View Poll Results: War against Iraq?
16 |
44.44% |
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44.44% |
I don't give a fuck!
4 |
11.11% |

2003-02-23, 13:14
Join Date: Apr 2002
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War against Iraq?
What's your opinion for the war that will start
in a few days or weeks in Iraq?are you for it or against it?
And if you are against it did you protest(15th February)?
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2003-02-23, 13:31
Master Killer
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Yeah, saddam needs to get his sorry ass kicked.


2003-02-23, 14:25
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i'm with def, sadam had enough warnings and if he doen't wants to listen his ass must get kicked.
But ofcourse innocent people will die, that stinks

2003-02-23, 15:15
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2003-02-23, 15:24
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yay!!! i'm the only one that dosent give a fuck 

2003-02-23, 16:25
Drunken Yeti God
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I'm for the war, and I'll be fighting in it if it happens.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-23, 20:26
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I must say I'm disappointed from the replies so far.
Anyway I'm against the war because it's all about the oil
of Iraq and the fact that Sadam's goverment has deals
with Germany and France for it and not with USA and UK.
As for the excuse of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction
the UN inspectors didn't find anything but the US goverment is
convinced(with no evidence!) that they do!!!Also I wouldn't blame
American people for wanting a war cause I think they are
brainwashed by the media(and because of the terrorist
attack on 11/09/01).Of course I'm not in favor
of Sadam (although before the Gulf war Iraq was doing good,
and even after the gulf war they rebuilded many of what had been
destroyed,it was basicaly the embargo that damaged Iraq's
economy and people(lack of medicine being one of the most important
things))because he's a dictator and I don't think Iraqi people like
him either(although they say they do but that's because they are afraid).
And besides that why shouldn't the US disarm and Iraq should?
As for the anti-war march here in Thessaloniki I went
with some friends of mine,it was quite good(about 20000 people) the
only bad thing was some stupid so called anarchists who caused trouble with
the cops.
I almost forgot to mention this: Do you know what is the only
goverment that has ordered the use of nuclear weapons against innocent
people?I think tou all know
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight

Last edited by HELLBLASTER-666 : 2003-02-23 at 20:28.

2003-02-23, 21:07
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Im personally against it. At first I thought it might have been nessesary but now that we are going to war with the philopens (sp?)? America is just bieng the police of the world again. Back to Vietnam it is. And I think if we go in thier, and find nothing while millions of innocent people lay dead and impaled by American bullets then we will feel pretty stupid. To what I have heard from t.v., radio, internet, all sources possilble is that its been more of an argument then a nagotiation for the peace treaty. But I coud be just as wrong and we may stumble upon millions of chemical substances with our name labeld on them.
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2003-02-23, 21:28
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First off I'd like to say that currently, I'm not against a possible conflict with Iraq over this and judging on the information that's out right now, the guy needs to be dealt with. That doesn't mean I'm a warmonger, which is such a popular term for Americans and Bush right now. Believe me, if another solution to this mess presented itself I'd be all for it. Being ex-Army Infantry I see things alot different now than I used to, I've seen how this affects our military and most of you will never see that aspect of the bigger picture. The fact that my best friend of 18 years is a marine and is currently in Kuwait also weighs heavily on my mind, so to pigeonhole me as some stupid, warmongering American troublemaker would be unfair given these factors. Now, onto what Hellblaster said, let me break it down with my thoughts on it:
" it's all about the oil of Iraq and the fact that Sadam's goverment has deals with Germany and France for it and not with USA and UK." - Millions of people who've been saying this can't be wrong, right? Well, yes they can. This is mostly based on speculation and/or opinion. Hellblaster if you could, give an example of why this would be true.
"Also I wouldn't blame American people for wanting a war cause I think they are brainwashed by the media(and because of the terrorist attack on 11/09/01)." -- Must....start...war.....the news told me to.......Ok I'm joking. Actually, I agree with that statement on a certain level, there are millions of Americans that want to throw a bullet at anything foreign right now because of exactly what you said. Remember though, there are still quite a few of us left that aren't strictly guided by the WTC incident and whatever CNN/NBC/ABC and all the rest of those biased cunts have to say.
"And besides that why shouldn't the US disarm and Iraq should?" --- This is a classic argument, it's kind of like the gun control debate. Why should I have to give up my gun just because some asshole criminal is out there shooting innocent people? See what I mean? We could go round and round on that one.
"Do you know what is the only goverment that has ordered the use of nuclear weapons against innocent people?I think tou all know" --- Of course everyone knows the answer to this. But here's the real kicker, and one that no one ever mentions when they bring this up, What was the catalyst for that nuclear event? Oh right, it was that surprise attack that killed around 2500 "innocent" Americans at Pearl Harbor that dragged our asses into that whole fucking mess.
Last edited by slayme_returns : 2003-02-23 at 21:32.

2003-02-23, 21:39
Master Killer
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I agree with slayme,
I think war is the only way to stop saddam in his tracks, I wouldn't want to have chemical shit over here, I don't like the glow in the dark shit.
Ofcourse, war allways has it's victims, but Iraq has suffered from Saddam for ages, most of the people in Iraq think he's a cunt too, they're waiting for their liberation, it's Saddam who used innocent people as a human shield in the gulfwar.
I think war is justified at this moment, it's a shame they didn't take care of Saddam in the Gulfwar, it's the same shit over and over again, they need to nail him, and nail him good...
I don't think the Iraq think can work out in any other way, I've seen Saddam's son on tv, there where some people on the street and they where in his path, he had his guards chop their heads off!! now if that isn't one genuine nazi right there, fucking bastard, they should hang him from the highest tree they can find.

2003-02-23, 22:11
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, I wouldn't want to have chemical shit over here, I don't like the glow in the dark shit.
But the UN inspectors haven't found anything yet!!!There are no
evidence that they have chemical weapons.
US goverment showed some pictures of chemical weapons
but in the end they were recognised as pictures from before the gulfwar!
And why should Sadam be faced now?What has he done after
the gulf war?Correct if I'm wrong there.
Millions of people who've been saying this can't be wrong, right? Well, yes they can. This is mostly based on speculation and/or opinion. Hellblaster if you could, give an example of why this would be true.
As far as I know(from Greek reporters) this stuff are on papers.
Apart from that this is a logic explanation as opposed to the one
with the chemical weapons.
Actually, I agree with that statement on a certain level, there are millions of Americans that want to throw a bullet at anything foreign right now because of exactly what you said. Remember though, there are still quite a few of us left that aren't strictly guided by the WTC incident and whatever CNN/NBC/ABC and all the rest of those biased cunts have to say.
Of course I wasn't refering to every American(that would be impossible)
but the majority(I saw a poll
tha said that 83% of the Americans are for the war even without UN
--- This is a classic argument, it's kind of like the gun control debate. Why should I have to give up my gun just because some asshole criminal is out there shooting innocent people? See what I mean? We could go round and round on that one.
Ok Sadam is not good I agree,but I'm sure there is another way to
overthrow him,without killing thousands of people.One
the other hand this is mostly an internal problem of Iraq I don't
think it needs "help" from the US,cause he hasn't done
many things against other countries since the gulf war of course.
But here's the real kicker, and one that no one ever mentions when they bring this up, What was the catalyst for that nuclear event? Oh right, it was that surprise attack that killed around 2500 "innocent" Americans at Pearl Harbor that dragged our asses into that whole fucking mess.
They weren't exactly innocent people they were soldiers as opposed to
the Japanese people that were killed afterwards and were quite more.
Apart from this people are still dying in Hiroshima and Nagashaki because of the radiation.
And besides all that you think attaking Iraq will do any good against terrorism,
I don't think so Ithink that this will drive Muslims all over the world crazy
against US so there will be even more terrorist attacks(Sadam's son
said "What happened on 11/09/01 is a joke compared to what will happen if
Americans attack Iraq".And I think you know how fanatic Muslims are.
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2003-02-23, 22:22
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[i]2500 "innocent" Americans . [/B]
what about the 100+ thousand "innocent" japanese in hiroshima and nagasaki?
how are american lives worth more then foreign lives?
im against the war, bush is using there war on terrorism as a scapegoat
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-23, 23:44
I am a tax on the world..
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did any of you americans watch the "State of the Union Address?"
i thought we did have evidence that he was making chemical warfare.
and what we didn't have, was evidence that he destroyed it.
and i don't care about war, because i'm a student, and as long as i'm
a student i don't have to enlist.
Saddam Hussain, we should call him, So Damn Insane...hehehe.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2003-02-24, 00:37
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To both Hellblaster and Mofoism -
When we use the term "innocent" I believe we're going for people who don't have blood on their hands. The attack on Pearl Harbor was UNPROVOKED, therefore every single soldier killed that day was innocent. There was no US involvement at the time, but the Japanese decided they'd play games and kill a bunch of people. Knowing that the subsequent bombing of the "innocent" people in Japan was retaliatory to this incident you can't weigh one worse than the other. I don't care how many people died on either side, fact remains that nothing would've happened if the Japanese military hadn't gone willy fuckin' nilly and bombed the fuck out of us.
Alot of people died in Japan because of it's government, not because of me or any other American I know. I also recall that we gave them a shitload of money after that, helped them rebuild and what happens? Over the years they end up as a technological empire, making products consistently that put everyone elses to fucking shame. Did the Japanese pay the families of the Pearl Harbor victims, or help get anything back in order? Nah, they're not American so they're free from that kind of guilt tripping and pressure.
I hope that clears it up for you, Mofoism. I wasn't implying that japanese life is less important.
I still know alot of people in the Infantry, some fairly high ranking that were great friends. They've given me a run down of a few possible battle plans that will probably be implemented, and trust me, it's straight-forward and brutal. There is no "kill every civilian in the way" type bullshit, you can leave that up to Saddam to put his people out in harm's way to save his own ass. But when and if those human shields are bleeding in the street I can guarantee you the finger will be pointed directly at the US rather than Saddam.
Don't believe everything you see on television guys, keep an open mind.

2003-02-24, 00:57
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Eitherway, dont be tree hugging hippies and be against it, we are trapped right now, we go to war, or they bomb us and we retaliate. I'm sick of people who are protesting against war and saying its bushes fault and all he wants is oil. Would you fucks like to be driving hybrid fucking cars? not have any gas or electricity? Yeah, its all about oil, oil basicly fuckings runs the country, and thats something that is to late to change, so war is needed right now.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-02-24, 02:14
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Someone said (to much text to tour through) that we have been thourgh there and thier isn't any chemical labs ect. The biggest possiblity is that they are portable, meaning they are in huge trucks. This is also a good politcal campain to have America forget about our financial status, this war is going to take some big effect on our economy, and if we do go in thier we will get thier oil, and why woudent we? It does help us, but also i think, that as long as we take about 30-40% and leave the rest for the country then its some fair. Its not fair to take any in my opinion but you know they are going to, and if they don't, I personally will suck Bush's dick. The world already hates America, and this isn't going to help. As much as I don't want to admit that this has to happen, it probally does, like slayme said if thier where any other way I too would be all for it. Does anyone know anything about the U.S. going to war with the Phillopeans?
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i'm so bonery
Last edited by Darko : 2003-02-24 at 02:18.

2003-02-24, 02:24
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~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2003-02-24, 02:25
Drunken Yeti God
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What branch and occupation is your father, Piper?
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-24, 02:34
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umm i dont kno the whole thing but ill give it a shot
alpha 1-11th
national guard
he's a 1st class sargant
he's combat medic also i gueass thats what alpha means i dunno the whole army thing but he got mobalized 2 weeks ago he's in texas rite now for training and in another week he's going to kuwait.
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2003-02-24, 02:37
Drunken Yeti God
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I see...
Thanks for the info, I was just curious...and I hope for the best for him.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-24, 02:46
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Are you shipping out officially if theres a war Walpurgis?
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i'm so bonery

2003-02-24, 02:55
Drunken Yeti God
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War or not, there isn't a god damn thing keeping me from heading off for the Navy on April 8th.
I got two months of boot camp, and at least a year and a half of training though, so I don't know how involved I'll be with this war, but I still can't shut it out of my mind, because i don't really know how things are going to go.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-24, 03:24
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That sucks, for me it would. My father was in the navy though and he had the time of his life, the only problem he said was when he had got out he had lost contact with most of his old friends.
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i'm so bonery

2003-02-24, 03:24
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To Slayme_returns,
Where did you actually learn your history? "nothing would've happened if the Japanese military hadn't gone willy fuckin' nilly and bombed the fuck out of us." Japan had sanctions for iron, and saw the inevitable attack and them and making a pre-emptive strike, attacked pearl harbor. And I think you are right, the japanese should pay, In fact maybe we should strap heavy war reparations, take many industrial zones, embarrass them in front of the world and ban them from the united nations, lets make them so poor that their currency is worthless, oh i 'm sorry we've already done that to germany, and funny those conditions seemed to start the second world war in the first place. Revenge never seems to go well, and lets forget the oil, lets forget the "weapons of mass destruction" that they of course have, forget everything and think of the people living there. Because of sanctions, that do not hurt Mr. Hussein in his palace, children, adults, citizens are dieing and millions more are going to die because of "smart" bombs. And should i take your word for it? We took americans words for years that they were for democracy, but did you know your feared enemy saddam was supported by the united states, did you know your buddy Osama was also supported by your tax dollars? "I don't care how many people died on either side" i'm sure the iraqis will care who dies on there side, i'm sure if you view terrorism as a war, that you cared when september 11th happened didn't you? Think about lives, and think about freedom of other people who are not american.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-24, 03:30
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fuck sadam...wheather theres hidden motives or not the guy is a threat to the whole worls and so is yo yo ming...i support the disicision of war 200% but i do want a peaceful resolution because of al my friends in the armed forces. but to all of them im extreemly proud of them for willing to give all for our country and the cause, and all those who have served , i just wanna say thanks
Go home, throw your T.V.'s in the fire place and jack yourself off into oblivion.

2003-02-24, 03:31
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I dont see how that freedom speech was relevate to slayme's post, he wanst specifying freedom, more of who deserved what and along the lines of a domino effect. The soilders arnt fighting for freedom, there fighting so that we dont get blown to fucking oblivian. I dont know who started what for the japanese to bomb
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2003-02-24, 03:47
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Darko's mostly right as to my intentions. Mofo, if I wanted to outline the exact reason why the Japanese made their preemptive strike I would've called all of you into a fucking history class. Here's the skinny, "Eye for a motherfucking eye". Simple as that. When I say the Japanese went willy nilly, that's basically because I wanted to find a way to get those two words in there... as a joke to lighten this extremely heavy thread.
I do not believe in a war on terrorism. Like David Cross once said, "Having a war on terrorism is like having a war on jealousy.". But, I don't expect you to actually read my entire post, you'll just pick little things out of it, take them out of context and drag this merry-go-round of an argument further away from it's intended topic.
As for the rest of your post, sounds like you've watched Bowling For Columbine one too many times.

2003-02-24, 03:54
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One last thing. I've got my say out there, I'm not interested in coming back in here. Aside from a few people, most of you are just out to prove the dumb American wrong all the damn time no matter what he or she says.

2003-02-24, 03:56
Drunken Yeti God
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I'm kinda wondering how this keeps going back and forth between the current situation that actually matters with something that happened before any of us were born.....
*shrugs* maybe I'm just the slow one. And saying that I'm for the war doesn't mean I want a war regardless, but I'm not here to bitch if we do go to war, because basically everyone wants peace, it's just not possible at this point in time, obviously.
On a more personal note, the only reason I wouldn't want to fight for the country is having to defend all of the cocksuckers in this country that do nothing but trash it and rag on it, and then say that they don't want to live here but have no other choice. God damn pussies, they should be the first to be shipped off and killed.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-24, 04:27
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i may be a dumb american but goddamn it my grandfathers an my dad and uncles fought for this country and by god i love it. as much as some bitch about it id like to see them live under a dictatorship. so dumb close minded red-neck american or not i think sadam needs to be fuckin killed, along with osama . bottom line theres a sayin where i come from here in texas and its " when you fuck with the bull, you get the horns" so i sand by the dicision even if its just the usa that goes in angist iraq
Go home, throw your T.V.'s in the fire place and jack yourself off into oblivion.

2003-02-24, 05:46
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Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
Yeah, saddam needs to get his sorry ass kicked.
Think the innocent IRAQI people, even if US denies kiling iraqis, there are video clips proving that US are also killing innocent IRAQI's.....
SO I SAY "NO!!!!"
I suck at guitar.

2003-02-24, 07:57
New Blood
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Look, people, you can't be 'a little bit pregnant'. if you say saddam is bad, a threat to the world, and whatever else you said about him, you are for the war. there can't be any 'yes, but...', if we agree the guy's to be done with, we can't argue about whether america or not america should do it, are the motives right or not, and if we should believe the media. and as for innocent people - yeah, i'm very sorry for them, i myself have friends in those regions, but then i look at the history of my own country and i see how the big ones sacrifice the little ones for the common good, and i can curse as much as i want, this is not going to change. because the common good usually does come in the end, and for those for whom it doesn't - well, this world is not heaven, read darwin, survival of the fittest. yeah, we try to be good to each other and help each other out, but sometimes that just doesn't work. we have to choose who to help out - leave people alive under the oppression of saddam, or kill some of them, but give a better life to the rest.

2003-02-24, 08:23
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Originally posted by Bones98
Think the innocent IRAQI people, even if US denies kiling iraqis, there are video clips proving that US are also killing innocent IRAQI's.....
SO I SAY "NO!!!!"
it was only a matter of speach, I explained myself afterwards, I think he's a treath and has to be dealt with, ofcourse they can't find anything if he keeps moving all his stuff. I do think they should find better evidence, but I don't think they'll find it.
I just hope the Nato agrees and goes to war with them, because we'll have a lot of bullshitting if they won't go along.
I know for a fact that the netherlands is going along, they sended patriot teams to Turkey and they're replacing the whole part of the american fleet near Cuba (? or that direction Also, they have the 'Amsterdam' heading over there and two other frigates. I don't know, seems like we are joining in, but the Nato isn't acting yet. weird. I just noticed last week, all the troops and tanks and stuff from germany (US troops and tanks) are coming thru holland, seen boats with tanks, and trains with army trucks.
Seems like shit is about to go down, but I'm not sure. I hope they get rid of Saddam once and for all, and I hope they don't forget about his son, he's even WORSE then Saddam, if he gets away, we'll have the same shit over again in 10 years.
I'm not afraid of Iraq as a militairy power, however, the chemical warfare and terrorist bombings scare the shit out of me.

2003-02-24, 08:37
Originally posted by Bones98
Think the innocent IRAQI people, even if US denies kiling iraqis, there are video clips proving that US are also killing innocent IRAQI's.....
SO I SAY "NO!!!!"
dude every war has casualties ... in every war inocent people die ... and at least america cares most for protecting innocent people not just those fucking countries ... that Iraq and shit that don't gives a fuck about innocent people ... not even their own I think.

2003-02-24, 13:47
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well really, if the states bombs saddam during a "meeting" then it'd all be over with.

2003-02-24, 14:03
New Blood
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Had another couple of hours of thinking... i'm getting kinda scared about this sacrificing the little ones thing. i mean, i still am among the little ones...
sacrifice me, i don't care, but my brother's wife is expecting a baby...

2003-02-24, 14:54
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its funny how america wants to help the people of iraq, and yet even the iraqi oppose the war regardless of life being better or not. the main reason for iraqi suffering is from the embargos put on after the gulf war by americans and british.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-24, 15:05
Join Date: Nov 2002
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yOU wats even more sad?
Stupid Israeli's kill Palestinians,
Look at it this way, those Israeli's had tanks driving around
and the Palestinians threw rocks at the tanks telling them to go away....
Then those stupid ass Israeli's start killing 5 kids between the ages of
14-17 and 10 adults...I fuckin hate these people...Palestinians just want freedom
but Israel wants to have a GENOCIDE
I suck at guitar.

2003-02-24, 15:07
New Blood
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about this israeli thing - Jews have a damn good god. read the old testament, he always puts them to their place!

2003-02-24, 15:10
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Originally posted by abadona
about this israeli thing - Jews have a damn good god. read the old testament, he always puts them to their place!
I suck at guitar.

2003-02-24, 18:31
Master Killer
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Originally posted by Bones98
yOU wats even more sad?
Stupid Israeli's kill Palestinians,
Look at it this way, those Israeli's had tanks driving around
and the Palestinians threw rocks at the tanks telling them to go away....
Then those stupid ass Israeli's start killing 5 kids between the ages of
14-17 and 10 adults...I fuckin hate these people...Palestinians just want freedom
but Israel wants to have a GENOCIDE
Yes and in return they get suicide bombing by the palestinians. what's your point?
the violence over there works two ways, ok, Israel has more firepower and stuff, but it are retaliations every time they bust their way in with those abrahams tanks.
it must suck living near hebron and all those places 

2003-02-24, 18:41
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Just checkin' in to make sure everyone's playing nice.
Everyone doin alright?

2003-02-24, 18:43
Master Killer
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Ehh yeah.
you know what scares me?
you're acting like a nice guy!
anyways, thanks for checking dad

2003-02-24, 19:15
I, being an Israeli citizen, would like to say
that includes the israelis and the palestinians. let them have their own assraping war.

2003-02-24, 20:26
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Posts: 349
my family is jewish, and my aunt lives in jerusalem
bones98, in my opinion both palestinians and the israelites are guilty of whats happening over there
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-24, 20:28
I am a tax on the world..
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aside from "Yes War, No War", IF we went to war, do you think
we'd actually win? or another Vietnam?
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-02-25, 01:08
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Posts: 142
i think wed fuck em up personally. better technology and shit all we need to do it bomb at day and fucki em with night vision armed soldiers at night.
Go home, throw your T.V.'s in the fire place and jack yourself off into oblivion.

2003-02-25, 02:15
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
you boys realize that if pakistan attacks india or vice versa, and someone attack iraq, world war 3 will happen.

2003-02-25, 02:20
Drunken Yeti God
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I don't want WW3 to happen, unless I can fight in it. That's honestly how I'd feel about a big nuclear war. I either want to take part in it, not just being in training during it, but in active duty, or I want it to not happen until after I die, whenever that might be.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-25, 03:28
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: west of appilachia
Posts: 265
America,s mostly pregidious rednecks who want to rule the world. They got the gas
prices up to $1.63 gal to pay for it, & cutting all kind of programs. Plus this pisses
everybody off so they think it's sombody elses fault. It makes Bush feel powerfull
to boss little guys around to scare everybody else. 

2003-02-25, 03:32
Drunken Yeti God
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Yeah...God forbid the gas prices going up due to the fact that in a lot of parts of the country the winter has been worse than usual, more heat being needed and all for houses, and holy fuck! Gas is used to heat a lot of these homes. But of course that can't be why.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-25, 03:45
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Location: Tejas
Posts: 2,534
Originally posted by damonta
America,s mostly pregidious rednecks who want to rule the world. They got the gas
prices up to $1.63 gal to pay for it, & cutting all kind of programs. Plus this pisses
everybody off so they think it's sombody elses fault. It makes Bush feel powerfull
to boss little guys around to scare everybody else.
Dumbest post ever. Incoherent and poorly spelled/constructed pile of dogshit. I even corrected it and it still sounds like a fucking retarded 90 year old man wrote it.
America's mostly prejudice rednecks who want to rule the world. They got the gas prices up to $1.63 a gallon to pay for it, and cutting all kinds of programs. Plus, this pisses everybody off so they think it's somebody elses fault. It makes Bush feel powerful to boss little guys around to scare everybody else 

2003-02-25, 03:56
Senior Metalhead
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They don't run houses on the same type of gas.

2003-02-25, 03:56
Senior Metalhead
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Location: canada
Posts: 349
agreed, rather inaccurate.. but i still think bush is a pinhead, but thats me.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-25, 04:38
Drunken Yeti God
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But it still comes from the same petroleum and fossil fuels...
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-25, 13:44
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by slayme_returns
Dumbest post ever. Incoherent and poorly spelled/constructed pile of dogshit. I even corrected it and it still sounds like a fucking retarded 90 year old man wrote it.
America's mostly prejudice rednecks who want to rule the world. They got the gas prices up to $1.63 a gallon to pay for it, and cutting all kinds of programs. Plus, this pisses everybody off so they think it's somebody elses fault. It makes Bush feel powerful to boss little guys around to scare everybody else
agreed, for the purpose of this thread, no more stereotypes!
and wally, arent you scared by the idea of a nuclear war? it would basically mean complete annihilation of whatever they target.

2003-02-25, 15:21
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Hampton VA
Posts: 115
I really don't think anyone has enough facts to make a good educated opinion about whether or not we should go to war or not for the simple reason that there are things happening all the time that no one ever hears about. These are called operations other than war. You can't be completely educated on the whole situation from watching CNN or the daily news. Bush and Powell aren't stupid. And me being a service member it doesn't really matter what I think. In the military you don't have the freedom of living in a Democracy like Civillians. The Military and my way of life is a dictatorship so it doesn't really matter what the fuck I think about it. But as far as the oil is concerned, our major provider of crude oil is Venezuela. We don't need the oil in the Middle East. And to Damonta....You're a fuckin' blithering idiot. Before you post another thing grow a brain. To sit there and insult you're own country and way of life that men like me have died for.....FUCK U! All that talk about us ruling the world....when was the last time we sought territory? The American philosophy is pretty much "Don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you." And if anyone in here is the least bit into Christianity at all....(you can listen to metal and still be Christian) you know that WWIII is coming.
P.S. Draft Damonta

2003-02-25, 16:19
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by mrweijia
and wally, arent you scared by the idea of a nuclear war? it would basically mean complete annihilation of whatever they target.
Nope, it really doesn't bother me, especially if it's an enemy. Life has to end sometime, and life isn't some precious and wonderful commodity to me, it's just where I'm at right now. I'm not saying that if someone I knew died I wouldn't miss them, but life in itself doesn't have a lot of value to me.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-25, 16:36
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Manitoba Canada
Posts: 1,107
Originally posted by joblo1978
The American philosophy is pretty much "Don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you."
i think it's more like "we'll fuck with whoever we want, what are you going to do about it?" and personally i think bush is a fucking asshole that needs to die.

2003-02-25, 17:09
Master Killer
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Originally posted by damonta
America,s mostly pregidious rednecks who want to rule the world. They got the gas
prices up to $1.63 gal to pay for it, & cutting all kind of programs. Plus this pisses
everybody off so they think it's sombody elses fault. It makes Bush feel powerfull
to boss little guys around to scare everybody else.
Ehem, we pay 1.20 Euro (!) for ONE litre!
A gallon is MUCH more then ONE litre, so the price is still dirt cheap. America's fuel is much cheaper due to their bigger assets and lower taxes.
I don't think it makes Bush feel powerfull to boss little guys around, and I don't consider Saddam Hussein a little guy, this guy's been a treath to mankind for ages, I seriously would like to see him hanging from the highest tree.
I'm pretty sure there's going to be a war anytime soon, I think the French and Germans are acting really gay, acting like they OWN the NATO, at least holland is taking the american side and helping them transport troops and joining the fight.
I think they took the non-wimpy solution, but that's just my opinion.

2003-02-25, 19:19
Senior Metalhead
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Location: canada
Posts: 349
Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
I don't think it makes Bush feel powerfull to boss little guys around
fuck that, any motherfucker in charge of the most powerful empire ,yes empire, on this planet would feel fuckin powerful
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-25, 19:25
Master Killer
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He's not in charge of the whole fucking country on his own, remind that, ofcourse we all know america is the best militairy power out there.
But I don't think he needs to boss around little countries to feel powerfull, I think the war against Iraq and Afghanistans where NOT about a proof of Bush's supreme power, that's just bullshit, the motive was the war against terrorism.
I don't think that's a lame excuse to start a war.

2003-02-25, 19:42
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Posts: 349
Regardless of bossing other countries around, Bush is in power of the united states he has to feel powerful, i know i would. Doesn't he have all of senate backing him?
It's obvious iraq has no connection with al-queda so the americans really have no terrorist motive to attack iraq.
I fully understand why they want too get rid of saddam, i just believe there is more to what they are telling the world and feel if they are going to attack it should be by the UN not just america.
collin powell's case for war against iraq was nothing, all he did was rehash a series of unproven, speculative and at times ridiculous accusations that did nothing to prove the case. The French newspaper Le Monde put it very well, when it said we were waiting for the "day of evidence," but it ended up being the "day of reiterated suspicions."
It was a fraud in so many ways. For all the photographic and recorded evidence that Powell used, absolutely none of it was direct evidence about chemical weapons or nuclear weapons. For example, Powell showed pictures of weapons factories where Iraq supposedly had weapons of mass destruction until December 22, but the weapons were moved before inspectors got to them.
With these satellite photos, Powell demonstrated that Iraq is under a telescope all the time. So why don’t they know where those supposed weapons were taken? If they know that they were moved and hidden, why can’t they say where?
The reason that Powell never really backed up anything is that this makes his claims unverifiable. The whole case has been kept at the level of speculation and accusation, rather than the presentation of hard evidence, so that it can’t be disproved.
Until there is hard proof i stand against this war.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-25, 19:57
I am a tax on the world..
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Location: pizza with a shit on it!
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some homes are heated with natural gas.
and that doesn't use oil, its propane or something of that kind.
its wayy cheaper than electricity.
and for a war of todays standards, we'd all die if there is a sudden
change of wind...
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-02-25, 20:52
I'm against war, because the fucker (Georges Bush) only want the OIL and GAZ and MONEY from that. there's nothing else he want. And I really Bush will get his ass kicked if there's a war!
petrol is already expensive....fuck cars

2003-02-25, 21:57
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Manitoba Canada
Posts: 1,107
Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
I don't think that's a lame excuse to start a war.
it may not be lame, but it still is an excuse.

2003-02-25, 22:06
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 349
It really is remarkable that they're talking about trying to disarm a country at the same time as they talk about invading. It's hard to imagine what the incentives are for cooperation.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-25, 22:15
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Should we offer him a trip to Disneyland if he cooperates? You don't get incentives for refusing to cooperate with a UN resolution numerous times.

2003-02-25, 22:42
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 403
Originally posted by Mofoism
It really is remarkable that they're talking about trying to disarm a country at the same time as they talk about invading. It's hard to imagine what the incentives are for cooperation.
We're not the one's hiding something.
Secondly, it may well be speculation, but it's speculation I really don't want to find out is true (the hard way). End of story. The fucker's hiding something, and I don't like that. When you're talking chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, I really don't like that.
Fuck yourself with a rubber hose
Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
Up your nose and in your heinie hole
I don't care where it goes
And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
You should fuck yourself anyway
Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
But I know you, you'll be humpin' away

2003-02-26, 00:28
Senior Metalhead
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Location: canada
Posts: 349
I can't really blame saddam for not co-operating, Iraq is a country that's suffered 12 years of siege warfare. Its economy has been destroyed by the most comprehensive embargo ever imposed on a country in history. It's a country whose infrastructure hasn't been rebuilt since the last Gulf War. Where is the UN to help there?
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'
Last edited by Mofoism : 2003-02-26 at 00:31.

2003-02-26, 01:03
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
Ehem, we pay 1.20 Euro (!) for ONE litre!
holy fuck dude! here in vancouver we pay 82.5c/Litre and we think thats expensive! and thats in canadian currency, so it'd be like 42c euro! I remember it being 30 something cents back in the early 90's

2003-02-26, 01:06
Senior Metalhead
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Location: canada
Posts: 349
holy weija! its expensive there
its 63.3 here in southern alberta, but it fluxuates so rapidly. It will go from 46 to 79 in a day and back down again.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-26, 01:25
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
the last time it was 63.3 was a few years ago

2003-02-26, 01:28
Senior Metalhead
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Location: harlingen texas
Posts: 142
here in south texas its damn near $1.60 for reg .
and the reason no one can try and help them rebuild is because sadam is a lying cocksucker. if hed get rid of all the bullshit he has and give peace a fuckin chance it might work out. but i dont see that happening anytime soon so i guess what has to be done has to be done.
Go home, throw your T.V.'s in the fire place and jack yourself off into oblivion.

2003-02-26, 03:29
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Location: Colorado, U.S.A.
Posts: 277
I said no because from what I heard it is going to boost up gas prices, and what happens if Saddam really doesnt have any weapons or "mass destruction"? Are they just going to idily blow up things until Iraq becomes a useless waste basket... Then there's N. Korea, we already know they have weapons- so I think it's more like Bush trying to revenge because of his-not-dead-father-but-was-almost-killed-by-Saddam.
Otherwise I really don't care what happens, or atleast not right now.

2003-02-26, 08:38
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 41
look, people, i don't think it's about the fucking oil prices or whatever. it's a matter of ideas. are we for democracy or not? or rather, it's a clash between two different expansive and, to certain extent at least, aggressive cultures. we may end up in WW3, but i'm not sure if that's all too bad. the black death served europe well in the late middle ages. if we have such a great crisis nowadays, and, say two thirds of the world are dead, then maybe the rest end up living in a better world, or at least, they get rid of all the shit of this world, and can start from zero. maybe we've come to the point where we really need that? because that's how history goes, just look back and see...

2003-02-26, 10:29
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: the cold north
Posts: 625
I think war is the only way to fall the regime of Saddam.
And make it a country of democracy.
The land is so fucked up these days.
It's bad for the citizens and all the stuff they built up today. (would say, no war for that)
The government sucks....
Military intake is i think the only solution!
Join the hordes!!

2003-02-26, 14:18
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
just a little note: saddam hussein was put into power by the US! after some war, the former ruler was abolished and through US support, saddam hussein came into power.
how can we be sure this wont happen again?

2003-02-26, 14:32
Senior Metalhead
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Location: canada
Posts: 349
Originally posted by mrweijia
just a little note: saddam hussein was put into power by the US! after some war, the former ruler was abolished and through US support, saddam hussein came into power.
how can we be sure this wont happen again?
Not only that, the united states are responsible for bringing other dictators to power that did a hell of alot worse the hussein.
Iraq's military is a shadow of what it was. Sanctions have kept out essential goods needed for the health care system, for the water and sewage system. This is a country that's in an absolute crisis. In fact, in anticipation of the U.S. bombing, doctors in hospitals around Iraq are having to withhold what limited supplies they currently have in order to prepare for what they'll face.
A number of humanitarian groups estimate that the consequences of a war on Iraq will be far greater suffering than even the 1991 Gulf War, precisely because the country is so much more vulnerable to a humanitarian crisis after the destruction of its infrastructure during the last 12 years of sanctions and bombing. Iraq poses no threat to its neighbors, let alone the United States.
Hussein needs to be shot, yes, but not at the expense of the large scale of deaths to come.
Powell said: "Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows: intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way. For Saddam Hussein, possession of the world's most deadly weapons is the ultimate trump card, the one he must hold to fulfill his ambition."
All you have to do is substitute for Saddam Hussein and Iraq, George W. Bush and the United States, and for the Middle East, substitute the world, and you have a perfect description of the way that the U.S. acts as a global bully.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-26, 14:38
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 387
Jew with uzi: Palesine:

Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-02-26, 18:27
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by Mofoism
Not only that, the united states are responsible for bringing other dictators to power that did a hell of alot worse the hussein.
Iraq's military is a shadow of what it was. Sanctions have kept out essential goods needed for the health care system, for the water and sewage system. This is a country that's in an absolute crisis. In fact, in anticipation of the U.S. bombing, doctors in hospitals around Iraq are having to withhold what limited supplies they currently have in order to prepare for what they'll face.
A number of humanitarian groups estimate that the consequences of a war on Iraq will be far greater suffering than even the 1991 Gulf War, precisely because the country is so much more vulnerable to a humanitarian crisis after the destruction of its infrastructure during the last 12 years of sanctions and bombing. Iraq poses no threat to its neighbors, let alone the United States.
Hussein needs to be shot, yes, but not at the expense of the large scale of deaths to come.
Powell said: "Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows: intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way. For Saddam Hussein, possession of the world's most deadly weapons is the ultimate trump card, the one he must hold to fulfill his ambition."
All you have to do is substitute for Saddam Hussein and Iraq, George W. Bush and the United States, and for the Middle East, substitute the world, and you have a perfect description of the way that the U.S. acts as a global bully.
the CIA also funded rebel movements in various south american countries

2003-02-26, 19:04
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 403
Re: re
Originally posted by Darkenelf
I think war is the only way to fall the regime of Saddam.
And make it a country of democracy.
The land is so fucked up these days.
It's bad for the citizens and all the stuff they built up today. (would say, no war for that)
The government sucks....
Military intake is i think the only solution!
I seriously doubt that that will work. You think they hate us now? Wait till we're running their country for them. Make it a country of democracy? That's what we tried to do last time. I agree that there's very little hope for straightening any of those countries out. It always winds up back at square one.
Really, I don't give a f*ck what they do over there. It's when they could be threatening us that I do care. I just want to be sure we're safe.
Fuck yourself with a rubber hose
Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
Up your nose and in your heinie hole
I don't care where it goes
And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
You should fuck yourself anyway
Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
But I know you, you'll be humpin' away

2003-02-26, 21:40
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 756
This sucks Blair is going to war and as scotland is under that fags rule we get dragged into it too, fuck fighting iraqi dont want nuked
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LŘRD MALPHAS

2003-02-26, 22:55
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: fuck off
Posts: 24
 I think we need to take over Iraq and steal their fucking oil
and turn north korea into a fuckin ashtray FUCK THE MIDDLE EAST!!!

2003-02-26, 23:10
I am a tax on the world..
Forum Leader
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: pizza with a shit on it!
Posts: 7,994
ya know, if we used alcohol or electricity instead of gasoline,
we wouldn't have this problem.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-02-27, 00:00
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: canada
Posts: 349
Originally posted by Dave Asstaine
I think we need to take over Iraq and steal their fucking oil
and turn north korea into a fuckin ashtray FUCK THE MIDDLE EAST!!!
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-27, 00:12
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 403
Originally posted by powersofterror
ya know, if we used alcohol or electricity instead of gasoline,
we wouldn't have this problem.
It's definately a good idea. However, it's not very efficient right now, and we're not set up for that kind of stuff. In addition, it could get very expensive. And on top of that, do you really think Americans are gonna spring for that? I probably would, for efficiency and to keep the crap running my vehicle cleaner (though you'd still need oil), but I can't speak for the rest of the nation.
Personally, I'd like for the US to isolate itself from that entire corner of the world. We're not wanted there, and on the oil issue, they've got us by the balls.
Fuck yourself with a rubber hose
Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
Up your nose and in your heinie hole
I don't care where it goes
And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
You should fuck yourself anyway
Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
But I know you, you'll be humpin' away

2003-02-27, 01:26
Drunken Yeti God
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: BangHer, Washington
Posts: 2,819
Originally posted by powersofterror
ya know, if we used alcohol or electricity instead of gasoline,
we wouldn't have this problem.
If we used alcohol instead of gasoline, I'd be robbing gas stations every 20 minutes 
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-27, 02:30
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: harlingen texas
Posts: 142
haha no shit wal, id spend alot more time at gas stations if that was the case, couple gallons for my truck and id fill my tank up
Go home, throw your T.V.'s in the fire place and jack yourself off into oblivion.

2003-02-27, 09:40
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Thessaloniki,greece
Posts: 1,175
Originally posted by Mofoism
Not only that, the united states are responsible for bringing other dictators to power that did a hell of alot worse the hussein.
Iraq's military is a shadow of what it was. Sanctions have kept out essential goods needed for the health care system, for the water and sewage system. This is a country that's in an absolute crisis. In fact, in anticipation of the U.S. bombing, doctors in hospitals around Iraq are having to withhold what limited supplies they currently have in order to prepare for what they'll face.
A number of humanitarian groups estimate that the consequences of a war on Iraq will be far greater suffering than even the 1991 Gulf War, precisely because the country is so much more vulnerable to a humanitarian crisis after the destruction of its infrastructure during the last 12 years of sanctions and bombing. Iraq poses no threat to its neighbors, let alone the United States.
Hussein needs to be shot, yes, but not at the expense of the large scale of deaths to come.
Powell said: "Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows: intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way. For Saddam Hussein, possession of the world's most deadly weapons is the ultimate trump card, the one he must hold to fulfill his ambition."
All you have to do is substitute for Saddam Hussein and Iraq, George W. Bush and the United States, and for the Middle East, substitute the world, and you have a perfect description of the way that the U.S. acts as a global bully.
I agree.
Also I wonder in which way does Iraq threaten the US!!!
Ohh and France and Germany don't want the war because they love peace(and not of the oil deals they have with Iraq).HAHA!
To Slayme:Yes Japan's attack at Pearl Harbor was unprovoked,but do not
forget that they were on Germany's side and intended to conquer the world.
And the most importand thing,you cannot equalise the death of 2500 people(soldiers) with the death of hundreds of thousands(civilians).
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2003-02-27, 10:24
New Blood
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Go kick Saddam, maybe he kicks back and WW3 breaks loose and the end of the world comes. My prophecy is coming alive!!! 
Lle n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina

2003-02-27, 12:04
Master Killer
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Originally posted by HELLBLASTER-666
Also I wonder in which way does Iraq threaten the US!!!
seen what happend on 9/11? I think that's threath enough, I'm pretty sure Saddam can do such a thing too, If the taliban can do it, he can do it, and probably even in a more nasty way with chemical stuff.
I do agree with you guys who are against the war, I'm not for a war either but I think it's the only solution to get rid of Saddam, politics aren't working.
I wish Bush would go and debate with Saddam, that would be fun to watch 

2003-02-27, 13:55
Join Date: Jul 2002
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why is pearl harbour such a big deal to you slayme? becuase you're american. why was 9/11 such a big deal? becuase you're american. why was the holocaust so scary to the jews? because they were the ones attacked. forget pearl harbour. forget the nuke. go search up some info on the japanese invasion of north-eastern china. hiroshima and pearl harbour combined dont even stand up to the amount of people killed and tortured in china. this was around the 1930's, right when my grandparents were born in the same region. they were terrorised as children, forced to obey japanese officials. they're rice and food were stolen, then shipped back to japan. so why is this such a big deal to me? becuase it affects me personally as does 9/11 and pearl harbour to the americans.

2003-02-27, 15:00
Master Killer
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ah yeah, I think weijia has a bit of a point there, I think he's implying that the stuff that happend in the US gets big in the western world.
but.... the stuff that happens outside our western walls isn't considered news-worthy, or well, you don't hear that much about it.
and that's why it's considered less important by western people?
I might be misunderstanding you weijia, but hey, you're chinese 

2003-02-27, 15:14
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Originally posted by mrweijia
why is pearl harbour such a big deal to you slayme? becuase you're american. why was 9/11 such a big deal? becuase you're american. why was the holocaust so scary to the jews? because they were the ones attacked. forget pearl harbour. forget the nuke. go search up some info on the japanese invasion of north-eastern china. hiroshima and pearl harbour combined dont even stand up to the amount of people killed and tortured in china. this was around the 1930's, right when my grandparents were born in the same region. they were terrorised as children, forced to obey japanese officials. they're rice and food were stolen, then shipped back to japan. so why is this such a big deal to me? becuase it affects me personally as does 9/11 and pearl harbour to the americans.
I used Pearl Harbor as an example to make a point, and nothing else. It just happened to get drawn out because a few people weren't listening to what I was saying. Incidents like this are tragic, but personally I'm not like the rest of the American public, I dont' like to dwell on this shit.

2003-02-27, 15:24
Senior Metalhead
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The American legal system, often held as an example to the world, applies such strigent standards in order to protect a single accused person from being wrongly denied his freedom or life. If the United States attacks Iraq, not one accused person, but thousands of innocent people may lose their lives. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees estimates that 600,000 people may be forced to flee their homes, and millions more may well be exposed to hunger, illness, danger and chaos for years to come. Is all of this worth it, when, as France's President Chirac once again underlined, that a perfectly viable, non-violent alternative exists?
Let us hope for peace. Think of the people of Iraq, they are no different then us, they have children and people they love much the same.
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-02-27, 17:28
Master Killer
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Originally posted by Mofoism
The American legal system, often held as an example to the world, applies such strigent standards in order to protect a single accused person from being wrongly denied his freedom or life. If the United States attacks Iraq, not one accused person, but thousands of innocent people may lose their lives.
Ehm, what would happen if Saddam throws a chemical bomb on germany or turkey?
exactly the same, and he wouldn't even give a damn.
It's allways the same with war, innocent people die, it's as simple as that!
Ofcourse america shouldn't start a war without enough proof!
And about the American legal system, it's not an example to the rest of the world, not to europeans anyway, we have different systems, and we don't sue our asses off, our system is way different.
'' a perfectly viable, non-violent alternative exists? ''
like 4 years more of inspections? without getting anywhere? seriously, if saddam doesn't want his stuff to be found, it won't be found, he probably hid it far away in the time everyone was discussing shit in the Nato.
Poeple in Iraq will still be suffering from Saddam and after him, his son Udaj.
I think Chiraq is a fool, he's a fucking nationalist, he just wants his position in his own country to be better, and it's working, it's the way it works in france, they love the way Chiraq stands up to america and tries to run the Nato. it's just the nationalism france is about, that's also exactly the reason why I don't like the french.
they refuse to speak english whilst they all CAN speak english. they expect us to speak french.
p.s. nationalism is the wrong word to use for france but I can't think of the correct english word, in dutch it's 'chauvenisme'

2003-02-27, 17:36
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All sides in this entire ordeal are dirty, we all know that. Secret alliances, money changing hands, the works. No country is entirely clean, there are no saints here.

2003-02-27, 19:03
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 403
Weija does have a point but (no offense meant) unlike those other countries, we're covering our asses.
Fuck yourself with a rubber hose
Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
Up your nose and in your heinie hole
I don't care where it goes
And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
You should fuck yourself anyway
Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
But I know you, you'll be humpin' away

2003-02-27, 19:07
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
seen what happend on 9/11? I think that's threath enough, I'm pretty sure Saddam can do such a thing too, If the taliban can do it, he can do it, and probably even in a more nasty way with chemical stuff.
I do agree with you guys who are against the war, I'm not for a war either but I think it's the only solution to get rid of Saddam, politics aren't working.
I wish Bush would go and debate with Saddam, that would be fun to watch
def, if you have four friends with enough money for plane tickets, YOU could do it. you can't hold saddam resopsible for 9/11. he is, in no way, part of the taliban. and you can't use terrorism as a excuse to cause chaos.
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