2003-03-02, 14:48
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Cacophonous Crap
So, when I bought an old Sigh cd, it came with a Cacophonous Records Catalog. There were loads of bands I have never even heard of, nor was I able to find any mp3s of them. Now, most of them seem totally retarded, however, some of them claim to be goth metal, so generally, I am interested.
The problem is, all these bands are obsessed with trying to get a goth/evil/satanic image, so they all appear to be shitty bands.
Ok, so I saw this band called Twilight Ophera, seems promising, but that is ruined by an album cover that shows a women with vampire wings and fangs ( I could have gone to a local costume shop and made a women look more like a vampire with $20). Then, to make matters worse, in the description for them, it says that they "play dark emotional metal inspired by moonlight and black atmospheres". Do they actually believe that crap? Moonlight and black atmospheres? Gimme a break. Then, to top it off, the album is called "Shadows Embrace the Dark" Clearly, the band did not think of having any meaning to it, they just liked the fact that they got three goth buzz words for their album title.
Moving on, to another band called Abyssos. It says they play "Atmosperic, witching metal". That sounds interesting. However, the three band members who appear on the album cover (who clearly have little contact with the opposite sex) are screaming trying to look cool, which fails miserably.
Now for some more bands I wanna know about:
Deinonychous - actually seems promising
13 Candles - gothic wannabes
Ancient Ceremony - gothic wannabes
N.A.O.S. - perhaps it stands for No Affiliation with the Opposite Sex
Blood Storm - words fail me.............
The rest of the bands, I am unable to decipher their logo, so I don't know their name.
Are ANY of these bands actually good?
Fun Fact!
Cacophonous was the label for the old Dimmu and Cradle albums (the shitty ones).
Speaking of COF, I just heard some of their Midian songs, and they are great. Does Danni do all the male vocals? I can't believe people actually bitch that they sold out, which they did not!
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-02, 18:50
Re: Cacophonous Crap
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
The problem is, all these bands are obsessed with trying to get a goth/evil/satanic image, so they all appear to be shitty bands.
However, the three band members who appear on the album cover (who clearly have little contact with the opposite sex) are screaming trying to look cool, which fails miserably.
Now for some more bands I wanna know about:
Ancient Ceremony - gothic wannabes
so satanic bands are shitty bands huh ? ... I think you like Dimmu Borgir ...well they're satanic ...are they shitty for you ?
as for the second shit ... why the fuck you keep saying "who clearly have little contact with the opposite sex" you always say that when bands get pics that you don't like.
as for Ancient Ceremony they are gothic/black metal.
and Primordial is Black Metal and is far from gothic metal.

2003-03-02, 18:56
Re: Cacophonous Crap
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
Moving on, to another band called Abyssos. It says they play "Atmosperic, witching metal". That sounds interesting. However, the three band members who appear on the album cover (who clearly have little contact with the opposite sex) are screaming trying to look cool, which fails miserably.
dude, listen to the cd's first, then judge the band after. Abyssos did some great songs, even if I heard only two songs, they're good. I dont fucking care what they look like, of if they get chicks every nights, or they are gays. ONLY THEIR MUSIC COUNTS for me.

2003-03-03, 01:02
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Re: Re: Cacophonous Crap
Originally posted by Lord Malphas
so satanic bands are shitty bands huh ? ... I think you like Dimmu Borgir ...well they're satanic ...are they shitty for you ?
as for the second shit ... why the fuck you keep saying "who clearly have little contact with the opposite sex" you always say that when bands get pics that you don't like.
Calm down Malphas. Look, if a band is satanic, I don't care. However, when you pull stupid crap like album titles as "Shadows Embrace the Dark" that is retarded. That makes no sense and clearly has no thought put into it except to sound dark and satanic, that is dumb. These bands exploit satanism just for image.
Also, there is no need to start this old arguement up again, so I will end it by saying, a bunch of guys in cloaks with weapons are losers. I'm not sure if Dimmu did it in their earlier days, if they did, then I will say they were losers, but at least they have toned it down. End of tha discussion. If you wanna resume it, go to the "Funny Look at Bands" thread in Chit Chat.
The whole langauge that these Cacophonous bands and the label itself use is just for shock and image.
Inspired by moonlight and black atmospheres. That is so lame.........
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-03, 03:50
Dimmu Borgir put an album out entitled Enthrone Darkness Triumphant which
doesn't make much sense either but it's one of their better CD's. What about the
band Theatre of Tragedy, they put out a CD called Assembly, does that
make much sense. It doesn't really matter. And yeah, Dimmu Borgir did the weapons
and cloak thing years back, but they put beauty into the Gothic and Satanic
look when they did it, and they backed it up with a dark feeling they gave through
their musick and Norwegian poetry. You never know, maybe Shadows Embrace
the Dark has meaning you just don't know it.
Abyssos is actually a pretty good band, their name might not be the best but
at least they didn't name themselves slipknot. At least they don't act like slipknot
and have goats, Sigils of Baphomet, and 666 all over the stage when they
play concerts.
Ancient Ceremony is my favorite band of all. I think you should read the lyrics
and listen to before judging it. Their guitarist was ranked 4th in the European
guitar competition. Ancient Ceremony has been around a long time as well,
before most of the black metal bands out their. But I will agree with you that
13 Candles are Gothic Wannabes.

2003-03-03, 04:11
Throbbing Member
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Originally posted by FilthyGod
Abyssos is actually a pretty good band, their name might not be the best but
at least they didn't name themselves slipknot. At least they don't act like slipknot
and have goats, Sigils of Baphomet, and 666 all over the stage when they
play concerts.
Ok - Slipknot wheres gay masks, blackmetal artitis wear corpse paint. Hundreds also use goats and 666 every where, so i really dont thinkg you should be making fun of thier appearence (I am not supporting them, just pointing out the irony that seems not to be noticed).
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-03-03, 06:04
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Re: Cacophonous Crap
This thread was started in order to make fun of a large number of what appear to be black metal bands. So please, keep it civil.
Originally posted by Lord Malphas
so satanic bands are shitty bands...
There are no satanic bands.
Many, many bands use satanic images as the thematic content of their music. Some are good. Some are utter rubbish. No band I've ever found ever used actual satanic themes. It's just devil imagery, nothing more.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-03-03, 09:13
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Primordial is great!
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-03-03, 22:05
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Why does this have to turn into a huge war?
All I wanted to know was (I'll make it real simple):
GP sees unknown bands listed in a catalogue
GP laughs, "Ha, these bands look pretty lame"
GP takes notice to the text in the catalogue, words like "gothic metal"
GP takes interest
GP searches for mp3s, and finds none
GP decides to make a thread asking if any metaltabbers know of them
Black metal sympathizers rally against GP and burn him at the stake 
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-03, 23:21
heh, ironically we watched a video in World History and some chick was gettin burnt at the stake for havin the bubonic plague.

2003-05-12, 13:04
New Blood
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Originally posted by FilthyGod
Abyssos is actually a pretty good band, their name might not be the best but
at least they didn't name themselves slipknot. At least they don't act like slipknot
and have goats, Sigils of Baphomet, and 666 all over the stage when they
play concerts.
We only used blood and paint. Abyssos is a one-man-band right now and the future is, for me, on The Insalubrious act.
Give me your adress FilthyGod and I will send you CD when it´s finished. Just beacourse you seem to have good taste!
Independent Life. No questions asked.

2003-05-12, 13:22
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Don't do it...He's a rapist.

2003-05-22, 17:08
New Blood
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shadows embrace the dark means daytime turning to night , daytime when you get shadows cos of sunlight , and night time when they blend into the dark so really it does make sense. i do agree with u saying the bands were crap but thats cos 99% of gothic stuff is crap. dimmu borgir are excellent , but i dont even want to speak about cradle of filth because they are the worst kind of contrived pish that ever sullied the HMV metal section, dani filth is a retard with the most rediculous voice i have ever heard (since when is screaming like a girl cool?).
as she graced her window ledge an orphaned gypsy nymph ,
this issue of the forest bed skin flushed with sipped absynth,
blah blah blah tried once conceiling hell
this snow white line of divine freaks in riot as they feEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL(girly screaming)
i rest my case 
devouring preachers of holiness proclaiming myself as god

2003-05-22, 19:34
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just cause he screams like a girl doesnt mean they suck....its not all about the sound

2003-05-22, 20:44
of course not. cause i mean, if linkin park and nsync had the deepest most awesome lyrics in the world, then youd listen to em, right? i would...not

2003-05-23, 18:47
New Blood
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Location: scotland
Posts: 10
what is cradle of filth about then if its not about the sound? do you think that collosal prick looks cool????????
no i wouldnt listen to N-Sync if they had amazin lyrics , but i would have some kind of respect for them for being talented, cradle , however, are just wank.

devouring preachers of holiness proclaiming myself as god

2003-05-23, 19:23
Join Date: May 2003
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i meant a band can have crappy vocals but if the lyrics are good then atleast you may not want to listen to them much but you can say they are respectible in a sense.

2003-05-25, 18:05
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COF might not be the greatest band ever but you can't say they are crap. If they were crap they wouldn't have got noticed.

2003-05-25, 22:34
hmmm lets think about all the bands that are crap, but have gotten noticed. hmmm damn thats alot

2003-05-26, 01:00
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the man has a point!

2003-05-30, 16:53
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 35
back to the intended purpose of this thread, i have 3 twilight opera songs, one of which was actually good - "The Moon is Your Lover" Pretty standard sounding - lots of synth in the background with slower guitars and growls. might be up your alley and worth checking out.
real eyes realize real lies
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