2009-02-21, 22:15
Guardian of Lost Souls
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Any other veggies out there??
Am nearly scared to ask...
...but erm, yeah, anyone else a veggie in this metaltab land??
Am too sleepy to explain now but last year I became veggie. Will explain more tomorrow.

"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.

2009-02-21, 23:47
Attorney at Bird Law
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No. 99.99% of this forum is male or Requiem, and males have balls. Balls = protein consumption. Please don't mention soy, it's weakass amino acid profile is so incomplete that it makes my balls hurt just to hear the word.
By the way, and not to pick on you, because I know you are nice, but fish is fucking meat. Any vegetarian you personally know who eats fish isn't a vegetarian at all.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2009-02-22, 00:04
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by bunny
Am nearly scared to ask...
...but erm, yeah, anyone else a veggie in this metaltab land??
Am too sleepy to explain now but last year I became veggie. Will explain more tomorrow.

In the immortal words of Del Boy Trotter: If we aren't supposed to eat animals why do they taste like meat? 

2009-02-22, 00:14
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Vegetables? Thats what FOOD eats 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2009-02-22, 00:14
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Vegetables? Thats what FOOD eats 

2009-02-22, 00:17
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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I like salad but I also like steak and steak sauce

2009-02-22, 12:26
Guardian of Lost Souls
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lol i know that the majority of here is male chris & no i won't mention soya but soy sauce is yummy  lol & soya itself is yuckies & chris don't worry mate i know you're not picking on me
okay about this time last year i was having probs with my stomach vomiting a lot & i just put it down to stomach bugs but there were happening more frequent. so i went to see my doc & she thought i was producing too much acid so she gave me drugs to take for that & she done some tests & sent them off to the lab place. the drugs made me worse so i went back to her, she gave different drugs higher dose, they made me even worse but by that time it was clear that it wasn't acid in my stomach.
the drug tests came back all negative & clear, so she took more tests (if you'd seen my arm you'd swear i was a druggie! i bruise real easily).
throughout all this i was still eating meat.
i was put on waiting list to see a gastroentologist (spelling?), a few weeks before i going to see him i cut out pork because it's real hard to digest. i went to see the specialist dude & he said it sounds like i'm meat intolerant. & if i'm happy being a veggie then that's okay. not a case of being happy just a case of eating veggies don't make me ill!! he said i looked really healthly & it was doing me no harm. he done more tests to prove his theory.
& yupsi i'm meat intolerant. so i don't eat meat or poultry. i haven't eaten fish or seafood in years since in my early teens cause it was discovered i had an intolerance to fish & seafood.
i eat the veggies (the stuff that animals eat  ), fruit, diary, cheese, beans (kidney) etc.
even with being meat intolerant i'm still battling to loose a few lbs!!! lol
i don't miss meat as a whole but i do miss bacon sandwiches with brown sauce 
"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.

2009-02-22, 13:13
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by bunny
i don't miss meat as a whole but i do miss bacon sandwiches with brown sauce 
What gets you out of bed in the mornings??
I've never heard of meat intolerance before. Have you been sick your whole meat-eating life up until you stopped having flesh-based curries? It could just be a coincidence (or maybe meat intolerance doesn't kick in until later life).
Have you tried meat again since last year? It's almost worth the risk of a few days/weeks of sickness just to rule out the possibility that meat isn't the problem! Have a bacon sarnie, g'wan! You owe it to yourself!

2009-02-23, 22:52
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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My neighbors eat a lot of veggies because the son and husband have some type stomach/intestinal problem. The husband had to be hospitalized for almost a week from a reaction the first time. He had another recently, but not as bad. I have a suspicion it's not from the meat though because when he was out of town for work he did the steak/seafood thing while he was gone and never had any trouble. Wife insists on cooking with artificial sweeteners.
I suppose you could try something bland to see if there was any trouble, but if you're fine eating the way you do then stick with that. And sniffing bacon doesn't add calories.
I bruise easily, too. Vitamin C helps that, but if you have any oxygen problems like asthma that can make the bruises hang around longer, too. I have continuous dark circles of varying degree and dark patches by my mouth if I'm short of oxygen. And once you'd have sworn someone grabbed both my wrists I had bruise-looking marks on them.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2009-02-23, 22:55
Noob lud
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
No. 99.99% of this forum is male or Requiem, and males have balls. Balls = protein consumption. Please don't mention soy, it's weakass amino acid profile is so incomplete that it makes my balls hurt just to hear the word.
By the way, and not to pick on you, because I know you are nice, but fish is fucking meat. Any vegetarian you personally know who eats fish isn't a vegetarian at all.
Agreed. I could never be a vegetarian, that's just crazy talk. Even if I projectile vomited after every time I ate meat, i'd probably eat meat more often. Then i'd join a black metal band and eat meat before very show.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.
Last edited by The Execrator : 2009-02-23 at 22:59.

2009-02-23, 23:23
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This would be about my 9th year as a vegetArian I guess. Never really kept count.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2009-02-23, 23:30
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Location: Emory, Texas
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I absolutely fucking LOVE tofu....but I still love to eat a nice steak...but what I've got going on is like a diet with light meat consumption...like I only eat meat about 2 thirds of the week...and I don't drink soda....
I know it sounds crazy...but this kinda diet really makes you feel pretty damn good.....I just deep fry everything....
fried tofu is really good.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2009-02-24, 01:51
Throbbing Member
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If I removed meat from my diet I'd fucking off myself. I can't remember the last time I had any fruits or veggies.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2009-02-24, 03:33
Supreme Metalhead
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I have a huge amount of respect for vegetarians and as long as they respect that I can't do what they do, then we're good.
I can't imagine not eating meat.

2009-02-24, 03:58
Die Young.
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Originally Posted by The Execrator
Agreed. I could never be a vegetarian, that's just crazy talk.
I agree.
Especially with weight lifting; maintaining 200grams of Protein a day would be ridiculous without meat intake.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2009-02-24, 14:19
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
I agree.
Especially with weight lifting; maintaining 200grams of Protein a day would be ridiculous without meat intake.
Eggs ? 
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2009-02-24, 14:36
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Gomli
Eggs ? 
= meat.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2009-02-24, 14:42
Forum Daemon
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Almost everybody develops new allergies/intolerances as they get older. Just something that happens. So it's not really a surprise that it wouldn't pop up until just now.
I try to give myself some variety. But I definitely wouldn't choose to cut meat out of my diet unless I had some prompting along your lines. But I definitely would in that case.

2009-02-24, 16:39
New Blood
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I'm here, been a veggie for 20,years.

2009-02-24, 18:30
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
= meat.
Eggs are meat in progress 
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2009-02-24, 20:20
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I didn't know Bunnies are considered a veggie.
I'm a potato.

2009-02-25, 04:20
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Originally Posted by Gomli
Eggs are meat in progress 
Eggs are the food that the meat in progress would grow on, if the egg was fertilized, but it isn't if you are consuming it. Kinda like when human girls get there period to shed unfertilized eggs.....Chickens do that and then we eat it...we all got red wings!
I've never liked eggs.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2009-02-25, 14:49
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Gomli
Eggs are meat in progress 
This isn't quite a clever as you think. Meat in progress = meat. Fetus = meat. Embryo = meat.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2009-02-25, 15:15
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
This isn't quite a clever as you think. Meat in progress = meat. Fetus = meat. Embryo = meat.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah!
I only thought about these small little delicious things that come out of the egg.
In between I`ve tried Tofu one time and it was horrible...Would someone please tell me how to make it right? Too lazy to look up on the internet...
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2009-02-25, 16:50
Guardian of Lost Souls
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Originally Posted by Requiem
I didn't know Bunnies are considered a veggie.
I'm a potato.
lol @ requiem
& gomli i don't like tofu so maybe someone else can help ya
"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.

2009-02-25, 20:40
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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It seems that i could easily be a vegetarian. I hadn't thought much about it until just this week. the only things i cook are variations of these items: potato, bell pepper, onion, egg, pasta, pizza, corn chips, salsa, rice and beans. The only meat i have occasionally cooked with is sausage. But thats infrequent, so i could do without and not miss it. At this point, i have no reason to be vegetarian, so i am not.

2009-02-25, 22:05
Noob lud
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Originally Posted by timedragon
potato, bell pepper, onion, egg, pasta, pizza, corn chips, salsa, rice and beans.

Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2009-02-25, 22:54
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Originally Posted by Gomli
...Would someone please tell me how to make it right? Too lazy to look up on the internet...
Cut it in half inch thick squares or triangles and fry it until it's golden brown....then seperately stiry fry a shit load of chopped garlic and some green onions...then add some sriracha and soy sauce, and some sugar....then throw the tofu in the sauce....
best way to eat tofu period...if you like spicy stuff.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2009-02-26, 01:47
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by The Execrator

hah, i used to buy hamburgers frequently. For some reason, i no longer have the desire.

2009-02-26, 04:03
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Not a vegetarian, but was engaged to one. I was fine with it and loved substituting tofu for meat, but being vegetarian isn't really as healthy as everybody else says it to be.
lack of essential amino acids and fats, inadequate protein (especially if you work out--like me), and some believe vegetarianism can cause rickets.
I suck at guitar.

2009-02-26, 04:27
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.
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