2002-12-15, 00:49
New Blood
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Tremolo riffs
I've been having some difficulty with tremolo riffs..mostly on the low e string. I can't seem to get a very tight sound. No matter how I hold the pick it sounds sloppy. I tune down to d so maybe the slack of the string has something to do with this. I also use 10 gauge strings and .96mm picks. Any advice would be much appreciated.

2002-12-15, 01:41
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 36
You could try a compressor.. and standard tuning. But the low strings usually pretty floppy anyways. not an awful lot you can do. Maybe thicker strings? like .10-.52 or something.

2002-12-15, 10:41
Senior Metalhead
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You know one thing you might be doing.. is letting your hand tense up.. I used to do that and it sounded like crap.. I just had to teach myself to squeeze the pick so hard.. and that fixed the problem.. it also lets me tremelo alot longer and faster.. you might want to give that a try.. I also switched from heavy to medium picks..
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2002-12-15, 17:37
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i have that same probalem when i play standing up, but when i do it sitting down, my hand is more relaxed and it doesnt feel like i'm forcing the notes. so just remember: its all in the wrist, not in the hand

2002-12-16, 04:59
Senior Metalhead
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well your pick is very thin and is getting "cut in half" when u pick fast so its slowing it down try heavy picks i went from medium to very thick (3.0) they make different sizes but ever since i switched tremolo picking became being the easyest thing for me on the guitar lol
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2002-12-16, 05:01
Senior Metalhead
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also when picking that fast make shure ure useing your wrist not your forearm some people say there useing there wrist but really useing there whole arm becuase it feels natural and correct to them so make shure your wrist is ONLY thing moving
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2002-12-16, 05:33
I use 0.46mm picks ... easier to do tremolo with this ones I think

2002-12-16, 09:33
Senior Metalhead
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using a thicker pick and compression really does help a lot
and a lot of practice, make sure your picking level (perpendicular) to the string, so the up or down strokes arnt advanatged to one another

2002-12-16, 16:28
Britney Spear's Pimp
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Originally posted by Piper5150
well your pick is very thin and is getting "cut in half" when u pick fast so its slowing it down try heavy picks i went from medium to very thick (3.0)
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2002-12-16, 16:31
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by Piper5150
well your pick is very thin and is getting "cut in half" when u pick fast so its slowing it down try heavy picks i went from medium to very thick (3.0) they make different sizes but ever since i switched tremolo picking became being the easyest thing for me on the guitar lol
I find it harder to use thicker picks for tremolo...I use med-thin or thin when I plan on playing something like that.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
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2002-12-16, 20:10
Senior Metalhead
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up until this week ive been a steady user of the .70 dunlop ones:P i jsut moved up to.85 though 

2002-12-16, 21:16
Senior Metalhead
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ya there called jim dunlop stubby 3.0
its smaller than any other pick i have but very very thick and wide its great wont go back for any other =)
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2002-12-17, 00:32
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do you use the big stubby's or the little ones?

2002-12-17, 01:36
Senior Metalhead
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i think it is the little one its very small but really thick
its small kinda clear looking through and purblish blu color
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~
Last edited by Piper5150 : 2002-12-17 at 01:54.

2002-12-17, 13:45
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Originally posted by walpurgis
I find it harder to use thicker picks for tremolo...I use med-thin or thin when I plan on playing something like that.
i hate thin picks. i can hardly even play with them! i use peavey med. picks. i think they are like .78 or something like that. 

2002-12-17, 13:46
Britney Spear's Pimp
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Originally posted by Piper5150
ya there called jim dunlop stubby 3.0
its smaller than any other pick i have but very very thick and wide its great wont go back for any other =)
Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!

2002-12-17, 14:54
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 26
Originally posted by Piper5150
i think it is the little one its very small but really thick
its small kinda clear looking through and purblish blu color
Love those picks!

2002-12-17, 22:29
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i use dunlop 1mm thick nylon picks.
flimsiness of a thin one, and thickness of a thick one.
or a nice plastic 1mm works for me too.
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2002-12-17, 23:12
Supreme Metalhead
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I use medium stirng's too, but someitmes I have to use heavy picks on days that I play all sketch. Also try a bigger sting yeah and do what everyone else said by using your wrist not your forearm.
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winter brings gloom, brings remnants of our shadows
twilight casts spells on those who espouse their fate
ice pricks necks like knives, leaving shards of cadaverous skin
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