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
well yes, technically, true black metal would come from norway. if people from norway make a type of music first, and them people from the U.S. put a spin on it but still have it have the general standards of the original, than the U.S. version is not the "true" version. however, a U.S. band can still make basic "true" black metal if they want to.
"true" is a dumb word. "pure" sounds better........
Judas Iscariot, I think you are overreacting. Dimmu is a great band. You seem to think they are sell outs just because they have been around for awhile and that they have gathered a large following. After a band is around for awhile, they usually are able to (if they are good) sign to a bigger label, like Century Media.
just cuz a band doesn't do everything they did when they started, doesnt make them sell outs. any band thats been around for awhile may change.
Infantile logic, but you make a good point...about "True" Black Metal anyways. As for Dimmu Borgir....you are right that they are not sell outs because they don't sound like they did during the For All Tid/Stormblast days. They are sell outs because they stopped playing music that they wrote for themselves and decided to play generic cliche commerical black metal in an attempt to make more money for themselves. They obviously didn't fail. This is my opinion, and if you want to listen to and enjoy DB I'm not going to lose any sleep. I'm personally sick of this Dimmu Bitches/Gay Mans Child "Black Metal"...
Anyways, we're way off topic...


2002-12-09, 00:55
New Blood
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Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
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Originally posted by CtHuLhU DaWn
I know that Venom and Bathory influenced the scene, BUT! Euronymous (Øystein aarseth) invented the Genre we know as BLACK metal, and where was he from? FUCK ME, HES FROM NORWAY!
I know the history of this genre as well, BUT The sceneOriginated in Norway from several influences, so you pull your head out of YOUR ass, realise that.
Yes the genre took tis name from a venom song, but without Aarseth, the genre would not exist, so forth, it originated in norway, and america only caught on AFTER the innitial stages.
As did Dimmu BOrgir and Cradle of filth.
Those two bands are not "true", they werent around at the start of the scene, neither were the americans.
That communist bastard Euronymous invented Black Metal? Thats opinion, not an objective statement. Easily debatable.
And you define "True" by who was around when the "scene" developed? Is every band that isn't Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, or Immortal not true?

2002-12-09, 01:40
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Judas, you reminded me of a thread I made a long time ago, please read it. What you are saying is kinda stereotypical. Mainstream black metal?!?!? if dimmu wanted to get money, Shagrath would start rapping and Mustis would substitute the keyboards for turntables. Anyway, read this:
"i know many people have done this (i think), but i wanna voice my opinon. i dont get why people get so mad at so many bands for what they do. Let me start with In Flames. People are bashing them for selling out. this is so silly. Why do people say that? Because they have guitar melodies? or because they have catchy choruses? people say that the choruses off their new album sound like nu-metal. what makes a chorus nu metal? or dimmu borgir.....people say that it isnt black metal. Why? because is sounds good? also i have seen people get mad when a band signs to a major label....well there are plenty of bands that do this, like maiden and Blind Guardian, and they dont sell out
people's whole image of some bands is so off it makes them worse then the nu metal trendies. i remember someone here commented on a band saying that they weren't metal because their lyrics had nothing to do with satan. well, that makes them more of a "poser" or "trendy" than anyone else. i think too many people want to have the image of being a fan of non-mainstream music. they exploit it more than any nu metal fan wearing a limp bizcuit t-shirt......
back to my point on bands, almost no band i believe has ever "sold out".
in flames-no
metallica-not for their music so much, but i consider them sell outs for all the shit they have done with napster etc. they sold their fans out.
basically to wrap this up, what does music have to be in order to not be bashed? does it have to be just total noise that no one will really like? is Anal Cunt the only true non sell out band because they never built on their music? bands build on their style. the music they make is what they wanna make.
Do you honestly believe that when in flames releases their new cd that they are thinking: "wow this crap we made totally sucks, but it will sell good."
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-09, 01:45
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heh heh, silly black metal kids with your arguing
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2002-12-09, 01:52
Originally posted by xDarkestHourx
heh heh, silly black metal kids with your arguing
"kids"...hmmm ...

2002-12-09, 02:28
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I use kids for everything. Death metal kids, hardcore kids, Shove your thumb up your ass kids, it's all the same, try not to be offended
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2002-12-09, 03:49
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 79
Judas - were you at Black Metal Haulocuast?
Some great bands there, Throcult and Ibex Throne being the highlights I thought.
There are some great USA metal bands, the ones above, Ourobouros (or however you spell it), Anwyl, 88mm Bullets, the Obliterate Plague..

2002-12-09, 07:14
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Originally posted by Judas-Iscariot
That communist bastard Euronymous invented Black Metal? Thats opinion, not an objective statement. Easily debatable.
And you define "True" by who was around when the "scene" developed? Is every band that isn't Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, or Immortal not true?
YEs, for his band lead the way for everyone else.
And no, Burzum, while helping lead the movement Came AFTER!
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-12-09, 13:16
New Blood
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2002-12-09, 19:58
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ahh come on dude, dont sit back and make faces, Debate!
unless you have no argument left, in which case can a mod close this...?
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-12-09, 20:30
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nah, lets debate........
However, Judas has no arguement really............
my reasoning for this is (as I have said before):
1. Do you really think Dimmu makes music and then thinks "This sucks, but it will sell so lets release it."?
2. Judas, you seem to just be giving your opinion and saying it is a fact. The real fact is that many people like Dimmu and CoF. Ive listened to lotsa black metal, of all of it, Dimmu has been my favorite without a doubt. Dimmu and CoF, IN MY OPINION, are the most respectable BM bands around. They are the only reason I dont hate the BM scene as much as many people around here.
3. Technically BM was started it Norway. Sure, if Norwegians never existed, some other people would have started it, but thats just how it is. BM came from Norway, you cant argue that
What you are doing is basically the equivalent of bitching about Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb. Sure, if he didnt, someone else would have later on, but he did and thats just how it is. When the Norwegians made the music and it was dubbed Black Metal, it became the pure form of BM. If someone else changes the formula a bit, and you like it better, that doesnt make it pure BM.
Also, you complaining about Dimmu not wearing much make up etc. anymore is pointless. Bands change. What they start out doing, they may find to be dumb later on. Hell, if I woulda had a band 6-7 years ago, it would have been death metal. now, i would hate to be in a DM band. Real bands feel the same way. Look at so many bands such as: And Oceans, ToT, Soilwork, In Flames, Anathema...... this list could go on and on...........
Judas, if you respond, please give more than this:
that doesnt really defend your side much...........
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-09, 21:51
Supreme Metalhead
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Basically, BM is only TRUE if you experianced its rise first hand and you took part in its uprise, so forth you are a TRUE bm musician.
If you are partaking in its uhh "extra curricular Activities" such as Grave Dessecration, church burning etc In another country, Months/Years after the musical/"practical" Rise, you are NOT pure, you are not TRUe and i am All over you.
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-12-09, 23:23
New Blood
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Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Posts: 17
Yes, I believe DB acually goes into a studio and says "Lets write an ablum...I sure could use a new gold plated Hummer to fill that empty spot in my 6 car garage..."
And I never said DB had no talent, they wouldn't be where they were if they didn't, but they don't have my respect. Market Black Metal like a prostitute...
And a USBM band *can* be True. The USBM bands can't use trite marketing catch phrases like "True Norweigan Black Metal" but they can play black metal just as good as any shopping mall medicore Nordic BM band. If you disagree I suggest you look into the American scene. If you already have and you didn't find anything suitable for you I suggest you go back to your Century Media elevator music and be contempt with the fact you are so brave to go with the moral majority regarless of your own opinion, whatever it may be.

2002-12-09, 23:36
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I don't mean to be on Dimmu Borgir's side here (sure I have 5 of their releases but I also have some from Burzum, Mayhem and the like) but how can you rag on them for not wearing face paint? Maybe they realized they look absolutely fucking ridiculous and decided to tone it down. I say the same thing about Death Metal bands. Why was Cattle Decapitation so refreshing to watch live, none of them were smelly, long haired pot monkeys doing hair windmills, sometimes change is definitely a good thing. If everything stays the same, it begins to dillute itself (punk, I'm looking at you). And on another note, just cuz a band is underground and no one on this site has heard of them cuz their so un-mainstream DOESN'T MAKE THEM FUCKING GOOD! I'm so sick of people sayin shit like "Oh well Dimmu Borgir sucks because people like them! Yeah!" Everything, will become popular eventually (racism through most of US history, fuck the ass hats that caused that). Holy hell, I even heard The Locust in a major film. Download the song "Tranquil Thumb In Mouth", that was in the film Cecil B. Demented, it just goes to show that anything, no matter how obscure or integrity filled can still get pushed to the mainstream. In conclusion, change can be good, and everything has it's heyday. Keep wearing corpsepaint and being arrested in the suburbs for mutilating cats
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2002-12-10, 00:37
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Posts: 2,931
dude, BM is about the music. would varg not be BM if he didnt burn churches? plus dimmu sounds good, thats all that counts.
Are Epoch Of Unlight from the US?

2002-12-10, 01:09
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Originally posted by Judas-Iscariot
Yes, I believe DB acually goes into a studio and says "Lets write an ablum...I sure could use a new gold plated Hummer to fill that empty spot in my 6 car garage..."
And I never said DB had no talent, they wouldn't be where they were if they didn't, but they don't have my respect. Market Black Metal like a prostitute...
you are way off there, bucky.......... Dimmu aint rich. Bands that sell millions of albums are not always rich..... Century Media Records or Nuclear Blast are not paying them millions......... maybe if they were signed to Virgin or Elektra or Sony, but your talking about labels that pretty much have underground bands. Dimmu and CoF are still TECHNICALLY an underground act. im using that term cuz still, a majority of people haven't even heard of Dimmu. Market Black Metal like a prostitute???? BM is NOT marketable to get rich off of. Listen to some tracks of their newest album PEM. You think they made that thinking that they would get a pop audience??????? You are falling into a bad stereotype of angst filled metalheads, who I find to be more irritating and ignorant that the nu metal trendies....
and i am NOT trying to insult you. its just that you wont reason with logic, you assume your opinion as fact. Being in a BM band is not a scheme to get rich.....
you are angry at Dimmu for being a popular BM band. Listen to PEM and tell me whats so mainstream about that....... if you consider dimmu to be sell outs, than you must REALLY hate the other 95% of metal bands that build on their music........
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-10, 01:45
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
uh.. Cradle just signed with Sony.

2002-12-10, 01:47
what are you doing here!?! damn ! get a fucking life! you come here, and bitching about anything, you're stupid. I dont care what you think about Norvegian and US black metal, i like both, but please, let this place "in peace"
i'm not a mod, so i cant do nothing.
and dimmu borgirr arrent rich at all, they are maybe a little richer than underground bands, but they are NOTHING compared to Iron maidden, slayer, metallica, pantera etc... come on, think a litlle

2002-12-10, 06:30
Originally posted by EmperorMalignus
they are NOTHING compared to Iron maidden, slayer, metallica, pantera etc...
but still richer that other BM bands ... not more that CoF I think ... yeah Sony sucks

2002-12-10, 12:16
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Why is there no-one in a Black Metal band called Bob or Joe?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2002-12-10, 13:36
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lol, they all got crazy scandinavian names or if its english, then they're called damien.

2002-12-10, 19:29
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CoF signed to Sony, but they wont get paid millions cuz Sony knows that CoF's cds dont sell enough to make them worth millions.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-10, 19:31
maybe they will now...

2002-12-10, 19:33
Join Date: Jul 2002
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nah, BM is way to underground to make really big money...........
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-10, 19:34
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
Why is there no-one in a Black Metal band called Bob or Joe?
My name could be Bob...anyone want to start a Black Metal band? 
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-12-10, 19:37
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
nah, BM is way to underground to make really big money...........
Black Metal is but Cradle of Filth isn't

2002-12-10, 22:29
Senior Metalhead
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Who cares if Sony signed CoF? i mean honestly. .the only thing that they're getting is a better distribution and maybe cheaper studio time.. better production.. they're new album isn't going to have tracks remixed by Moby or star in the next Puddle of Mudd video.. they're still CoF. I personally like CoF and Dimmu.. I'm not a big black metal person.. but I still listen to it if it sounds good to me.. But they're not the only BM that I listen to.. So <shrugs> I guess it doesn't bother me if they weren't born under a red moon and turn into creatures of the night at 3:12 am when the moon is full.. or burned churches.. But maybe that's because I'm not that big into BM.. who knows
I've got more presence than attendance in a class of schitzophrenics, here here.

2002-12-11, 01:22
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Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
nah, BM is way to underground to make really big money...........
thats quite true, it'll never be as mainstream as say... crap

2002-12-11, 02:30
Cradle of Filth used to be Black Metal not anymore... that's why

2002-12-11, 03:24
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
how are they not black metal?

2002-12-11, 04:37
just pick up "Dusk and Her Embrace" and "Bitter Suites to Succubi" and hear the difference...

2002-12-11, 04:47
Forum Daemon
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I want to start up a black metal band with Bob! We can call it "Bob and Dick!" How True is that! I'll burn down a synagogue! I'll do it right now!

2002-12-11, 04:48
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It doesn't get more truthful.

2002-12-11, 04:55
Forum Daemon
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Not truthful: True. Otherwise, it's crap.

2002-12-11, 04:58
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by PST 88
I want to start up a black metal band with Bob! We can call it "Bob and Dick!" How True is that! I'll burn down a synagogue! I'll do it right now!
Kick ass man!
I've got a 20 gallon drum of corpsepaint out in my garage that we can use, and the neighbor kid who is like 5 has one of those small kiddie keyboards, we can use that and really be badass
Here comes Bob and Dick! Watch out BM motherfuckers, because we're True, and we got the paint to prove it!!!!!
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-12-11, 05:06
Forum Daemon
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What's the corpsepaint for? The fires? Oh, what? We have to WEAR it to be True? Well, damn, I think I'll look like a gigantic childish latently homosexual dumbass, but okay. Corpsepaint it up!
A keyboard? OMG, that's so fucking amazing! I'm cumming thinking about it!

2002-12-11, 05:13
Alumni Staff
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lol dats a little tooo much info there PST, ROTFLMAOOOOOOOOOMG!

2002-12-11, 05:20

2002-12-11, 17:26
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
wasnt midian black metalish?

2002-12-11, 17:34
midian is the worst CoF album IMO...

2002-12-11, 17:35
oh no ..that was "From the Cradle to Enslave" ...then Midian

2002-12-11, 17:53
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
i liked some of the songs on midian, but yeah i agree, that ep was crap

2002-12-11, 18:14
Drunken Yeti God
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Location: BangHer, Washington
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If Cradle of Filth got rid of Dani Filth, I might consider listening to them.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-12-12, 00:35
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Look out behind you! That monkey has a knife!
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the only CoF album i own is Dusk and Her Embrace and i think it sucks. Dani sings just like Seth from Anal Cunt. I might get their newer stuff like Midian. Does Danny lose the Seth Putnam voice? Dimmu is so much better...................
its black metal, but shitty BM to say the least IMO..............
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-12, 01:52
you say the music sucks or the vocals suck ? ...or both ?

2002-12-12, 04:00
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Look out behind you! That monkey has a knife!
Posts: 1,405
decent-at-best music, shitty vocals
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-12-12, 04:02
Drunken Yeti God
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: BangHer, Washington
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The shit vocals kept me from paying attention to the music, so Id on't know about that part.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-12-12, 04:17
Throbbing Member
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My friend thought he was a chick for the longest time. I saw a dvd with a making of some video they did, and he acts like he sings.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2002-12-12, 05:46
hahahaha !
My brother also thought he was a chick and even when I told him he wasn't he kept saying it until I showed him in the internet ... lol

2002-12-12, 13:30
i thought i was a chick too. until i saw him/her in a pic...i still dont know

2002-12-12, 19:55
Throbbing Member
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Californeeway
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haha yeah. At every show, theres always those people that you can point out so easily "Cradle of Filth Fags". They where worpse paint but in the wierdest way. Like only around there eyes, or something the leadsinger did once i dont know.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
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