2003-02-18, 18:58
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lost my tremeloarm
I've lost it 2 years ago, i couldn't care back then, but now i'm gonaa paly much more metal amnd i realize i really need it. Are there any ways to replase the sound by a certain efeect or something?

2003-02-18, 20:07
Master Killer
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what the fuck?
just buy another tremolo arm!
or did you lose your whole right arm??
dude, you're so retarded, sometimes you even confuse ME!

2003-02-18, 20:44
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i lost my whammy bar as well lol
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2003-02-18, 22:57
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im pretty sure you can buy them. They'll prolly be cheaps one, but they'll work until you buy a whole knew guitar. Maybe you can go to the store you bougth it, tell them, maybe they'll have extras and they'll be willing to sell them to you.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-02-19, 05:19
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2003-02-19, 05:20
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2003-02-24, 16:47
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god, def hates me 
anyway, it's a bc rich warlock (what else), i think it will be hard to find a good new one. hmm i'll trie and find it.

2003-02-24, 18:28
Master Killer
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I hate most people, how metal of me
Ehm, can't you just order a new tremolo arm at feedback or something?

2003-02-25, 18:28
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hmm, my mom always forbidd me to buy online, slut 

2003-02-25, 18:33
Master Killer
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Ehm, I'm not talking about online, just take the train to utrecht or rotterdam, I'm sure feedback packs tremolo arms.
man, get out of your stinking room and onto the streets!
start your holy quest for the tremolo arm!

2003-02-25, 18:36
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*looks at heaven* I SEE THE LIGHT, A MESSAGE HAS COME TO ME, MUST FIND THE ARM, MUST FIND THE ARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-02-25, 21:15
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Take it easy
every store got that arm...
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-02-28, 01:59
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go steal one  just not at guitar center.. go to some small place on a friday night about closing time when theres only 1-2 guys there.. bring a friend with u so he can start blabbin on about guitar lessons at the place and ect. and then slip one into your pocket.. plain and simple.. and yes this is exactly what i did to my lost tremolo 
i like the darkness i eat whats light..... i am... FAT man

2003-02-28, 03:30
Drunken Yeti God
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Or you could spend the few bucks to replace one, instead of the possibility of being arrested...but hey, whatever works.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-28, 03:32
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are we really getting that cheap now adays to have to steal everything?
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-02-28, 19:08
Master Killer
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that's why most stores in holland take of the tremolo arms and if you want to try them you'll only get the arm. hah.
they even chain amps down in the stores and shit 

2003-03-01, 09:59
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i once tried to put an amp under my coat, but they noticed 

2003-03-03, 20:48
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what is a tremlo arm???? 
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 23:01
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i'm very very sorry to say, but this made me laugh  .
Anyway, it's that arm under the bridge of yer guitar, some people call it wham

2003-03-04, 04:29
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Originally posted by AmongTheLiving
go steal one just not at guitar center.. go to some small place on a friday night about closing time when theres only 1-2 guys there.. bring a friend with u so he can start blabbin on about guitar lessons at the place and ect. and then slip one into your pocket.. plain and simple.. and yes this is exactly what i did to my lost tremolo
I hapen to slip by Guitar Center, and there seems to be no whammy bars on the guitars (I don't think guitar center is THAT stupid)......Ur gonna make him walk a crap load of miles and find nothing
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-04, 06:35
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i'm no gonna steal it, i'll go the the musicstore in a couple of days i think

2003-03-04, 15:15
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yesterday my guitar fell and the element went fucking loose  , i just went to bring it the the musicstore and i'm not seeing it till friday 
i bought a new wham immediately 

2003-03-07, 18:57
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it still aint fixed dammit, now i have this loneguitar, fucked up man, but hey! gotto keep up the rehearsing 

2003-03-07, 21:00
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what the fuck is the element
gone but never forgotten

2003-03-07, 21:04
Master Killer
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I'll translate it my it for the retarded dutchman.
Element = Pickup
is it fixed yet d0ct0r-boi?

2003-03-07, 21:07
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2003-03-07, 21:11
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Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
I'll translate it my it for the retarded dutchman.
Element = Pickup
is it fixed yet d0ct0r-boi?
don't call me that fucking avril alvigne, and no it isn't you should know, it's about 4 topics above.

2003-03-07, 21:13
Master Killer
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Ohyeah, I forgot, you post here every minute
hehe, get it to a descent guitar store, what kinda store do they have near bladel?
eh, dude, if I where your age, I would definetly hump avril lavigne
better yet, I'd do it for ya! I would slit her troathe after it though! 

2003-03-07, 21:18
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a couple of mile from Bladel theres Valkenswaard, it has a music hardware store, it just brings it to a fixxxer.
And for avril lavigne, yes, hump that slut up and down damnit 

2003-03-07, 21:22
Master Killer
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what's that store called?
and are you just getting it there for the trem and the pickup? why don't do it yourself? it'll save you heaps of money and its not that hard fastening some screws... or did something break off?
if you want a real good music store in holland, visit Kees Dee in amersfoort, www.keesdee.nl

2003-03-07, 21:25
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Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
I'll translate it my it for the retarded dutchman.
Element = Pickup
is it fixed yet d0ct0r-boi?
ok firstly ive never heard a pickup bein called an element
and secondly im not a fuckin retarded dutchman 
gone but never forgotten

2003-03-07, 21:25
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yeah, the plastic broke and shit, i'm pretty proud of my guitar so i really rather get it done by a proffesional, yeah the money, that's always a problem

2003-03-07, 21:28
Master Killer
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I translated it for the doctor so he wouldn't have to do it, he's the retarded dutchman, get it?
beh, broken guitars, it sucks to have shops repair them, it costs heaps, I'm glad I've allways been able to fix my guitars myself

2003-03-08, 09:13
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well i'm not very tenchinical, and BTW the shop's called De Muziekwinkel 

2003-03-08, 11:18
Master Killer
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your kidding right? that's no name for a guitar shop dammit!
is it big and shit? if it is, I might take my OV (yeah free travel) and I'll visit that place, we could do some jamming and shit, I'm probably gonna meet sanderinos another time in utrecht since I'm allways hanging out there....

2003-03-09, 16:23
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it's small man, very small, you can't fucking walk there, they have acoustic guitars, some electric, sound and light systems, keyboards and ONE drumkit woh take about the half of the room 
you could visit but it really isn't a place to jam, when you sit there with a guitar you block the path (about half a meter).
But they have free coffee 
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