2003-06-11, 01:58
New Blood
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Cradle of Filth
well, opinions? i wanna know what you guys think.
personally, i love the band.

2003-06-11, 02:09
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theyre koo, i get a little tired of listening to them but its a good band. 

2003-06-11, 02:46
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nope, I've never heard of em. I'll have to check em out.......
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-06-11, 06:43
Senior Metalhead
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I like them but their new CD kinda is a let down. They r goin to shit since Gian left.

2003-06-11, 15:28
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i like there old stuff.From The Cradle To Enslave sucked but when Midian came out im like this band is making a come back but then with Bitter Suites To Succubi they have just gone down hill from there
Last edited by societys finest : 2003-06-11 at 15:31.

2003-06-11, 15:34
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Re: Cradle of Filth
Originally posted by slayermet420
well, opinions? i wanna know what you guys think.
personally, i love the band.
My personal opinion = It sucks!!
If you want to have more melodic stuff, with good vocals.
Try listen to Illnath, Throes of Dawn, Skyfire, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, kalmah!
much better bands!!
Join the hordes!!

2003-06-11, 19:01
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since Gian left? is that the drummer? hes in Dimmu now right? i read something like that somewhere

2003-06-13, 08:03
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Originally posted by Toast
since Gian left? is that the drummer? hes in Dimmu now right? i read something like that somewhere
You really know your shit!
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-06-13, 12:57
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Originally posted by sanderinos
You really know your shit!
im hoping thats not sarcasm lol

2003-06-13, 13:27
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i never heard em either.

2003-06-13, 13:47
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My opinion is the suck to.

2003-06-13, 20:38
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Originally posted by Toast
im hoping thats not sarcasm lol
It is...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-06-13, 20:59
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i feel offended  ....no i dont. im bored, i hate summer vacation sometimes. such as times when i have nothing to do, like now. yup...yup yup yup...ok bye

2003-06-13, 21:05
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go get drunk
"Like a slow scenery
I'm losing all my faith
In lifeless motion
You're walking like you're dead"

2003-06-14, 01:29
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er, you dont have to laugh. im pretty sure i read something like that somewhere. but it was an old article...anyway, if im wrong im wrong dont have to make a big deal out of my stupidity.

2003-06-16, 01:02
New Blood
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is a good black metal band, great lirics and music but is not the big deal for me....
i do not stand female vocals on black metal or any kind of metal.... 
i am lost in darker lands looking for the meaning of flesh, pain and pleasure.....

2003-06-16, 18:09
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Use this thread, Mr. Swill.
I don't tolerate creation of duplicate threads.

2003-06-17, 02:14
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally posted by Agent-Orange
My opinion is the suck to.
Wel, I come out in favor of correct gramar and sytax. Oh! Oh! And speeling! You syphilitic trained monkey. Buy a dictionary.
A brief Cradle of Filth polemic - I've never talked about them before because any kind of discussion usually descends into a screaming match between uber-fags about their xtr3m3 tr00ness! and not about the music... which is fairly ordinary and certainly not worth having eye-bleedingly loud discussions over.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-07-01, 05:38
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imo cradle is the best band out there! thats just imo though. alot of people would disagree because a) they suck b)they dont like dani's voice!!!!!! i think that they have spawned some of the greatest cd's of all time such as midian, bitter suites, and cruelty and the beast. anyways, u cant beat the fact that there are 3 people singing at the same time (in some cases) that are all doing different stuff yet it sounds so great together
Originally posted by Darko
Baahahaha! There was a 75$ contest for who could come up with the best shirt idea. I submited "Hit it before the hair does" with a picture of a baby with its thumb up...they never replied. Bastards..
haha you sick bastard

2003-07-01, 05:43
Dog farts
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Uh.. whatever creams your cake.

2003-07-01, 05:50
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which would be cradle, dickass
Originally posted by Darko
Baahahaha! There was a 75$ contest for who could come up with the best shirt idea. I submited "Hit it before the hair does" with a picture of a baby with its thumb up...they never replied. Bastards..
haha you sick bastard

2003-07-03, 14:29
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I don't find them anything too special. Not bad, just kind of mediocre. I think they totally butchered Sodom's "Sodomy and Lust", although they made up for it with their covers of Iron Maiden's "Hallowed Be Thy Name" and Venom's "Black Metal." Their first album is my favorite, and I found they just kind of went down from there.
Only Death Is Real
- Hellhammer
I'll kill Ya, You Bastard!
- Sadistik Exekution
Fuck Off And Die!
- Voivod
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- Me

2003-07-03, 15:44
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Wow..... the most unintelligible thread I've seen yet. Lets start over.
Yeah, Gian left just before Cradle put out the new cd, Damnation and a Day.
Nick left around the time of From the Cradle To Enslave, he played on one or two songs, then they got Adrian from At The Gates for drums.
This we already established.
What gets me is how so many people misinterpret Dani's voice. He does MOST ALL the vocals. The newest addition to the band is Sarah, and she does backing vocals on somethings, but not nearly as much as Dani sings. I dont know where CradleofMike gets three people out of it, because its just Dani and Sarah at the most. But....with the choir....if you chose to include them as doing vocals, then its like 20-30 people, not sure of the exact number.
In my opinion, Damnation and a Day is Cradle's strongest release yet. The songs are still them, but they've utilized and actual orchestra and choir for the cd, which adds to it immensely. Dani, love him or hate him, still has one of the most incredible ranges of vocals I've heard, which is why I love him so....
Anyways, I'm done correcting people. I didnt want to come off as an ass, but I just like for people to have their facts straight.
I used to come here a lot.

2003-07-06, 14:18
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Dude, Damnation and a Day does´t even get near to the technical quality of Vempire, Dusk or Cruelty....
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2003-07-07, 03:48
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Originally posted by soulterashaun
What gets me is how so many people misinterpret Dani's voice. He does MOST ALL the vocals. The newest addition to the band is Sarah, and she does backing vocals on somethings, but not nearly as much as Dani sings. I dont know where CradleofMike gets three people out of it, because its just Dani and Sarah at the most. But....with the choir....if you chose to include them as doing vocals, then its like 20-30 people, not sure of the exact number.
well in "midian" dont they have a dude just for deep voice? watch the "her ghost in the fog" music video and there is an extra dude that is there! the same sounding voice is in vempire, and other cradle cd's. are you saying thats danni?!
Originally posted by Darko
Baahahaha! There was a 75$ contest for who could come up with the best shirt idea. I submited "Hit it before the hair does" with a picture of a baby with its thumb up...they never replied. Bastards..
haha you sick bastard

2003-07-07, 22:07
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Actually that deep voice you heard on Midian was done by Doug (Pinhead) Bradley.
I don't know who that guy is in the video but I was disappointed that they didn't get Doug in the video.
Blizzard Beast
Suck a turd to a point and stab yourself with it..


2003-07-07, 22:24
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I think they suck... I used to like them... Used... Not any more... wow...
Doom what thou wilt

2003-07-08, 00:58
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Originally posted by Blizzard Beast
Actually that deep voice you heard on Midian was done by Doug (Pinhead) Bradley.
I don't know who that guy is in the video but I was disappointed that they didn't get Doug in the video.
im pretty sure that the vocals used there have been used in other songs like "queen of winter, throned and pretty much any other song with really low singing...
Originally posted by Darko
Baahahaha! There was a 75$ contest for who could come up with the best shirt idea. I submited "Hit it before the hair does" with a picture of a baby with its thumb up...they never replied. Bastards..
haha you sick bastard

2003-07-09, 05:49
Dog farts
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Originally posted by CRADLEofMIKE
which would be cradle, dickass
Dickass? Pfft.

2003-07-10, 04:56
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Originally posted by CRADLEofMIKE
well in "midian" dont they have a dude just for deep voice? watch the "her ghost in the fog" music video and there is an extra dude that is there! the same sounding voice is in vempire, and other cradle cd's. are you saying thats danni?!
Ha...I'm sorry I didn't include the "Intro Vocals" guy in there. Maybe if he appeared on a majority of their stuff, I'd include him. But thats like saying the guy who did the intros on Damnation and a Day is doing vocals, hes not singing, hes just reading some things for the intros of songs. I guess its opinion if you really want to include that other dude as part of what Cradle do, but I just base if on whos in the band and does most of the work for it.
I used to come here a lot.

2003-07-13, 10:48
New Blood
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Posts: 15
I just bought the new albulm yesterday and have been listening to it (my first COF albulm) I know that there's a story but haven't figured it out exactly yet! And to all of those that say that they suck well then you suck for being so negative twords an artist's work...
Anyways I love the albulm I love COF

2003-07-13, 11:18
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I like em, sure they have a bad image around em these days, and I do understand why, I still like their sound and the way they put their stuff together. Old Cof owns new still tho 
Let Me Erase Your Mind
Let Me Take Your Soul
Let Me Put Your Life To Rest
Let Me Erase Your Mind
Let Me Revel On Your Soul
Let Me Take You To The Depths Of Hell

2003-07-13, 18:50
New Blood
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Vempire was al really cool album. also cruelty and the beast was nice.
But the later work really sucks! listen to the new album.. its really fucked up
Obesessed with decaying bodies...

2003-07-13, 19:08
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it probably sucks because you were expecting them to keep to their original style...well they didnt, but its still a cool cd if you give it a chance to grow on you
Originally posted by Darko
Baahahaha! There was a 75$ contest for who could come up with the best shirt idea. I submited "Hit it before the hair does" with a picture of a baby with its thumb up...they never replied. Bastards..
haha you sick bastard

2003-07-14, 04:30
Dog farts
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I've never really got into any sort of black metal.

2003-07-14, 06:11
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Originally posted by Sick_Surgery
Vempire was al really cool album. also cruelty and the beast was nice.
But the later work really sucks! listen to the new album.. its really fucked up
Hmm, thats the main problem with this issue, their are those who dont like it for good reasons and those who think its 'cool' and 'true' to not like the new stuff, its hard to tell where ppl stand coz of that I think these days.
Let Me Erase Your Mind
Let Me Take Your Soul
Let Me Put Your Life To Rest
Let Me Erase Your Mind
Let Me Revel On Your Soul
Let Me Take You To The Depths Of Hell

2003-07-14, 09:13
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Originally posted by Nihilist
I've never really got into any sort of black metal.
You should try it sometime...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-07-14, 10:04
Dog farts
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Ya, I've heard my fair share of black metal. I'd just rather other forms of metal, that's all.

2003-07-14, 15:51
Dog farts
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2003-07-14, 17:44
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Originally posted by mrweijia
Shut the fuck up Weija!
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-07-14, 18:32
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Originally posted by Nihilist
yeah!! aswell as the rest of the band!

2003-07-14, 19:30
Dog farts
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I can't imagine that.

2003-07-14, 21:47
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Sounds like someone bought Dusk and her Embrace. Or watched the DVD.
Blizzard Beast
Suck a turd to a point and stab yourself with it..


2003-07-15, 17:30
Join Date: Jun 2003
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principles....., dusk and her embrance, and beauty and the beast we're the're best work, now they kind of went downhil
Aly Lys Er Svunnet Hen
( All light has faded)
- Dimmu Borgir

2003-07-15, 20:17
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hmmm too bad its not called "beauty and the beast", shit stench.
midian is NOT downhill
Originally posted by Darko
Baahahaha! There was a 75$ contest for who could come up with the best shirt idea. I submited "Hit it before the hair does" with a picture of a baby with its thumb up...they never replied. Bastards..
haha you sick bastard

2003-07-21, 11:19
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My favorite is cruelty and the beast
bitter suites to succubi sucked!!

2003-07-24, 22:46
New Blood
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ok first off its not that hard to get a pic of dani and the band without there make up on..... go to there fucking website... oooo... so special, and also there new Cd Damnation and a Day is'nt that bad in my opinion, but i also think it doesnt stand up to Dusk...and her Embrace or CRUELTY and the beast, Midian wasnt bad i liked some songs on that one... but it wasnt there best work by far... and CradleOfMike if you knew anything about cradle you would know that is was "pinhead" from hell raiser that did the intro on "her ghost in the fog" but whatever keep posing and act like you know whats going on... 

2003-07-25, 12:55
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I agree , The first 3 albums were pretty good (principle of evil made flesh , vempire , dusk and her embrace ) Cruelty and the beast has a Masterpiece which is Bathory Aria. Now the rest of the albums are ok as far as the music is concerned but i really hate dani's vocals. (although i appreciate the way he sings on Dusk and her Embrace)
In my oppinion , Cradle of Filth's sellout was a low hit but would you stop listening to them ? Maybe if you are true evil black metal (oh yah) but you can't critizice bands like the Beatles , Deep Purple , Led Zeppelin , Iron Maiden for being 'commercial' can you?
Hit yourself with a hammer
The Count Nosferatu Kommando exclusively supports total annihilation of human values , we piss on your hopes. We crush the dream of heaven. Kommando Sechsundneungzig , Ultra-Violence Über Alles.

2003-07-25, 14:39
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by Dark_Bathory
I agree , The first 3 albums were pretty good (principle of evil made flesh , vempire , dusk and her embrace ) Cruelty and the beast has a Masterpiece which is Bathory Aria. Now the rest of the albums are ok as far as the music is concerned but i really hate dani's vocals. (although i appreciate the way he sings on Dusk and her Embrace)
In my oppinion , Cradle of Filth's sellout was a low hit but would you stop listening to them ? Maybe if you are true evil black metal (oh yah) but you can't critizice bands like the Beatles , Deep Purple , Led Zeppelin , Iron Maiden for being 'commercial' can you?
Hit yourself with a hammer
eh... the beatles? they were the biggest pop band in history. most people who dont like metal havent even heard of iron maiden, led zepplin is more popular now, after they've stopped.

2003-08-08, 10:55
New Blood
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hey dudes you know what?
i saw a little boy - maybe 8-9 years old,
and he was wearing one of those
stupid "cruelty and the beast" T-shirts,
those with the girl on front and the band on back...
(i had the same before years)
i asked him if he really is used to listen COF
and he said :"No, they're too commercial for me"!!!
in my opinion this is the greatest evidence
of what COF turned into!
A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

2003-08-08, 14:46
Join Date: Jul 2002
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what? why would he be wearing a CoF shirt if he didnt listen to them?

2003-08-09, 08:12
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I love Cradle of Filth, Dani has the most amazing voice. Whats even more amazing is how he remembers his fuckin lyrics and with such speed! Go and read sum lyrics, try to remember the lyrics to one song even. I think you'll be surprised.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-08-09, 08:59
New Blood
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Posts: 23
i asked him if he really is used to listen COF...
That is the problem, I mean. People think they are commercial because little kiddies go around wearing their shirts etc. When in reality they are not really commercial at all because these kiddies dont even listen to their music but use the "commercial" excuse because they are copying what older music fans have said when these older music fans have seen 8 or 9 year olds wearing the t-shirts. I dunno if that made any sense to you but i did my best.
I like cradle, i mean i know some of their music is really basic crap, but then when you get a technically and musically brilliant piece of music, for example "Amor E Morte" off Midian, you see what they are capable of and realise that they do not suck.
(oh yeah, youll realise the significance of the old intro oaf in the Ghost in the fog video if you ever decide to watch Cradle of Fear which starrewd dani. Lots of the music vidoes use some ideas from the film)
I have no Sig.

2004-11-24, 11:24
New Blood
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wo wo wo, youre all getting baffled here. take a deep breath...........better?
Cradle of Filth (i speak ONLY of the first three albums) WERE a brilliant band. Cruelty and the Beast is an album of amazing dark gothic beauty, powerful, sending shivers down your spine. No other black metal band ive heard to date have ever got close to this (with the exception of the opening of Night's Blood by Dissection). Your stupid if u say they suck. They may suck now, but just listen to C of the B and rethink such unconstructive comments. Along with this are some amazing lyrics and some damm good musicans. I also saw comments dissing nick barker's abilities. OH MY GOOD GOD!!. some of you have really gone mad. "He's not that fast". - whoever said that needs to die alone and very slowly. I know there are loads of amazing black metal drummers but he is definitely one of them, and probably among the top few. For those who think not, please get hold of raredamonaeon (or however its spelt) and listen to the live tracks. (also on the pandamonaeon video). Please dont fob me off with unconstructive comments, ive been studying music all my life to a professional level, i know what im talking about, im not a black metal freak but i know what good musicians sound like ok? ok

2004-11-24, 16:44
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wow, this is old.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-11-26, 13:53
New Blood
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Gods of MEtal
It´s a great band. I like the form they are evolving.
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