2003-01-14, 00:09
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
Posts: 153
4 New Short Ones
If you don't get it...don't worry about it
There's Nothing Funny About Vitreous Humor
Suturing Wounds
With some twine and a quill
His efforts to repair their relationship
Hold on and savor tomorrow
Because today you're just her doorstop
Humility Helps Reduce Public Outrage
The struggle between passion and power
Who will gain priority
Dealing with the opposition
Deflect, defer, dismiss, or defear
Soon the only stake they'll be holding
Is the one throuh their chests
I Shot All The Ravens From The Tower Of London
Laquer coated peglegs in place of abstinence
At this party, passion stays at the door
Opening floodgates to a blind man's lust
Forging the bonds between two lovers
With the snap of one broken heart
As Horrifying As Being Raped By A Grizzly Bear In Front Of A Full Body Mirror
They say beauty's on the inside
Then stay the hell there
So I don't have to see your face
That's all for this little episode...a lot of stuff you may not get just cuz it deals with corporate corruption and dishonest PR campaigns....sorry I'm a dork and I'm into that stuff.
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2003-01-14, 01:16
I am a tax on the world..
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you should write a song about your sig. 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-01-23, 22:43
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
Posts: 153
I'd do one that was about my sig but I just couldn't write something like that literally and take it seriously. Even I have my limits.
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2003-01-24, 10:32
Master Killer
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Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
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man how do you come up with this stuff?
it takes me ages to finish a lyrics, once again
great stuff!

2003-01-25, 03:35
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
Posts: 153
heh, honestly, I come up with this stuff in three places. Place 1 - The local Kroger (grocery store) has a resteraunt section where they turn out the lights and it's quiet, so I just go there and read and write lyrics. It actually works pretty well when I'm trying to come up with lyrics. Place 2 - School. I'm so bored in fucking high school. At least this is my senior year and I should be goin off to college (3.6 GPA, 1340 SAT), so I spend the majority of my time drawing, sleeping, and writing instead of work. Place 3 - Sitting in my room watching the Comedy Central channel. That's where I get a lot of my weird humor from, it really helps clear my head. That's today's lesson on writing lyrics, by me, Daniel Shroyer, hurrah.
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2003-01-25, 12:12
Master Killer
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lol, thank you
It takes me ages because I just can't put down my emotions in the way I want to, but I get there in the end, lol, my latest song is running in the ultimate guitar lyrics competition.
It's nice to be able to create them fast, I really can't do it, and I've been writing lyrics for about 3 years now..
lol, since I see you're x's, I'm going to an sXe venue tonight, Caliban, Heaven Shall Burn and Destiny AND xMaroonx...
it's going to rock! 

2003-01-25, 13:40
i come up with lyrics at school and either I forget them before I have a chance to write them down or I forget most of it then butcher them.

2003-01-27, 20:44
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
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GOD DAMN YOU DEF!!! Haha, god damn Atlanta gets shafted constantly when it comes to good hardcore shows. It's always like the same couple bands that I hate. That's such a killer line-up. Oh well, once my band makes it big I'll just tour with those guys. Haha, I wish.
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2003-01-27, 21:13
Master Killer
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true, europe rules when it comes to hardcore.
I was on stage with the presspass of inside knowledge magazine, pics can be found here:
and :
It was fucking awsome, xMaroonx played their Firestorm cover and Caliban covered some old school biohazard and hatebreed, lol.
LOL yeah come and tour with us  we're not likely to go outside of holland before our demo is finished  it's taking ages
but we did play gigs with MeWithoutYou, xEvisceratex A.D. and Among The Living!

2003-01-28, 02:47
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
Posts: 153
haha, our rhythm guitarist is rich so maybe one day Paul and I will beat him up, take his money, and buy plane tickets to fly to Holland, then we can set up a show. Haha, we're about to put out our second CD in like 3 months. Good old Do It Yourself methods never fail. We play our first gig Feb 7th, I'll have to post pictures of that for you to see.
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2003-01-28, 07:39
Master Killer
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Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
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our live photos and promotional photos and stuff can be found on www.morningwillcome.tk
do it yourself recording ? like with analog 8 tracks or something?

2003-01-29, 00:51
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
Posts: 153
a digital 4-8 (not sure whether it would be defined as one or the other...) track, actually. Our rhythm guitarist bought it for like $500 and I had to learn how to work it all in about 30 minutes....needless to say, our first recordings kind of sounds like ass, but our newer I've engineered have started to sound almost professional quality for some parts. The vocals are the exception though cuz our singer, the founding member who also plays lead guitar and sings, isn't taking it that seriously so the vocals suck before I even get my hands on them.
Our very first recording was a tape...it used to just be the two of us in the band. We would use Paul's boombox to record the drums, then put the drum tape in his stereo, hit record on the second tape, and have one microphone set up to record the drums, bass, guitar, and vocals all at the same time....let's just say it was really chaotic and crusty sounding...along with shitty, heh.
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2003-01-29, 07:41
Master Killer
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts: 11,372
haha, sounds like my kind of recording
we're actually going into a studio again, we're getting a financed recording, we went in the studio before but we ran outta money and it was just tooo expensive.
we recorded with a mike and a laptop before all that, lol, shitty recordings, just the way they should be
Digital recordings huh? well they must sound relatively good, we're recording on a 16 track in the studio thru a mixer and all that shite.
ohyeah I'm going to see Caliban the 8th of feb and the 13th of march 
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