I know the last 2 verses don't rhyme but I liked them the way they were. I wrote this today for my 'little baby boy'. In fact, I've written a few things about him here. I hope you like it. I know some of you are just as 'fond' of him as I am. (gag, cough! )
"To the Innocents"
PLEASE don't let him be in charge
Of pushing a panic button.
I know what he's like at home-
You'd have to be bad luck's gluttton.
He vacuumed up a cord
Into my brand new sweeper.
His reflexes were a bit slow-
So don't let him do it, NO !!
And once he stuck the vacuum hose
In the middle of his forehead.
He slid it 'stead of turning it off.
Had a hickie on his head.
He plays his bass way too fast.
Those strings are hard to break,
But lil Waly can do it-
Like he can cut through cake.
He thinks its great to spin the cat in a box.
He tries to teach the bird bad words.
The dog is never going to moo.
What you want from him is absurd.
Uncle Sugar's Canoe Club -
Can do without a kid
Who wants SS Minnow on his liferaft
Just like his daddy did.
Let's send him to the Iraqi's .
He'll cause such a fuss
They won't know what they're doing
And surrender their arms to us.
Drunken yeti's shouldn't be
Using nuclear devices.
I know him more than anyone
Cuz I'm the yeti's mom.
And if you go back in the archives
And reread a certain verse,
You'll see the letters down the left side read-
Drunken yeti god.
And NOBODY caught it.

At least not that I know of. heehee