2003-04-08, 17:57
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Louisville ky
Posts: 659
Re: Pantera
Originally posted by FilthyGod
Some people have told me that their breaking up because
of the side projects, and some people tell me that their
making a new album. So who's right?
For the 1000000th time.........
Pantera is on hold right now.
Phil is currently working with SJR and Down on new albums.......
Dime and Vinnie are recording songs for their new band "New Found Power".
Fender0823: ok here's a good one.........
Fender0823: what if u could have all the babes u wanted in ur bed, but once a month u had to wear a shirt in public that said "I like my men in short shorts" would u do it
Fender0823: :-X god im scary
Fender0823: lol
Fender0823: this is what alcohol does to me.
Ulimnar: hell yeah i would, lol, that'd be hilarious
Fender0823: lmfao!!!!!!!
Fender0823: hahahahahahaha
Fender0823: can i put this in my sig on metaltabs
Fender0823: lololol
Ulimnar: but I'd also carry a gun for any homos that took it seriously
"Wally Leaves us officially" - Ulimnar: lol I think it'll work now...goodbye man
Ulimnar signed off at 10:09:37 PM.