2003-02-15, 16:53
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2003
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palm muting technique
hi, I was wondering how you guys place your hands when palm muting to get speed, like on a single string gallop or something. I have my fingers seperated and can go pretty fast. Also, I seem to wear picks down extremely fast, I have been playing alot of palm muted chords, and the pick just keeps getting smaller and smaller. What kind of pick should I start using, and how should I hold my pick?

2003-02-15, 17:02
Supreme Metalhead
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palm muting chords? palm muting isn't needed a WHOLE lot. But anywho, buy some more picks, get thicker ones so they don't where down so fast. Umm,i dont know how your holding the pick now but i thought it was kinda just second nature for a guitarist of any type, beginner or advanced to know how to hold a pick. My fingers are also kinda seperated, but not fully seperated. Kinda in the middle of the whole "fingers together almost like a fist" playing style and "fingers fully apart" playing style.
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2003-02-15, 17:20
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i do the fingers together style but when i palm mute(and eactually play anything ) i rest my ring and pinky finger on the bottom of the high-e string or depedngin what string am picking i will put it on the cover around the pickups. but with the actuall placement of the palm i place it crocked so the top half is resting on the bridge and it goes diagenal(sp)not too much of a slant though across the strings
its kinda hard to describe i hope you understand what im sayn gbut after time it wil come naturally and you dont even think about what your doing you just do it. and if your missing speed try and just move your fingers not your whole and...although have you ever sen chuck shuldiner play he moves his whole hand and can play prett fucking fast so uh....just do what you think is the best
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Last edited by guitar_demon : 2003-02-15 at 17:22.

2003-02-15, 17:37
Supreme Metalhead
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its all in the wrist.
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2003-02-15, 17:55
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yeah actuall y i was just playign and realised i do that too(move my wrist) just not as much as chuck
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2003-02-16, 15:07
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Originally posted by artofnothing6
its all in the wrist.
yeah man.........its all in the wrist....
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2003-02-16, 19:27
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Originally posted by artofnothing6
palm muting isn't needed a WHOLE lot.
what the fuck are you talking about! palm muting is totally essential for todays guitarist's. it is definitely "needed a WHOLE lot"

2003-02-16, 19:31
Drunken Yeti God
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Re: palm muting technique
Originally posted by samaf11
hi, I was wondering how you guys place your hands when palm muting to get speed, like on a single string gallop or something. I have my fingers seperated and can go pretty fast. Also, I seem to wear picks down extremely fast, I have been playing alot of palm muted chords, and the pick just keeps getting smaller and smaller. What kind of pick should I start using, and how should I hold my pick?
I usually keep all of my fingers close together, and somewhat bent, it's hard to describe, but they're all curled about the same as my index finger to hold it. Um, do you attack the guitar hard? Because if you pick really hard, that'll be the reason why they wear down so fast. If I'm playing something that isn't really fast, I keep my pick parallel to the strings, but if I'm tremolo picking or just playing something extremely fast, I usually shift the pick to about a 135 degree angle to the string.
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You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.
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