2003-02-26, 23:02
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The CoOleSt guitar graphic/finish?
The CoOleSt guitar graphic has got to be the pile o skulls from jackson or the green ghost flames they both look sexy
What Do YOU think is? plz post
i like the darkness i eat whats light..... i am... FAT man

2003-02-27, 00:32
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the dark red flame tops, a jackson custome i saw with a anceint chinese style dragon, jam4s hetfields riveted(sp) metal finish, deep blue quilt flame tops and i guess the jackson soloist(i think it is) the jff hannemen usualy plays live
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2003-02-27, 13:40
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the bc rich with the chicks ass on it

2003-02-27, 17:48
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i like the alien thing from kirk hammet and lightning always is pretty cool

2003-02-27, 22:02
The PRS Dragon is pretty fucking incredible. The trendkill snakeskin Dime is pretty sweet also.

2003-02-27, 22:10
Drunken Yeti God
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Steve Vai has a bunch of cool looking finishes on his guitars, like the glow in the dark ones with the bright green flourescent pickups.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-02-27, 22:17
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i like dimes new southern cross guitar
ummm james hetfield green flamed flying v is koo
i dunno i got a thing that if it has bright green on it or flames i like it

~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2003-02-28, 16:53
New Blood
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bitch's back of those bc rich bodyart guitars 

2003-03-01, 02:10
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Basically, the "coolest" guitar finish for me are either the quilted or trans [I think they're basically the same, you can see the wood.] So you can definatly guess the color style of my guitar...

2003-03-01, 05:38
Forum Reverend
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Satriani's chrome-dipped guitar...CHROME!!
the patterns are everywhere...

2003-03-10, 11:04
New Blood
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Richard From Rammsteins guitar, much like Kirk Hammet's guitars has the skull and crossbones on the fretboard, GREAT effect!
 Feuer Frei!

2003-03-15, 21:18
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That PRS that warnerve was talking about is bad ass, my friend showed me some picture of one, I don;t know if it's the same thing but yeah that dragon thing is bad. I don't care for the flame guitar graphics, but the lightning is bad when you have a black guitar and blue lightning, I wan't to get a professional spray gun and paint something with a skull liek in the middle of the pickups and pick gaurd and shit with lightning around it and all. It will be liek grey,some red,black,blue.
walk through nature's dwelling
hide from obscure trees listening
winter brings gloom, brings remnants of our shadows
twilight casts spells on those who espouse their fate
ice pricks necks like knives, leaving shards of cadaverous skin
tears spout from eyes, shunned from mankind's den
(Prayer For Cleansing/ "A Dead Soal Born")

2003-04-01, 08:05
New Blood
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The red flame that hetfield uses on new album, nice finish

2003-04-01, 12:52
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About how much would it cost for a custom finish?
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-04-04, 02:25
New Blood
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Originally posted by Father Death
Satriani's chrome-dipped guitar...CHROME!!
Chromeboy is a sweet assed guitar. I read where the finish is flaking up on him and he has to use clear tape to keep it down because it cuts the shit out of his right hand. For me George Lynch's original guitars (Mr. Scary, his first Kamikaze's, the Purple Tiger, etc..) were all pretty cool looking. Now thats going back a bit, some of you young punks might not even know what the fuck Im talking about. And of course all the other shit you guys mentioned...its all cool.
Ordinarily he is insane, but occasionally has a lucid moment when he is only stupid.

2003-04-04, 16:07
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Satin black.

2003-04-24, 04:39
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Procrasination and masturbation are one in the same--in the end, you're just fucking yourself.

2003-04-24, 16:54
Originally posted by Father Death
Satriani's chrome-dipped guitar...CHROME!!
I've seen an all gold-plated guitar.. it looked insanely sweet..
I'm getting a Jackson guitar- Warrior model w/ EERIE DESS SWIRL graphics..
I love how the colors blend and how when it's dark, the guitar is black, but when it's light, the guitar is many colors.. really fuckin cool..
Another graphic I really like is the Crimson Swirl.. almost the same as Eerie Dess Swirl except its only red and black..

2003-04-29, 00:45
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Those colors sound pretty sweet, I haven't heard of them before. I might go check one out the next time I am at a music store or something.
walk through nature's dwelling
hide from obscure trees listening
winter brings gloom, brings remnants of our shadows
twilight casts spells on those who espouse their fate
ice pricks necks like knives, leaving shards of cadaverous skin
tears spout from eyes, shunned from mankind's den
(Prayer For Cleansing/ "A Dead Soal Born")

2003-04-29, 08:03
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The ....Washburn Dime Stealth Custom (With Checker Plate Finish)

run at me

2003-05-01, 21:32
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Paul Allender from Cradle of Filth has a really nice PRS. It looks like a transparent purple finish with bat inlays on the fretboard. I tried to find a pic of it but I can't remember which guitar mag it was in.
Blizzard Beast
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2003-05-06, 01:17
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OH i love the dimebag stealth confederate flag finish TOO!
i like the darkness i eat whats light..... i am... FAT man

2003-05-06, 03:27
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Originally posted by Blizzard Beast
Paul Allender from Cradle of Filth has a really nice PRS. It looks like a transparent purple finish with bat inlays on the fretboard. I tried to find a pic of it but I can't remember which guitar mag it was in.
Its in the new Guitar World with Yngwie Malmsteen tabs in it.......and the linken park bitch on the cover.

2003-05-06, 15:06
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i like the one of kirk hammet, the transparent one with bleu fluid in it, thats cool

2003-05-07, 22:39
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i love this paintjob
i don't have the guitar yet, but i actually just bought the body to that guitar from ebay recently.
what i'm gonna do is buy the same model in a different color (which will probably cheaper) and do the old switcheroo with the bodies.
it's be gonna be fucking sweet. 
Last edited by atifman : 2003-05-07 at 22:44.

2003-05-08, 09:00
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this is kool
run at me

2003-05-16, 12:27
New Blood
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the most impressing guitar-finish ive ever seen is on a custom-les paul, but see yourselves:
Skull-les paul

2003-05-16, 13:17
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Looks like the neck would get uncomfortable to play after a while. Definatly a guitar that has more looks than quality. That might look cool on a Warlock.

2003-05-16, 14:38
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i could play that bitch alright...and yes, it would be neat on a warlock 
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