2003-02-21, 21:45
Pussy Pulverizer
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Powertabs on Metaltabs?
I was just wondering if there's any chance that we could start archiving Powertabs. Powertabs are the best possible quailty tabs on the net. If you're not familiar with the powertab system, check it out at http://www.power-tab.net/ The tabs look exactly like authentic tabs and you can even listen to them play! It's amazing. In fact I've almost given up on transcribing songs in plain text as they are pathetic in comparision. Powertab leaves no room for error. The tab is either right or wrong. I strongly recommend that every one that tabs look in this this revolutionary new program. This is the future of tabbing. 
You fucking wanker!

2003-02-21, 23:47
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is it better than guitarpro?

2003-02-22, 04:00
Pussy Pulverizer
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No, guitar-pro is much better quality. Especially sound wise. But you have to buy the software. Powertab, on the other hand is free, which makes it better in the long run because more people can access it. Guitar-pro is awesome by the way. Thanks.
You fucking wanker!

2003-02-22, 04:59
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ah, but then theres always kazaa eh?

2003-02-22, 05:34
Pussy Pulverizer
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Yeah, I guess. But I just downloaded Guitarpro and the tabs look like shit! I think I like powertab better in every aspect except sound quality. Powertab file printout look exactely like authentic tablature. Guitarpro looks like some generic wannabe guitar tab. I don't see how they can get off charging $54 for that thing 
You fucking wanker!

2003-02-22, 16:35
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ah i see. and by the way, does powertab support 7string guitars?

2003-02-22, 18:44
Pussy Pulverizer
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Yes it does. Plus an array of other features and about a hundred effects. I attached a powertab that I did for Hypocrisy Rosswell 47. You should download powertab and take listen. I transcribed it for a Seven string too.
You fucking wanker!

2003-02-22, 20:41
that's a good idea, great tab btw. I don't like tabbing with powertab, its hard, but I'd like to see a powertab archive here 

2003-02-23, 04:38
Pussy Pulverizer
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Originally posted by EmperorMalignus
I don't like tabbing with powertab, its hard, but I'd like to see a powertab archive here
Yeah, it is very hard at first but just like with anything esle, once you learn it, it becomes easy. It's also a great tool to learn the technical details in musical transcription.
You fucking wanker!

2003-02-23, 14:34
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Re: Powertabs on Metaltabs?
Originally posted by INVERTED
I was just wondering if there's any chance that we could start archiving Powertabs. Powertabs are the best possible quailty tabs on the net. If you're not familiar with the powertab system, check it out at http://www.power-tab.net/ The tabs look exactly like authentic tabs and you can even listen to them play! It's amazing. In fact I've almost given up on transcribing songs in plain text as they are pathetic in comparision. Powertab leaves no room for error. The tab is either right or wrong. I strongly recommend that every one that tabs look in this this revolutionary new program. This is the future of tabbing.
I'll think about adding the new format. But I'm afraid this won't happen very soon...
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2003-03-02, 06:34
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can you unzip something without winzip or any program of the kind?
because the powertab program is a zip, and i can't read it.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-03-07, 02:58
Pussy Pulverizer
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Yeah, you need winzip. I'm still using the trial version myself.
You fucking wanker!

2003-03-07, 03:54
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from winzip, you can create a self-extracting exe. but the file is very big

2003-03-25, 19:38
i coulda sworn you could use MS-DOS to unzip files. maybe i should stop throwing myself down stairs.

2003-03-26, 00:00
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your probably thinking of a pair of DOS-based programs, PKZip and PKUnzip...
I'm not sure they'll work with Winzipped files though, but it's worth a shot.
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Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
Up your nose and in your heinie hole
I don't care where it goes
And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
You should fuck yourself anyway
Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
But I know you, you'll be humpin' away

2003-07-14, 14:43
Dog farts
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Ya', I use Powertab. I've actually got a few of INVERTED's tabs.

2003-07-21, 18:56
The Mountie From Hell
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Can someone give me a site where i can get tabs for powertab, ive looked every where and i cant find anything!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2003-07-23, 04:46
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2003-07-23, 11:25
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2003-07-23, 15:01
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2003-07-24, 06:11
Pussy Pulverizer
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The only tabs I do anymore are powertabs. Someday powertabs are gonna take over completely and render regular tabs useless. www.Powertabs.net is getting bigger and bigger every day as poeple find out about it. I really wish we had a powertab archieve here. 
You fucking wanker!

2003-07-24, 10:05
Dog farts
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Yeah, i'd rather a Powertab over a normal tab any day. I've had Powertab for quite awhile now, and the only decent "metal" tabs I've found are at Powertabs.net (Most of them are by INVERTED, mind you) 

2003-07-25, 05:05
Pussy Pulverizer
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Thanks man... I'm glad my work wasn't done in vain. Powertab is still underground. But trust me, people will catch on sooner are later.
You fucking wanker!

2003-07-25, 06:52
Dog farts
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Heh, yes. It still isn't that popular.
I might try a few Powertabs myself, I've had a little experience with the program.

2003-07-25, 11:34
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I have, i think, 5 powertabs submitted on powertabs.net... under the account SplitterCode. Powertabbing is great, it helps alot more than normal tabs if youre trying to learn a song.

2003-07-25, 11:49
Dog farts
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What tabs have you done? I'll check them out if I haven't already got them.

2003-07-25, 12:39
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Morbid Angel - Desolate Ways
Opeth - Still Day Beneath the Sun
Opeth - Requiem
Bloodbath - Bathe in Blood
Bloodbath - Buried By The Dead
Bloodbath - Mass Strangulation (this one sucks, i didnt know how to use the program very well when i made it  )
oh wait, thats 6 ... heh

2003-07-26, 03:32
Pussy Pulverizer
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Originally posted by GoredFaces
I have, i think, 5 powertabs submitted on powertabs.net... under the account SplitterCode. Powertabbing is great, it helps alot more than normal tabs if youre trying to learn a song.
I know. I saw your desolate ways tab for Morbid Angel. Great tab! 
You fucking wanker!

2003-07-26, 05:26
Dog farts
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Haha, I have the Bloodbath ones. 

2003-11-15, 20:22
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powertab is great, steve from cephalic carnage told me about it  and he sent me the official lucid interval tab on it, it was fucking crazy watching it play through. its cool to get tabs for it but i don't like tabbing songs with it, it takes too damn long.
nachos! hmmhmmhee

2003-11-21, 20:19
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Yes tabbing on powertab blows, I 'll get half way through and never finish. Printing also sucks. If the tabber doesnt know how to use thoes um ditcrions that tell syou to go back, then the tabs end up being like 20+ pages. The Emperor tab for "With Strength I Burn" is like 80.
Powertab is great for writing though because you can tab out a song/riff and totaly forget it and be able to come back to it.
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2003-11-22, 17:36
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to those who's think its too slow to tab on, i think it's the fastest way we have to tab anything. do you know a faster way?

2003-11-24, 16:22
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the old school way that we do tabs on here... 
nachos! hmmhmmhee

2003-11-24, 18:48
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no, the tab lines are already laid out for you, and there's no time spent making the tab look neat.
the only way you'd spend more time is figuring out the rhythm, which you should do anyway!
that's what makes Powertab so great, because you can hear the rhythm and notes while you look at them.

2003-12-22, 00:19
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well ive been using guitar pro for quite a while and its also a very good program...
powertab has a couple of bugs, i dont know if anyone else has problems with it... especially when you play the song...
[nomad: removed warez info]
Last edited by nomad : 2004-01-09 at 09:49.

2004-01-09, 01:22
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I think guitar pro is great. You can play with it, it has drums, gp4 has scales which are nice reference, but gp3 is way better. I like how you can change the tuning so you don't have to detune your guitar to play with the backing track or song itself.

2004-01-09, 16:02
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Notepad All The Way!!!!!!!!!!
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-01-09, 23:17
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FD, have you even experienced powertab? it's WAY better than notepad.
Why are we even discussing Powertab Vs Guitar Pro? bottomline is, Powertab is FREE, legal, and more accessible.
and another thing, people say it takes long to make one (which is only true because you have to add the rhythm too, and make sure it's correct; that means no more half-assed tabs being submitted here) but it's much faster to learn from it, and you feel motivated to do so, instead of figuring out the rhythm yourself by your ear.
If you haven't tried powertab right now, DO SO NOW ( www.power-tab.net). it's a totally different experience, this is the evolution of tabs on the internet.
Adding powertabs to this site would not hurt, but on the other hand, there are already sites that have powertabs (like the ones mentioned above)
and it'd be wasting Nomad's time (he's a busy guy) to add powertabs of songs that are already on other websites

2004-01-10, 01:46
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i just got powertab the only way to describe it is, metal, reinforced with steel, etc. (well the tabs i downloaded were)
for all those who havent tried it i give it the official Beast Of Carrion thumbs-up 
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?
Last edited by BeastOfCarrion : 2004-01-10 at 01:50.

2004-01-10, 03:54
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I can't get drums on powertab which is why I prefer guitar pro

2004-01-10, 11:56
Dog farts
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Atif, do some more Powertabs. You're good at them. The 50 Cent one was especially good.

2004-01-10, 16:22
round the world
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Powertabs (and probably GP and keyboard tabs) are likely to show up here in a month or two. 
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2004-01-11, 02:15
Dog farts
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A month or two?! Brilliant Nomad, brilliant. 

2004-01-11, 02:29
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
Atif, do some more Powertabs. You're good at them. The 50 Cent one was especially good.
hmmm......is someone being sarcastic? 
coincidentally, i got awesome powertabs going for Stones of Sorrow, and Ramses Bringer of War (both complete with horns) by Nile 
i think i'll powertab that whole album (even Kudurru Maqlu)
and i plan on doing some other metal bands, like maybe Death etc...
when are they gonna be done? that's indeterminate

2004-01-11, 02:29
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Awesme  .
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2004-01-11, 06:28
Dog farts
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The 50 Cent one was sarcasm. But really, the other ones you did were excellent. Spheres of Madness rocked.
Where are the Nile songs? I want 'em.

2004-01-11, 19:51
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I'm abot 3/4 of the way through Carcass - Forensic Clinicism/The Sanguine Article. The solo is a bitch.
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2004-01-11, 23:00
Pussy Pulverizer
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Nomad, you're the man! I knew you'd do it. I'm a little pissed off at guitar-pro though. A number of poeple took my powertab files anf converted them to gp4 files and gave me not an ounce of credit. And refused to do so. The dick at mysongbook.com wouldn't help me either. He said " oh well, once you post somthing on the net poeple can do whatever they want with it... Though shit." To me that would be like writing a book and having somone else publish the same book with their name on it. Bullshit! Make you own book fagot! Anyway, I wouldn't add gp4 metaltabs.com. Those fucks have no dignity. 
You fucking wanker!

2004-01-13, 19:57
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that sucks man...we should hunt them down and shove rusted ice picks in thier eyes...
GP4 sounds like shit, i still have to look into Powertab, but this whole argument that you actually get the proper rhythm...if you can't listen to your CD a couple times and figure out the rhythm yourself after looking at a tab, just put down the guitar and learn to play the triangle, cause guitar is not for you.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-01-14, 00:19
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says you, until you run into a song with quintuplets, sextuplets, septuplets, and odd (and/or weird) time signatures (5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, 5/4)

2004-01-14, 23:46
Forum Reverend
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its all in how closely you listen...i don't even know what time sig i write stuff in, i've been told some stuff is in 5/8 etc, but i'm always on time no matter what...if i'm playing along w/a band thats in a crazy time sig, it takes a bit longer to figure out, bet i get it eventually...
if powertabs come to this site, i'll prolly start tabbing that way as well, but until then, i'll just remain ignorant to it.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-01-15, 03:03
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sometimes you can't figure out the rhythm until someone points it to you, it's just hard to hear sometimes.
check out the powertab i did for Spheres of Madness (Spheres.ptb):
i thought that's how the rhythm went
when someone showed me the right way (Spheres2.ptb)
i had to listen to it REAL hard, then i got it
so it's not so cut and dry sometimes
and also these powertabs are much better than a string of these:
check that second line, are those triplets or what?
sure you'd eventually figure it out, but it takes relavitely a lot less time to figure it out; bottom line
Last edited by atifman : 2004-01-15 at 03:07.

2004-01-16, 03:07
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I have no problem gettng rythm down if I know how a song goes, but then translating that into, well thoes are 8th and 16th notes in 5/8 is the hard part. Playing in time isnt the problem.
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2004-01-16, 04:24
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Originally Posted by nomad
Powertabs (and probably GP and keyboard tabs) are likely to show up here in a month or two. 
Great stuff, Nomad. Inverted is 100% right about Power Tab. I've been getting into it over recent months and love it.

2004-01-30, 13:28
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Well, Powertab has been used on the
Death memorial website for some of Chuck's songs. I've used powertab before to figure out some riffs that I like and I have found that:
It forces you to get the tab correct ( I try to be a perfectionist and if it doesn't sound like it's exact, you will try to make it correct) which is good for everybody.
About the 'stealing tabs' without giving proper credit, yes it's bull.

2004-02-09, 21:15
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I like Cakewalk better. You can write all instruments, including drums.
In band, I'm playing a song that is 6/8+2/4+6/8+3/4,  .
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-03-09, 03:02
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looks cool

2004-03-16, 11:26
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Originally Posted by INVERTED
The only tabs I do anymore are powertabs. Someday powertabs are gonna take over completely and render regular tabs useless. www.Powertabs.net is getting bigger and bigger every day as poeple find out about it. I really wish we had a powertab archieve here. 
Got any power tabs to submit? 
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-03-21, 05:08
Pussy Pulverizer
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Nomad, I have 50 done and another 20-30 in the making. I sent you a PM but I don't know if you got it. Let me know how you want them. I can make a zip for you if you want. I do however feel that we'll need a new forum for powertab. And guitarpro for that matter. There will need to be some form of quality control.
You fucking wanker!

2004-03-21, 05:20
Dog farts
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Yeah, I agree about the new forum for Powertab. Good idea.

2004-03-21, 09:30
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Originally Posted by INVERTED
Nomad, I have 50 done and another 20-30 in the making. I sent you a PM but I don't know if you got it. Let me know how you want them. I can make a zip for you if you want. I do however feel that we'll need a new forum for powertab. And guitarpro for that matter. There will need to be some form of quality control.
You should use the same tab submission form. On the last step, it will ask you for a file to upload and will create a new thread in Pending Tabs with the file attached.
Concerning the quality control, what's the difference between quality control of textual tabs and PT's? Is it just that I should allow more time after a tab is submitted and before it's archived? I guess this bigger delay would be beneficial for textual tabs as well.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...
Last edited by nomad : 2004-03-21 at 09:43.

2004-03-21, 09:37
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
Yeah, I agree about the new forum for Powertab. Good idea.
Well, I don't really like this new forum idea. Let me explain why: - Many people will be looking for both PT and plain text tabs, they will be urged to look in several forums.
- What about Guitar Pro, should we create a separate forum for it as well? What if there are new tab formats? I'm already thinking about Guitar Sidekick, but there might be more in the future.
- More forums = more job for moderators.
- And lastly, I just don't see any advantages of having a separate forum.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-03-21, 10:24
Dog farts
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I didn't know that PT's were compatible with the tab submission procedure. =P

2004-03-21, 11:15
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pt has a much more established community and more produced tabs. why take a chance on guitar sidekick

2004-03-21, 17:22
Pussy Pulverizer
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The problem with powertab, is it's a complicated program to use. Many people will have a very hard time learning it at first. Thats what I'm here for. To help. I feel that a segregated forum will be absoluely nessacary. Esspecially in the long term. Trust me, it will grow outta control just as the regular tab forum did a year ago. As far as Gtp4 goes, it can rot for all I care... But they could be in the same forum as powertab. I don't like the program. I will however, be happy to take care of any forum needed. I'm more concern with how much work you'd have to do Nomad. That I understand.
Another problem with one forum is it will get WAY too disorganized and confusing. I'm also concerned with the archieving of these new tabs. Shouldn't there be a way to veiw ONLY powertabs or gtp or even plain text for that matter?
You fucking wanker!

2004-03-21, 17:44
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Originally Posted by INVERTED
The problem with powertab, is it's a complicated program to use. Many people will have a very hard time learning it at first. Thats what I'm here for. To help. I feel that a segregated forum will be absoluely nessacary. Esspecially in the long term. Trust me, it will grow outta control just as the regular tab forum did a year ago. As far as Gtp4 goes, it can rot for all I care... But they could be in the same forum as powertab. I don't like the program. I will however, be happy to take care of any forum needed. I'm more concern with how much work you'd have to do Nomad. That I understand.
Another problem with one forum is it will get WAY too disorganized and confusing. I'm also concerned with the archieving of these new tabs. Shouldn't there be a way to veiw ONLY powertabs or gtp or even plain text for that matter?
OK, I see you point.
What about this then: I could create a new forum for PT (and GP) learning questions. In the future it can grow to something like Gear Talk with heaps of useful PT information.
I still want to have one forum for pending tabs, it's easier to track new submissions if they are all in one place.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-03-21, 17:52
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Just to clarify the new submission procedure.
In the past tabs were submitted in the Tab Posting forum, and then processed manually (which involved a lot of copy/paste from the forum to a special MetalTabs admin page).
Now the tabs are submitted from the submission form. The code behind it:
1. adds the tab information to a special database table.
2. creates a new thread in the Pending Tabs forum.
Because all necessary information is already in the database (tab type, band, song, etc), it's very easy now to archive the tab (I have admin scripts to simplify the process).
Just thoght it's useful for you to know what's behind the scenes 
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-03-21, 18:47
Pussy Pulverizer
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I think that will work just fine. Will there be a way to veiw all "archived" powertabs/gtp4 in one place on the home page?
You fucking wanker!

2004-03-21, 19:23
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Originally Posted by INVERTED
I think that will work just fine.
Great! I'm going to create the forum in a sec...
Originally Posted by INVERTED
Will there be a way to veiw all "archived" powertabs/gtp4 in one place on the home page?
No, but in the band listing one can see how many tabs there are per band per tab type. Any suggestions on how to organize this are welcome! 
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-03-21, 20:16
Pussy Pulverizer
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I think the new forum will clear up most of the problems. I just worry that most people won't understand that you need to download software to veiw the powertabs. Furthermore, it will be like looking for a needle in a hay stack trying to browse for powertabs specifically. I don't know... I will be interesting to see how this all works out.
I'll tell you what though. This is going to be without a shadow of a doubt, the best fucking tablature website on the net! 
You fucking wanker!

2004-03-21, 20:29
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James, you rule! Just archived your 50 power tabs
Originally Posted by INVERTED
I think the new forum will clear up most of the problems. I just worry that most people won't understand that you need to download software to veiw the powertabs. Furthermore, it will be like looking for a needle in a hay stack trying to browse for powertabs specifically. I don't know... I will be interesting to see how this all works out.
I will add a link to PT website on the tab page. As to browsing the power tabs, I can adapt the search engine to search by tab type.
Originally Posted by INVERTED
I'll tell you what though. This is going to be without a shadow of a doubt, the best fucking tablature website on the net! 
I will have one  to that 
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-03-22, 03:30
Dog farts
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Originally Posted by INVERTED
I'll tell you what though. This is going to be without a shadow of a doubt, the best fucking tablature website on the net! 
What are you talking about? It already is. 

2004-03-22, 09:24
Pokémon Master
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Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
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And getting better with each GOOD tab submitted
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
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(x.x) (> <)
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