2003-02-26, 02:05
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
Posts: 7,547
its done...well not really
ok its not a song but a story i wrote tonight but i think its pretty damn good so here it is for u fuckers enjoy
It had been a wonderful evening when Jeremy and his girlfriend hally said goodbye to their friends who had spent the night with them at the old drive in on a double date. Jeremy and hally decided that the night should not stop there so Jeremy drove his dad old 1960 silver Cadillac up to Penumbra hill better known through the teenage world as “lovers ledge” many couples have come here to loose themselves in the passion of one another. As Jeremy drove, his lover could not keep her eyes off him, he was white roughly 5’8” short neatly combed hair, his shy forest green eyes drove her insane every time she gazed in them. He glanced at the glowing clock in the brown shag dashboard it was 11:45pm the promise he made his dad that he would have the car back by a little after midnight flooded into his mind but as soon as it came it faded back out as he anticipated what would happen that night with hally. Her straight shoulder length brunette hair that flared at the tips is what caught his attention first her baby blue eyes and wide smile reeled him in after ward like a marlin after fighting for days with its capturer. When they finally got to the lovers ledge it was 11:55 and Jeremy knew he would not be able to keep his promise but he did not care. He put the car in park and leaned over to hally to caress her ever so gently just as he did a shadow came from the driver side window blocking the bright full moon. Thinking it would simply be a police officer who loved to catch kids here he quickly turned to explain what was happening when he laid his eyes on the being to his right he was unsure if it was a police officer. Because of the place the moon had settled in all he could make out was the silhouette of this peculiar man. The figure did not move and Jeremy was unsurten about the situation but he rolled down his window all the way and posed the question
“Is there a problem office?” there was no response the man almost seemed lifeless “uh officer?” Jeremy sputtered still no response the only noise was that of the wind slicing the tension inside the car then out of nowhere and as fast as lightning flashes in the air the figure reached out and tore Jeremy from his seat and pulled him completely out of the car through the window. Jeremy was cut from the gloves this insane from wore. He got a glimpse of them and his killer in the moonlight the glove reminded him of Freddy Kruger’s but instead of five blades for fingers he had one menacing blade roughly 6” protruding from the top of his hand. He was a little taller then Jeremy and definitely much stronger he was cloaked completely in black except for his hood were he had blood red stripes that came up and down from his eyes which could not be seen through the tiny slits and a strange white symbol on his forehead which Jeremy had never seen before. The mans hands flung up to Jeremy’s face slicing it up but careful not to get too close to the eyes. Hally still sat in the car frozen solid from fear although her brain told her to run and get help all she could do was scream and watch her boyfriends get mangled up.
“Shut up wench you’ll get your soon don’t you worry” he growled the voice sounded like a demon sent straight from hell or maybe even Lucifer himself. With Jeremy’s face disfigured and unrecognizable he jammed his right hand blade up into his gut while conscientiously licking the other one clean through the slit in his hood. He loved the taste of his victim the rich thickness of the blood flooded his senses
“The first is always the sweetest” came the blasphemetic voice again with a quick thrust he rammed the left blade into Jeremy’s gut opposite the other one. Raising him slowly and letting the blades and pain sink deep into his victim. With hi great might he threw Jeremy off his blades and onto the hood of the car giving it a nice and east red paint job. As he walked to the other side of the car where hally lay still frozen with staring at her mauled lover a cruel deep laugh could be heard in the air, but before he reached his destination hally reawaken from her coma like state and locked the door just in time. When she looked up he was nowhere to be found. After some very intense minuets that seem to stretch forever and fighting with her better judgment she unlocked the door and very carefully walked out as she was looking around the killer came up from behind her and threw her to the ground smashing her head against a rock although she was not knocked out everything went blurry for her and she could barley make out visible objects. He kneeled down over her staring into her eyes he loved the fear he saw in them, then he backed down to the lower half of her body and cut off her skirt and underwear exposing her to him
“shhhh my precious” he said “this will only be the most intense pain you ever felt” and before even finishing his last word he plunged one of his ominous blades in her while letting a sinister laugh slip through his lips. He rammed and rammed the blade further up her with each blow as it destroyed and ravaged her vaginal walls and innards. The sounds of hally’s cries of pain, the sounds of severing flesh and blood splattering up all trickled through the air and he loved every ear shattering moment of it. The sinister being could barley contain himself because of the gruesome site. He burrowed his face in her taking chunks of pussy and intestines while washing it down with the life giving blood. Through all this he did not realize she had been screaming at the top of her lungs. He jerked his head up with the ear shattering shrieks with flesh hanging from his mouth and blood dripping from his hood. He could not take the shrieks so he slit her throat he was careful not to cut deep enough to kill her but just to slice the vocal chords the same way they do it quite a dogs bark. With the blood flowing from her neck, stomach and vagina his sadistic ways reached its max. He gazed at her through it looked so tempting with hormones racing he pulled out his falisce from under neath his clock and plunged it into the slice in her neck and ravaged her until he reached climax. With now that his victims had been massacred he pulled an old hook and two bottles with crude representations of roman numerals marked I and II. This is where he would keep his prize first with Jeremy he walked over and ever so gently and sunk the hook just about his left eye and with the flick of his wrist the eye ball popped out making the same noise a cork makes when flying out of a whine bottle and it popped right into the bottle marked I. the same forest green eye that had drove hally crazy now belonged to this vicious killer.
“Now for one more personalized touch” he pulled out an old razor blade from his cloak and emblazoned the sign of him on Jeremy’s forehead and wiped it up so it could be seen properly. Now it was hally’s turn with the same wrist motion he took her left eye and put it into the bottle marked II and also put the marking on her forehead. With his work done he simply vanished into the night
The next morning officer Farley was turning the bend of lovers ledge to make his morning rounds just to make sure that a couple had not gone up there gotten drunk and decided to spend the night there. When he pulled up he saw the Cadillac and Jeremy on the hood nothing too suspicious (cause he could not see the mauled side of Jeremy) except one thing where was his companion? He had never seen any one up on lovers ledge by themselves he found this to be a bit odd but didn’t give it too much thought he pulled up and got out of his cruiser to check on him
“Son you awake over there?” of coarse no answer “son! Boy if I gotta wake you up your daddy’s gonna hear about this! Ok dammit you asked for it” and he slowly started to walk over to the car with the staccato pounding of his boots echoing through the distance. He finally reached the car with the gruesome scene in front of him he managed to sputter the words “holy shit” while throwing up all over his uniform he was stunned and shocked all he could do was stare at the destruction of these two human beings and wonder what kind of sick twisted creature could do such a thing. After he managed to pull himself somewhat together 4he went back to his cruiser and somehow through tears and pucking he radioed for backup. When asked what the situation was all he could do was say
“hurry” during the 15 minuets it took for the backup to arrive he couldn’t go back and look at the site he just sate there numb trying to think of what could have happened. Farley way glade when the backup arrived but we was still shocked and pale by the horror he had just witnessed. Officer peavey came out of his cruiser and planted his line of vision on Farley and instantly knew something was terribly wrong
“Jesus Christ Farley you look like hell! You as white as fucking casper himself just what the fuck happened here?!” farley staggerdly raised his arm and stretched out his finger towards the horrific scene.
its not done yet and i dont know when or even if ill get around to finishing it but uh
questions comments concerns?!?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2003-02-26, 02:44
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
Posts: 7,547
heres the pic of whats on the guys hood
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2003-02-26, 02:44
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
Posts: 7,547
and this is what he carves into their heads
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2003-02-26, 04:02
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Colorado, U.S.A.
Posts: 277
It's alright, I'm not good as pointing out grammer mistakes in stories because I just skimmed over it. It's not really my cup of tea, but it looks okay... kind of sounds like a cliche to me of countless 'horror' stories. I liked some of your word choices though because you're not using those lame words that've lost their impact on me in horror stories that immature writers use like blood, stab, evil laugh, cackle, blah blah blah...
Post the rest when ever, if ever.
Last edited by killingismybiz : 2003-02-26 at 04:05.

2003-02-26, 11:04
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
Posts: 7,547
yeah in school i have been hammered to use good word chioces so when i write now it just comes naturally
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2003-02-26, 17:35
Master Killer
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts: 11,372
Haha, cool, some pretty gore like stuff in there.
It's a bit difficult to read for me, because I have to think a while to get some words, heh... anyways, good stuff 

2003-03-12, 23:21
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 655
That was pretty good man, I liked it alot, besides some spelling errors, but that doesn't matter, it's good. Keep up the good work man, good luck. Hail!!!!
walk through nature's dwelling
hide from obscure trees listening
winter brings gloom, brings remnants of our shadows
twilight casts spells on those who espouse their fate
ice pricks necks like knives, leaving shards of cadaverous skin
tears spout from eyes, shunned from mankind's den
(Prayer For Cleansing/ "A Dead Soal Born")
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