2003-03-29, 19:27
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
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How has the war with Iraq affected you?
First of all, In america, it sucks ass...I can't find work because
Businesses are going down and the economy is a peice of shit.
I also need money for my Guitar needs (I need a DXMG, and
Crate 120 watt amp) and right now I'm fuckin going crazy....
I'll probably end up in jail for a couple of months doing something
fuckin stupid. 
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-29, 19:37
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well, to be honest, it hasn't affected me in a single way, sounds stupid but it really didn't. Nothing about it at school, i read papers but its always the same, just for the news broadcasts.

2003-03-29, 19:41
Symbiotic In Theory
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Nah, it hasnt affected me at all, i usually just forget about it, and then i come home and see it on the news and then forget about, it doesent go through my mind often, unless im sitting listening to music in my room, and the lyric ''war'' in a song, then ill start thinking about it, but other than that it doesent No.
I just hope they get it over and done with. Either kill all the iraq's or make peace i really dont care as long as its over, Otherwise its gonna get out of hand and people are just going to be bombing random countries.
Cos there all high on war! 
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2003-03-29, 19:55
Join Date: Jul 2002
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well canada's not sending troops, so the US hates us

2003-03-29, 19:57
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like they always did

2003-03-29, 19:59
Forum Daemon
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We already hated canada.
The war hasnt affected me at all, except that people, instead of arguing about going to war, are arguing about the war itself. That's about it.

2003-03-29, 20:11
My dad just retired from the navy, and I live in a huge military area. I
am forced to hear about the war all the time. My dad goes on about how
he was in desert storm and all that bullshit. I have lots of friends whos
parents are going to Iraq or are there already, and a few friends who
are going themselves.

2003-03-29, 21:26
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 349
Originally posted by PST 88
We already hated canada.
The war hasnt affected me at all, except that people, instead of arguing about going to war, are arguing about the war itself. That's about it.
and we hate you!
pff, last time you americans fucked with us we burnt the white house down!
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-03-29, 21:30
Throbbing Member
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What war?
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-03-29, 22:08
Forum Daemon
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1812, and technically we fucked with England, not Canada. Just because Canada happened to be England's bitch and was forced to do England's fighting while it was busy in Spain doesnt mean we fucked with Canada. That was a great war, almost nothing changed and the biggest American victory came after the peace treaty had been signed.
And dont lie, you dont hate us. You just wanted a strong response. And why do you quote my entire post when a) if you had just said 'PST' at the beginning everyone would know what you meant, and b) you only want to respond to one part of it? Typical Canadian inefficiency. No wonder we hate you.

2003-03-30, 01:53
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
Posts: 1,824
So all you other guys haven't been affected at all?! even
when its about business and money?!
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-30, 02:17
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: canada
Posts: 349
PST... yeah well.... we beat you at hockey... and we have better beer... and... animals on our coins
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2003-03-30, 02:56
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and we've got poutine!

2003-03-30, 03:16
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
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why is there such a rivalry with canada and US?
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-30, 04:16
Forum Daemon
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In beer you definitely have us. However, Europe has better than both.
I'll give you hockey, but, to be fair, America doesnt care nearly as much about hockey. That's like me gloating that we're better at basketball.
We have eagles on our coins. They're animals. They're cooler than Loons.
I dont know what poutine is. However, you have homo milk. And you have weijia.
Well, as I see it, the rivalry stems from this: American teens at the northern border tend to go to Canada to get beer, due to the lower drinking age. While there, we notice a stark difference in cultures. Also, we notice weijia. Seeing weijia infuriates us. That's where it all comes from: weijia.
I checked and now see what poutine is. We do have it, at least in Upstate New York. It's part of something we call a garbage plate, and it combines to make one of the most disgustingly unhealthy things you can eat. Needless to say, everyone likes them while they're eating them and then calls them disgusting the rest of the time.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2003-03-30 at 04:22.

2003-03-30, 04:21
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
poutine is french fries with cheese and gravy. soooooo good. i didnt know there was a lower drinking age. it's 19 in BC and 18 in alberta.

2003-03-30, 04:22
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This thread is on it's last leg due to it straying from it's original topic. No, actually it' son it's last fucking toe, that's how bad it's gotten.
Let me tell you all something.
Canadians - You've given us some great actors/comedians, other than that I'd enjoy stabbing each of you in the neck with a broken fucking Molson bottle.
Everyone else - Get on the original topic or I'll rape all of you.

2003-03-30, 04:22
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by PST 88
I dont know what poutine is.
 WHAT!! poutine is fuckin awesome.

2003-03-30, 04:24
Forum Daemon
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It's 21 in America, thanks to MADD. And, as my corrected thing said, we do have poutine, we just have it as part of the disgusting mass of food called a garbage plate here.
By the way, it's freedom fries, douchebag. C'mon, now.

2003-03-30, 04:26
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Because mentally a 20 year old is just NOT ready to handle a beer in his/her hands. Cunts.
Congratulations Metaltabbers, you've shit on another innocent thread. Wave goodbye to it.
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