2003-03-15, 13:04
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
I also take requests (Guitar tabs)
I can't promise I'll be able to figure out but I can promise you I'll do my best. I've submitted like over 50 tabs here so there's a better chance that I will be able to figure it out. To get an idea of what kinda stuff I'm into, just go to my profile and click where it says "search for all posts by this user" and look at
all my tabs. My CD collection is too big to list here.
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death

2003-03-15, 20:23
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 349
think you could handle death is the hunter or world below by the crown?
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-03-15, 21:48
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Darkest Depths of Hell
Posts: 474
How about Unleashed-Death Metal Victory or Dying Fetus-Nothing Left to Pray For 
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2003-03-15, 22:41
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Poland
Posts: 4
anything from Limbonic Art - "Ad Noctum", "The Ultimate Death Worship", and Illdisposed - "There's Something Rotten..."
I need it, almost like air 
"there are no stupid questions, only stupid people"

2003-03-15, 23:00
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
I hate to disappoint you guys but I know nothing about any of those bands. Maybe you could
E-mail some of the people who have submitted tabs for those bands and ask 'em to tab those
songs. Sorry.
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death

2003-03-16, 00:13
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Darkest Depths of Hell
Posts: 474
How about the new song off of the new Cradle CD Babylon AD (So Glad for the Madness) Have you heard that one yet?
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2003-03-16, 01:37
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 5
-Cradle of Filth - Doberman Pharaon ... from the new album ...
-Zombie ritual solo

2003-03-16, 01:55
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: São Paulo/SP - Brazil
Posts: 60
and about "The Storm" by Witchery????
"Patana neyua shouy, shouy motuko."
Steve Rhoadies (Married With Children)

2003-03-16, 02:26
New Blood
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Location: New fucking JERSEY
Posts: 2
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE "Scorching Breath" by Atrocity!

2003-03-16, 02:47
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
I told you guys to look at my profile and click where it says "search for all posts by this user" and look at some of the tabs I've submitted to get an idea of what kinda stuff I'm into. I'm sorry but I don't know much about any of those bands.
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death

2003-03-16, 10:14
Senior Metalhead
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Location: NeverWhere
Posts: 171
What about Material world paranoia by Kreator
or a whole version of coma of souls (the song)
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-03-16, 14:02
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Brazil
Posts: 5
You could tab some Nuclear Assault tabs ?
Like those: Betrayal, Hang the Pope, Nightmares, Butt Fuck, New Song (this rules), Emergency, Wake up, Survive, Fight to be Free, Lesbians, Mother's Day.. well.. anything from Nuclear Assault ....
Thank You ! 

2003-03-16, 17:09
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
Now we're talking. Lord Arioch- I already have a tab for Material World Paranoia somewhere in the
forum. I think there's a Coma of Souls tab here isn't there? If it's not accurrate, I'll submit a new
tab for it. Evildead- The only Nuclear Assault album I have is "Handle With Care" but I would
definitely like to do as much stuff from that album as I can. If you'd like, you can give me your
E-mail address and whenever I tab something from NA I'll send you an E-mail.
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death

2003-03-16, 18:22
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Brazil
Posts: 5
Hey man, got the others NA albuns.. 
Well.. Handle With Care is a great album.. New Song, Wake up, Emergency, Mother´s Days.. all the songs are great... You can post the tabs here in the forum, i'm sure there's another NA fans here..
Thank you. The 80's strikes back !! Keep thrashin' !
PS : my english is very very bad.... 
Last edited by Evildead : 2003-03-16 at 20:59.

2003-03-16, 20:32
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2002
Location: NeverWhere
Posts: 171
Originally posted by Kramer
Now we're talking. Lord Arioch- I already have a tab for Material World Paranoia somewhere in the
forum. I think there's a Coma of Souls tab here isn't there? If it's not accurrate, I'll submit a new
tab for it. Evildead- The only Nuclear Assault album I have is "Handle With Care" but I would
definitely like to do as much stuff from that album as I can. If you'd like, you can give me your
E-mail address and whenever I tab something from NA I'll send you an E-mail.
thx man
do you do the solos as well?
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-03-19, 12:26
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 5
ah also ...
- Cradle of Filth - Smoke of her burning

2003-03-20, 20:57
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
ah also ...
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death

2003-03-21, 18:06
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Portugal
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Anything from Abyssic Hate!
The "suicidal emotions" album in particular
Hail Death!

2003-03-22, 17:15
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Ireland
Posts: 57
Darkthrone - Kathaarian Life Code (from the album "A Blaze In The Northern Sky") please
"The weeping willow withers black
When howling winds of winter back"

2003-03-23, 15:14
New Blood
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Location: Netherlands
Posts: 8
Yeah coma of souls would be nice 

2003-03-24, 13:29
New Blood
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 27
Well if you're looking for stuff to do, how bout these two:
Nuclear Assault: Something Wicked
Nuclear Assault: Another Violent End
I plan on doing them myself sometime in the future, so if you want to work together or split them up, let me know.
The whole Wicked album by NA rules, screw their older stuff 

2003-03-26, 00:16
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
Evildead- I have 2 Nuclear Assault tabs in the tab posting forum for ya "New Song" & "Wake Up"
I might not be doing any more NA tabs for a few weeks but when I do some more I'll let you
Lord Arioch- No I don't do the solos sorry. Have you looked at the Coma of Souls tab they have
here yet? Try it first and let me know how it is, if it's not accurate I'll submit another tab for the
song. How was the Material World Paranoia tab?
Abysslord- The only NA album I own is "Handle With Care," so I can't help ya, sorry. And screw
the old NA stuff? What the hell??! That makes me less willing to help you.
The rest of you- I told you to look at my profile and some of my tabs to get an idea of what I'm
into and then you ask for tabs for bands I know nothing about. You'll have to ask somebody else
for those tabs...unless you can get me a date with Jennifer Aniston then I'll be your tab slave.
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death

2003-03-26, 17:55
Senior Metalhead
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Location: NeverWhere
Posts: 171
Originally posted by Kramer
Lord Arioch- No I don't do the solos sorry. Have you looked at the Coma of Souls tab they have
here yet? Try it first and let me know how it is, if it's not accurate I'll submit another tab for the
song. How was the Material World Paranoia tab?
well I hadn't the time to play Material W P for now. but I did a reading while listening
to the song and it sounds pretty good.
The Coma of souls tab is allright but it lacks several parts; there is only the beginning.
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-03-28, 16:13
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 387
Could you tab Dimu borgir: Grotesquery Conceiled???
The solo is realy nice  Sounds like doomsday
It's a tab for it allready, but it got no solo... and got 3 in rating 
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-05-30, 16:54
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
Hey guys now that it's the summer I have a shitload of free time so gimme some more requests. Before you make a request, make sure you keep the following in mind...
1. If you could tell me what tuning the band uses, that would help a lot. If you don't know that's OK.
2. Make 'em good. Last time the only people that got requests were Lord Arioch and Evildead. Everybody else asked for Cradle of Filth or whatever...I'm sick of having to explain to all of you I don't listen to that stuff. I dig mainly old school metal, espically thrash.
3. I'm not limiting the # of requests each person makes, but don't make so many requests at once. Make 2 or 3 requests at a time.
4. Be patient. Don't keep whining if you've been waiting for your request for months. I can't guarantee i'll get finished with it right away, I can just guarantee I'll do my best.
5. The last request I got was for some Dimmu Borgir song, he said there was already a tab for it but it didn't have the solo and it got a 3 star rating. I don't like Dimmu Borgir & I can't do solos. Sorry. But I can't guarantee all my tabs are 5-star quality. I have gotten a couple 5 star tabs, some 4 stars...but my
tab for Iron Maiden's "Wrathchild" got a 1 star rating and I have no idea why. Maybe it wasn't good enough to get 5 stars, but it sure as hell deserved better than 1 star. Very few of my tabs even get rated, which pisses me off big time.
6. Rate the tab...and give your honest opinion.
Anyway, I would really appreciate some requests 'cause I plan to tab at least 3 or 4 songs a week, probably more.
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death
Last edited by Kramer : 2003-05-30 at 16:59.

2003-05-31, 09:10
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2002
Location: NeverWhere
Posts: 171
Well how about some more Kreator?
I haven't seen many tabs for the Cause For Conflict Album.
(only Lost & Isolation actually)
Same for their last effort Violent revolution.
(I've seen Reconquering the Throne, The patriarch&Violent revolution, All of the same blood. and I'm planning to do servant in heaven king in hell)
So if you could pick any song from those albums it would be cool.
There's also Limits of liberty a short song (1.38) from Scenarios of Violence.
The choices are yours.
And again thanx.
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-07-01, 01:49
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Brisbane,Australia
Posts: 12
Sodom's Obsessed by Cruelty
Anything off Sodom's" Obsessed by cruelty".or Destruction's "United by Hatred"off Eternal Devastation.

2003-07-03, 22:53
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
How about Sick And Twisted By Six feet Under
i know you donr dig them but my band wants to cover it and no tabs!

2003-07-07, 06:19
New Blood
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Location: idaho
Posts: 6
Yeti Foretold Gathering
hey Kramer give Yeti's Song Foretold gathering a try.

2003-07-07, 09:08
Forum Leader
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here my friend, let me give you an old school trash song you can work on:
exodus- no love
Last edited by The Doctor : 2003-07-08 at 10:37.

2003-07-08, 03:40
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: São Paulo/SP - Brazil
Posts: 60
hey, what do you think abou "Critical Mass" by Nuclear Assault. i would be very appreciate. 
"Patana neyua shouy, shouy motuko."
Steve Rhoadies (Married With Children)

2003-07-14, 11:58
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Jerry's apartment
Posts: 194
No Love is a cool song, but there's a fat chance I'll be able to do the acoustic intro. Is that OK? I've tried "Critical Mass" before and I've had some trouble with it, I'll try again 'cause I wanna learn that one just as much as you. I'd like to do "United By Hatred" as well, I don't own Sodom's Obsessed by Cruelty but when I buy it I'll do some stuff from it. I've never heard of Yeti and if you know I don't like Six Feet Under why the hell are you asking me to tab it? Ask someone who does Six Feet Under tabs dude.
City is guilty
Crime is life
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2003-07-17, 09:34
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Brisbane,Australia
Posts: 12
Thats music to my ears
I cant believe someone is thinking about tabing Sodom(Obsessed by Cruelty).I have looked all over the net and cannot find one tab off that album.The guitar sound is buried in the mix a bit on the album, but the riffs in songs like Pretenders to the Throne and Nuctermeron are wicked.Destructions "United by Hatred" is one of Destruction's most ballistic thrash (hammer-ons and pull-offs a plenty) songs in their vast and immense repetoire.I cant see why no one has tab it yet. 
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