2009-09-02, 02:08
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 25
How would you play this riff...?
Lately I've been learning what I would call slightly more advanced riffs with alternate picking, and I'm having a bit of trouble.
Right now I'm working on this riff (among others)...I used to play it all down.
(All opens palm muted. 200bpm)
What do you think (picking wise) would be the best way to play this? I've tried various things, but they all sound kinda messy, even at slower speeds.
Thanks so much!

2009-09-02, 23:02
New Blood
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Posts: 25

2009-09-05, 02:31
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I say pick down but it depends on the tempo...also you could move the frets 10 and 9 on the 4th string up to 15th and 14th fret on the 3rd (unless my notes are off). Otherwise just keep practicing...

2009-09-08, 13:20
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yeah dude...move those notes. you can actually alternate your picking pretty easily if you don't have to reach ten miles with your right hand.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2009-09-08, 15:57
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Originally Posted by knives
u d d u d u d d udud d d
This is mainly as a demonstration that this kind of thing is an individual thing. This is how I would play it and it runs smooth for me at 200.
What I noticed, though, when I first started learning more advanced riff was that paying close attention to how you use your wrist, how you place your arm and what angle your pick is paid off way more than thinking about exact picking patterns.
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2009-09-08, 21:31
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Ehh, I'd play it like this, it's of a combination of alternate and economy picking (I suppose that would be defined as economy picking then) All the " ^ " symbols mean upstroke and all others are obviously down. Doesn't mean it's the right way, just the way I'd play it
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2009-09-09, 12:53
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....and go ahead and tune all your other strings down with your low C...
C Standard > Drop C
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2009-09-09, 18:22
Drugged Unholy
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I'm with MTM on the picking, though i probably wouldn't drop it down a string, just to get better at string skipping, but either way it doesn't matter. Do what feels more comfortable for you. There's really no right or wrong was to do something as long as you're doing it.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2009-09-09, 20:19
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I'm sure there are more "proper" ways of going about it but that's just the way I can do it most consistently 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2009-09-10, 12:34
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Ehh, I'd play it like this, it's of a combination of alternate and economy picking (I suppose that would be defined as economy picking then) All the " ^ " symbols mean upstroke and all others are obviously down. Doesn't mean it's the right way, just the way I'd play it
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Yeah I`ve played the riff like you advised it and it feels very normal and good to me. I`d play it like MTM!
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2009-09-17, 01:34
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I find it most comfortable if I play all low string notes down and all higher notes up.
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2009-09-19, 22:47
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 25
Thanks for your input guys.
I think its easiest for me to play it like metal thrashing mad had it. And then when the bass note switches to the 8th fret (which I didn't post), I play it like I was originally.
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