2012-09-24, 01:53
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Next to a guitar.
Posts: 560
Autopsy - Tortured Moans of Agony TAB
Autopsy - "Tortured Moans of Agony"
Acts of the Unspeakable (1992)
C Tuning (C F Bb Eb G c)
\ and / = slides
~ = vibrato
h = hammer-on
Riff A x 6
|--------------------|----------------| On the 6th time, skip the
|--------------------|----------------| "13xxxx" and continue to
|--------------------|----------------| Riff B
Riff B x 8
|--------------------| "2h3h5" is a triplet.
Riff A x 4 - Transition to Riff B as before.
Riff B x 8