2003-01-27, 10:53
Supreme Metalhead
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my thoughts on hendrix
this may not be the right part of the board to post this in, but its about a guitar player, so yeah. Anywho. I think jimi hendrix is over-rated. Yeah he was a good guitar player, he had a mean wah, he was great at going from chords to solo and solo to back in quick time, but in no way is he the guitar god. Listen to alot of the metal players now adays and i think, if jimi was to come onto the guitar scene now, he wouldn't have been thought of as big as people make him out to be. So what do you people think of him?
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-01-27, 13:39
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well jimi was on of the most creative guitarists ever. thats why he's so "god-like". creativity goes a long way. santana and david gilmour both play slow melodic solos with lots of bends. none of its too hard or technical, yet they're both regarded as 2 of the best guitarists. why? becuase they're creative

2003-01-27, 14:16
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I don't know Santana that well, but I really like Gilmour's stuff off of Division Bell (the previous stuff is good, but that one stands out). hendrix, though, may be creative, but I still think he's over rated.
Fuck yourself with a rubber hose
Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
Up your nose and in your heinie hole
I don't care where it goes
And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
You should fuck yourself anyway
Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
But I know you, you'll be humpin' away

2003-01-27, 15:38
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Posts: 79
What the fuck are you smoking dude? You can't possibly be serious comparing himto modern day guitarists. Without Hendrix, guitar wouldn't at all be what it is today. Look back at how rock and metal music evolved and you will always come back to the greats like him. And on a technical level, he was way ahead of his time, both in playing and writing. The biggest thing however, is that he played with feeling. His guitar sang, thats very rare nowadays.

2003-01-27, 16:16
he helped alot the guitar, he was the best of the time (not now) But I like his songs. Maybe he is A LITLE over-rated but I dont think so
Anyway, play guitar and shut the fuck up 

2003-01-27, 17:27
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hendrix was king, he was fluent in like 50 different styles and combined them, but in my opinion.. eric clapton is my god
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-01-27, 17:32
Master Killer
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great guitarist, king of his time....
ofcourse, combined to vai and satriani and shit, he's different you know but in his time he ruled, but remember, it was a long time ago, I wonder what hendrix would have done with 24 frets and a floyd rose.
maybe he would be like EVH, I don't know...

2003-01-27, 18:06
Drunken Yeti God
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Hendrix is fucking awesome, anyone who doesn't give him credit should play a banjo and never speak again.

2003-01-27, 18:09
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Yes, he's a bit overrated nowadays. But back then, he opened new ways for guitarists. He did just improvisations and these with great creativity in notes and technique.
Would you call antique automobiles overrated? They're still great cars, although the motors are crap sometimes. 

2003-01-27, 19:38
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jimi was a guitar god back then. can u name any guitarist that sounded like him back in his time?? i dont think so. he opended everthing up, without him there wouldnt be players like : clapton, EVH, santana, zack whylde, hammet, and randy rhoads they all listened to his stuff just like we listen to the players we listen today. so yah he started it.
plus he was black and A LEFTY ( in a time where there werent leftys lol thats skill )
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2003-01-27, 19:41
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hendrix was good in his day...now he is nothing compared to a lot of guitarist

2003-01-27, 19:50
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weijia- yes, he was very creative, and i do agree, it does go along way.
Argos- listen to more than metal guitar players, even though metal guitar players have talent, there's way more talent out there.
Mofoism- clapton rules, rock on.
walpurgis- i gave him credit, i just said he was a bit overrated now adays.
Piper5150- clapton was before hendrix, 64 with the yardbirds, 67 with jimi,and yes, i just made sure.
metal=life- exactly.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-01-27, 22:36
The Devil
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Originally posted by walpurgis
Hendrix is fucking awesome, anyone who doesn't give him credit should play a banjo and never speak again.
Uh, banjos fucking own man, don't diss the banjo.
As for Hendrix, i'd say don't compare a rock & roll guitarist with a metal guitarist. It won't work.
Sure Hendrix isn't as technical or fast as Slayer, Cryptopsy, Cannibal Corpse.....or whatever band you like.....but then again, Hendrix wasn't metal, just like the modern day guitarists we all love are usually not rock & roll.
Anyways, i'm not a fan of Hendrix really.....i like a couple of his songs, but that's it. But i still recognize what he did for music in general, so i take my hat off to him.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2003-01-27, 23:24
New Blood
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someone just mentioned clapton on here...i live in ga and a little pop soft rock station called Star 94 plays him allotso i dun think he is metal at all although hes an elite player dont get me wrong i thinks hes awsome but he shouldnt becomaparied to other good metal guitarists if were talking about them only...if its any guitarist id say hes in my ttop 5

2003-01-28, 00:06
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by MetalPoldi
Would you call antique automobiles overrated? They're still great cars, although the motors are crap sometimes.
thas exactly my point, everyone loves antique cars becuase the look so cool and have this "atitude" about them even though they're horrible mechanicaly, and its the same with jimi, he's not that good technically when compared to many of today's artists, but he was so creative and influential it doesnt matter.

2003-01-28, 00:27
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i don't think anyone could deny that guitarists wouldnt be where they are today without his music but ask yourself the question, would you rather listen to jimi or guys like paul gilbert, jason becker, vai, satriani, zaza, zapa, or even Timo Tolkki who have taken his music to the next level? (looking at it in a guitar sense)

2003-01-28, 17:00
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Originally posted by MetalEdgePunk
someone just mentioned clapton on here...i live in ga and a little pop soft rock station called Star 94 plays him allotso i dun think he is metal at all although hes an elite player dont get me wrong i thinks hes awsome but he shouldnt becomaparied to other good metal guitarists if were talking about them only...if its any guitarist id say hes in my ttop 5
i wasnt referring to clapton as a metal guitarist, he is obviously not. i was speaking guitarists in general, he is my hero
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-01-28, 17:12
New Blood
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Location: GA,USA
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Originally posted by Mofoism
i wasnt referring to clapton as a metal guitarist, he is obviously not. i was speaking guitarists in general, he is my hero
ya i understand that and i saw jsut mentioning that someone like him shouldnt be compaired to someone with a different sytle of music becuase they are better than him in one area where as he is better in another but claptons style is awsome

2003-01-28, 18:20
Senior Metalhead
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i gotcha now, good call
yeah i thoroughly enjoy claptons wailing solos, blues is cool... but metal is best!
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-01-28, 19:04
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well maybe he is a little over rated but is still a wicked fucking guitar player! 

2003-02-03, 00:43
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Chuck Schuldiner is the guitar god Death Metal!!!
|m|__(* *)__lml
I suck at guitar.

2003-02-03, 01:12
Supreme Metalhead
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Hendrix=Fucking Awesome
The end.

Fender0823: ok here's a good one.........
Fender0823: what if u could have all the babes u wanted in ur bed, but once a month u had to wear a shirt in public that said "I like my men in short shorts" would u do it
Fender0823: :-X god im scary
Fender0823: lol
Fender0823: this is what alcohol does to me.
Ulimnar: hell yeah i would, lol, that'd be hilarious
Fender0823: lmfao!!!!!!!
Fender0823: hahahahahahaha
Fender0823: can i put this in my sig on metaltabs
Fender0823: lololol
Ulimnar: but I'd also carry a gun for any homos that took it seriously
"Wally Leaves us officially" - Ulimnar: lol I think it'll work now...goodbye man
Ulimnar signed off at 10:09:37 PM.

2003-02-03, 01:33
The Devil
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I'm closing this thread....it's been rather pointless since the start.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.
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