2003-04-29, 14:35
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Posts: 68
anybody else have this problem?
it seems like no musicians nowdays are serious enough. almost everytime i try to meet up with my drummer or another guitarist or sumthin, they never end up goin through with it. they always find sumthin better to do(work, parties, etc). for example, my drummer loves to jam----just as much as i do. but we hardly ever get together. hopefully, the recent plans weve made for him to bring his drums to my house and leave them there for a couple of weeks so he can come over alot and play will pull through, but u can never be sure. no one has enough dedication toward it. are most people like this? where they put jamming at the bottom of their list? this is my whole life; its basically the only hobby i have. and noone ever seems to be the same. wut happened to good ol nerds that had nothing to do but play? it gets so lonely  .

Ask not what your country can do for you, yet what you can do for your country. Because you can give to this governemt all you want, but they ain't giving back shit.

2003-04-29, 14:47
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well dude its all about focus & getting the priorities set right
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-04-29, 15:33
Senior Metalhead
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I don't have that problem, I have no band....
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-04-29, 16:48
Master Killer
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find some dedicaded musicians, seriously they are out there.
I'm in two full time bands now, both with some really good musicians, doing gigs and shit, its all good, I used to sit all alone in my room and jam for hours, find some guys with the same taste in music and some musical capabilities, but FIRST, be sure you're good enough yourself!
in other words, untill you have a band, PRACTISE PRACTISE PRACTISE!!!!

2003-04-30, 00:51
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Originally posted by Cynatica
I don't have that problem, I have no band....
here here
im the only one (besides all you) that i know of that listens to the good music
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2003-04-30, 01:01
Senior Metalhead
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I don't have that problem because I'm one of those "undedicated" people. I have little desire to play with someone else and...
I'll be damned if I set time aside to jam with someone else!! 

2003-04-30, 09:59
Senior Metalhead
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im not in a band but i still go for a jam every now and then but i still play guitar every day of the week i can so yeh im happy
I Seek And Destroy

2003-04-30, 11:31
Yeah our band has turned to shit, Threshold ain't played for months, ppls taste in music changes that fucking fast its near impossible to get 4 or 5 musos on the same page.

2003-05-01, 01:52
Senior Metalhead
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yeah, little time is a big trouble, but worst is when your drumer started to like other kinds of metal and try to put some rap in your song, thats ugly, but well, what can you do beside geting him out of the band, eh?
!My english realy sucks!
Muera Bolivia, Viva La Patria!!

2003-05-01, 01:59
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ive got that...

2003-05-01, 16:52
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Originally posted by Def
find some guys with the same taste in music and some musical capabilities
Where the hell do you find those kind of people?? I only know 2 people that like Pantera/Slayer/Morbid Angel

2003-05-01, 20:07
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ask if they play a fucking instrument, if they do, start a band, problem solved.

2003-05-01, 20:29
Master Killer
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Originally posted by metal=life
Where the hell do you find those kind of people?? I only know 2 people that like Pantera/Slayer/Morbid Angel
adverts, knowing heaps of people, visiting gigs and talking to the mean looking fucks, that pretty much the ways I got both of my bands together (and ofcourse, your most important resourse, FRIENDS!)

2003-05-01, 20:43
New Blood
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I kind of find the problem that there aren't that many. And the only ones that are seem to be so dedicated they get strung up in for or five bands .. then drop a few ... including their first 

2003-05-01, 20:54
Master Killer
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^I know what you're saying.
but the reason for that is, too many people suck at playing their instrument, I'm serious, I know HEAPS of guys who play guitar, but 93% of them suck a goats chode.
if you're in a band and you find some better guys to play with, its more attractive to spend more time with them, logically. it sucks for the other guys, but yeah, it happens.... find people who are at the same level, or better, so you can progress at the same time, my first band is still kicking out heavy stuff too.

2003-05-03, 10:33
Join Date: Jul 2002
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My drummer and me are really dedicated in making our band work, but the keyboard player and singer are less motivated. I really have chase their ass to make them play or do something. That sucks.
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