2003-03-02, 20:34
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Death/Gore band
I've just entered a Death/Gore band. My first rehearsal is next weak and i was told to write some riffs. I offcourse am very fucking excited
I want to write some very fucking fast sick brutal shit!
Any advice, suggestion, idea etc... is very welcomed
I was thinking in getting some scales to make some fast tremlo picked riffs with lots of palm mute and some dissonant chords in the middle
What do you think??? 
Hail Death!

2003-03-02, 20:40
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I forgot to say... The band has two guitar players. The other guitarrist is already in the band.
Hail Death!

2003-03-02, 20:59
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sorry i cant help you with ur riffs
i just want to say good luck and shit let me know about the name and ill keep a lookout for you 
gone but never forgotten

2003-03-02, 21:53
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all i can say is tune low, like, 2.5 steps low, or see what they tune before writing anything, listen to a nothing but death metal bands until then, and shit will pop up. Its mostly just great guitar work, power chords, and hammer ons, can't be too hard to think of stuff.
good luck.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-03, 00:00
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but it IS hard to think of GOOD stuff
Bands that are always good when I need some inspiration to write brutal stuff:
"Like a slow scenery
I'm losing all my faith
In lifeless motion
You're walking like you're dead"

2003-03-03, 00:42
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pop in any arch enemy Cd, preferably wages of sin, listen to it entirely, then sit down with your guitar and let it flow.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-03, 00:48
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Death/Gore metal is way diffrent sounding than Arch Enemy, and don't just make non stop brutal riffs, as for you they are fun to play, but it will easily bore the listener, try to add some dynamics.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-03-03, 00:49
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I also disadvise listening to a cd then writing riffs like Art of nothing said, or else its just going to sound like them and no one wants a duplicated sound. Use your imagination.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-03-03, 03:12
tune your guitar low (depending of the tuning of the others of course), play some tremolo and "triplets" (well,its actually two 16ths + one 8th) like
A -------------------
E - 000-000-000 (very fast)
add tremolo, inverted power chord (not too much, but sometimes its always good)
Listen to a few songs you like is good, but only a few, and from different bands (even power metal bands can inspire you) then take the guitar, and play (dont play the songs you listened!!)
another good way is to close your eyes, and imagine something. try to play it. sometimes you'll end up with something you'd never thought.
* also learn the diminushed scales!!
hope that helps

2003-03-03, 09:48
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Originally posted by Darko
I also disadvise listening to a cd then writing riffs like Art of nothing said, or else its just going to sound like them and no one wants a duplicated sound. Use your imagination.
Eh, alot of the death metal bands out there are kinda duplicated though. Eh, yeah, scratch my idea, be creative and just fool around with shit until you've come up with something cool.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-03, 10:58
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Hey! thanks for the advices
I've got some questions:
what's a "triplet"? i didn't understand that stuff about the two 16ths + one 8ths.
But i think i understand what you mean by: E--000-000-000
I tremlo pick the lowest string, very fast, with litle breaks in the midlle, giving it some rhytm.
What's an inverted power chord? like this:
...and last but not the least... which album of gorguts should i hear?
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 19:14
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listen to obscura
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-03-04, 04:38
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..........RHYTHM is the key to everything.....
Make sure you have a good vocalist....(Hopefully he doesn't GRUNT)
For example there is a soft yet HEAVY part in DEATH "STORY TO TELL"
which is mainly before the solos....
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-04, 04:40
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Listen to Cannibal Corpse's album "TOMB OF THE MUTILATED"
THAT my friend will give you ideas!!!
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-04, 08:02
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inverted power chords
i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2003-03-04, 09:29
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally posted by Darko
Death/Gore metal is way diffrent sounding than Arch Enemy, and don't just make non stop brutal riffs, as for you they are fun to play, but it will easily bore the listener, try to add some dynamics.
I just read your statement again darko, and i remembered something sooooo many musicians say, some mean it, some dont. But play what you think sounds good to you, if you wanna play non stop brutal riffs, then play non stop brutal riffs, theres gotta be atleast one kid that just wants to destroy every brain cell he has by head banging, so he'll like it. At the end of the day, you could sell millions of copies of that CD, but if you dont like it, then it means nothing. So play what ya want, play what you want to hear that other musicians and bands aren't delivering to you, play what you'll have to make up yourself.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-05, 02:41
the "inverted power chord" are like
D---------4---- 2---5-----
Don't overuse inverted powerchord, too much is like not enought. Mix them with power chords
mix PalmMute not palm mute.... dont play only PM
SlayedJesus: the "real" triplets are 3 notes per beat
but the 000- 000-000-000 things is 3 times the same notes fast, so it sound very nice (when played fast) Its often called triplets because of the 3 notes side-by-side...
And like Bones98 said: Listen to Cannibal corpse
check the tabs for their songs. and learn them, after a while you'll get inspiration to make up your own riffs.
and try to make up some weird chord, that's sometimes good.... 

2003-03-05, 02:43
Originally posted by artofnothing6
I just read your statement again darko, and i remembered something sooooo many musicians say, some mean it, some dont. But play what you think sounds good to you, if you wanna play non stop brutal riffs, then play non stop brutal riffs, theres gotta be atleast one kid that just wants to destroy every brain cell he has by head banging, so he'll like it. At the end of the day, you could sell millions of copies of that CD, but if you dont like it, then it means nothing. So play what ya want, play what you want to hear that other musicians and bands aren't delivering to you, play what you'll have to make up yourself.
all you said is so true.

2003-03-07, 10:44
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This is it! The rehearsal is going to be this Sunday.
The other guitarrist can't go, so i'm gonna do all the guitar work
Anyone here knows how to tune a guitar with a floyd rose????
That thing keeps getting out of tune and when i tune on the left and get that thing tight the tune goes high 1 or 2 steps 
Hail Death!

2003-03-07, 10:58
Supreme Metalhead
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there should be some floyd rose threads in this or the gear forum, i know there are.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-07, 23:15
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Originally posted by EmperorMalignus
* also learn the diminushed scales!!
hope that helps
Where can i find this scales???
Hail Death!

2003-03-08, 07:55
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Originally posted by EmperorMalignus
the "inverted power chord" are like
D---------4---- 2---5-----
Don't overuse inverted powerchord, too much is like not enought. Mix them with power chords
mix PalmMute not palm mute.... dont play only PM
SlayedJesus: the "real" triplets are 3 notes per beat
but the 000- 000-000-000 things is 3 times the same notes fast, so it sound very nice (when played fast) Its often called triplets because of the 3 notes side-by-side...
And like Bones98 said: Listen to Cannibal corpse
check the tabs for their songs. and learn them, after a while you'll get inspiration to make up your own riffs.
and try to make up some weird chord, that's sometimes good....
dude, those are minor and major third diads.
and inverting a power chord is moving the fifth above the root to a fifth below the root. hence inverted powerchord.

i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2003-03-10, 21:02
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 227
the diminuished scales! ...nobody answered me about the diminuished scales
I want to make some brutal riffs in severe torture style. like very fast tremlo picked riffs.
Hail Death!

2003-03-10, 21:28
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There posted at the top of this forum! "Scales and Sweeps by Darko"
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-03-10, 21:58
Senior Metalhead
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it's just the ones posted by +--deifiler--+ on the first page, right?
Hail Death!

2003-03-10, 22:31
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Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-03-10, 22:43
Senior Metalhead
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but that link takes me tyo the major and minor scales! ...not the diminushed scales!
i guess i don't know what diminushed scales are 
Hail Death!

2003-03-10, 23:58
E minor scales

2003-03-11, 00:00
E Diminushed scales
Enjoy the scales, If you want mores scales, I have a program for that
 Hail Emperor Malignus

2003-03-11, 00:02
the diminushed scales are VERY good for heavy and extreme shit, lots of band use that

2003-03-11, 00:24
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
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Originally posted by EmperorMalignus
E Diminushed scales
Enjoy the scales, If you want mores scales, I have a program for that
Hail Emperor Malignus
WOW! But one thing is, I don't know how to read that shit!
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-11, 00:35
dude! thats the fretboard, the BLACK DOTS are the notes of the scales (the note you can play) and the numbers in the top is the fret number...its easy and the E at the bottom is the Low E (the biggest string)
I cant help you more...

2003-03-11, 00:37
Originally posted by andras
dude, those are minor and major third diads.
and inverting a power chord is moving the fifth above the root to a fifth below the root. hence inverted powerchord.
thanks, I wasnt sure_of the name ... 
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