2003-06-05, 16:04
Join Date: Sep 2002
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in flames question
ok so there is in flames' two guitar players; jesper stromblad and bjorn gelotte. which one of those plays all the leads? i assume its jesper, but i dont know. also, which one is the brown-haired guy with the tiger stripes tattoo?

2003-06-05, 18:28
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the blond one mostly, but they change....
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2003-06-05, 22:06
New Blood
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The tiger stripes tattoo guy is Björn Gelotte... don't know which one does the leads though.

2003-06-06, 04:06
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the tiger-stripe tattooed guy is bjorn gelotte.........he plays most of the solos i guess......jesper mainly come out with the melodies & harmonies & pluckings...
bjorn joined inflames as a drummer when glenn ljungstrom was their second guitarist
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2003-06-06, 07:36
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I just stated what I saw live... but I´ll check again at Wacken Open Air
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2004-04-07, 04:41
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if they have just 2 guitar players, why on the man made god song there are 3 guitars?
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2004-04-07, 04:50
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Why not? In a studio you can have as many guitars as you please.
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2004-04-07, 04:52
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yes, i know
but then how r u gonna play it?
Osculum Obscenum
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2004-04-07, 04:58
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by cataclysm child
yes, i know
but then how r u gonna play it?
man made god isnt the only song with three. I think they just like the sound of having three on the album, but two for live has to be the way it is. Its like when vocals have over dubs on albums where it sounds like two singers, but live its just normal.

2004-04-07, 08:14
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Originally Posted by cataclysm child
yes, i know
but then how r u gonna play it?
1. they dont play it live
2. they only play 2 of the 3 guitar parts
its that simple
they have a fuckload of other songs thay can pick ayway
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2004-04-15, 03:16
Senior Metalhead
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I have only seen them twice but from what I noticed Bjorn does most of the leads and melodies. I will check again when they are here. I think it is next month. The better play some old stuff. I am still a little disappointed by the new album.
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