2009-04-30, 09:44
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 32
True Love is Forever
Come with me my love,
As I end this life I have.
Life is a prison,
But we will escape together.
We値l bleed to death
In each other痴 arms.
I値l slit yours,
If you slit mine.
I値l shoot you,
If you shoot me.
Feed me pills I知 not supposed to take,
And I値l share them with you in our last kiss.
We値l jump together,
And we値l hit the ground holding hands.
We can dive into the water,
And watch each other lose our last breath.
We can sip poison,
And die like Romeo and Juliet.
I don稚 mind,
As long as I go with you by my side.
We値l walk into the light together,
And be free from this torment we池e drowning in.
If this is the only way to escape life痴 pain,
Then bleed on me darling, as we slip away.
I値l look in your eyes.
One kiss goodbye.
And I値l see you soon.
They値l find us on the floor,
Soaking in each other痴 blood.
My eyes locked on yours,
And yours on mine.
My arms around you,
And yours around me.
If death is the answer to love痴 mysteries,
Then we will find it, no matter what it takes.
People die,
But true love is forever.