2003-02-25, 01:10
EXPERT TABBERS Please help!!! Cryptopsy - phobophile (guitar)
i'd like to have that tab
thank you 

2003-02-25, 13:39
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
so would i, and its not on mysongbook.com

2003-02-25, 16:05
BTW I only know the intro part (on guitar) I think it was tabbed by Deifiler.... (only this riff)
**Tremolo picking all notes**
The tuning is C
This may help you to finish it
EDIT: correct tuning

2003-02-25, 17:00
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"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-02-26, 01:47
YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Lord Arioch
now you have no excuse for not being able to play the song
damn straight!

2008-06-08, 14:14
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Sorry to dig up another FIVE year old thread, but does anyone actually have an accurate tab of Phobophile?? I've seen that there's quite a few different versions around on the net, but the ones I've seen suck, and they are all quite ab it different. Tabbing it out myself would take an awful long time.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2008-06-09, 03:38
Supreme Metalhead
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There's the version on Rivers of Gore. Maybe a couple iffy parts, I dunno, worth a shot if you haven't already looked at I guess.

2008-07-03, 18:38
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Sorry to dig up another FIVE year old thread, but does anyone actually have an accurate tab of Phobophile?? I've seen that there's quite a few different versions around on the net, but the ones I've seen suck, and they are all quite a bit different. Tabbing it out myself would take an awful long time.
I was actually thinking about tabbing one solid version of it (I was going to transcribe some more stuff again this holiday weekend.)
Years before the legal bullshit started here I learned Phobophile from the tabs that were posted here. I had to mix and match the versions for best effect. One version was pretty good except that the rhythm parts under the solo were missing.

2008-07-25, 06:46
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Originally Posted by SuNioj0369
There's the version on Rivers of Gore. Maybe a couple iffy parts, I dunno, worth a shot if you haven't already looked at I guess.
There was a tab on RoG ages ago that is the same as the Singularity metal tab that's linked a few posts above. I re-did it about a year ago, pretty confident in its accuracy. No solo though.
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