2003-06-18, 08:35
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Selling completely homemade CDs???
We have a small sideproject
in the style of Anal Cunt
that is to say noisegrind stuff....
We have about a song or thirty and we wondered
May we produce and sell a number of cds
with our selfmade covers, music, cds (simply home burned cd's without a cover sticking on it)
I mean is it 'legal' to distribute and sell that stuff without label or i don't know

2003-06-18, 09:18
Senior Metalhead
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Don't know either...
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-06-18, 10:25
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 227
I guess so.
I think you are free to make things and sell it. The problem is that if you don't have a label the music that you sell is not protected under copyright laws.
You can make cds and sell them under your own label. You can create a label just for your band. I don't know how that works. I think most bands don't do that because they prefer having someone else in charge of distributing their material.
Anyways... i'm just guessing 
Hail Death!
Last edited by SlayedJesus : 2003-06-18 at 10:27.

2003-06-18, 10:46
Supreme Metalhead
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just copyright the shit, then sell it. Its perfectly legal.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-06-18, 12:09
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 722
Well there are many bands actually doing things under own label
I might refer to a well known one: Cradle of filth with the album Bitter Suites to succubi I think, it's under their own Abracadaver label
(and there are more bands...)
What must one do to get a 'legal label'
and how do I get stuff copyrighted??

2003-06-18, 14:00
You gamma-minus fucktards
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I wouldn't bother about a 'label'. Bands sell their work at gigs etc. all the time, for cash, under the counter. You don't want to go around paying fucking TAX on that money do you? If there is a law against it (probably isn't, and if there was they wouldn't prosecute, on account of your utter smallness of production) then that law is a PIECE OF SHIT and I am advising you to break it.
Just make sure you copyright your material. I doubt anyone here is familiar with the way the Copyright Office in Belgium works, so you might have to find out for yourself.
*All information contained herein is for information purposes only. Not for, uh, bad stuff.*
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-06-18, 14:39
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Yes indeed...
I just mailed to a professional band in Belgium
( www.axamenta.com these guys own)
and their CD is also self-financed...
Just for the copyright thing the guy told me to inscribe at SABAM so no one can steal our music (like anyone would want to steal that crap lol  )

2003-06-18, 15:10
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i like A.C. you sent me one for a couple of euros

2003-06-18, 15:20
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
The Doctor, what do you mean exactly
Don't get your sentence...
You can say it in dutch too, i'll understand 

2003-06-18, 19:11
Throbbing Member
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Making your own label really isnt hard to do. I have a friend that is 16 years old, has his own label and have released two albums off it. Im not sure about the tax, but I know its usually high in belgium so you might want to check that option out.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-06-21, 06:59
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 125
I'll grind your fucking head in!
What have you accomplished compared to what you have done?
Bands to Listen to:
Disrupt,Children Of Bodom,Gorelord,Vile,Brujeria,Carcass,Arch Enemy,Carpathian Forest,Dissection,FleshGrind,God Dethroned,Kalmah,PFP XIII,suffocation,Hate Eternal,Berzerkers,Slayer,Grief,Judas Preist,Danzig,Black Sabbath,Fleas and Lice,Carnal Grief,Fuck the facts ,immolation,Agoraphobic Nose bleed,Deeds of Flesh,Spawn of Posseion,Nile,Skinless,Cephalic Carnage,Fuck..............I'm Dead,At the Gates,Skit System,Cripple Bastards,Phobia,The Crown,Napalm Death,cryptopsy,Deicide,Disgorge,Exhumed,Flesh Grinder,Lord Gore,Mortal Decay,Severed Savior,SOD,Sodom,Structure of Lies,Disgust,Gorgoroth,GWAR!!!!!!

2003-06-21, 07:11
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Hehe sure
Right now we only have our titels and some recorded tests
In a month or so everything should be finished...
O yeah anyone knows where I can get .WAV files of bassdrums and toms?
Sound of drumcomputer rather sucks
It's Anal Cunt style but worse
I'll let ya know

2003-06-21, 19:59
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Location: Bladel, Holland
Posts: 6,806
Originally posted by Exodus666
The Doctor, what do you mean exactly
Don't get your sentence...
You can say it in dutch too, i'll understand
ok, here it goes:
Anal Cunt is echt geweldig, als die zooi van jullie zo klinkt stuur maar een Ep'tje op voor een paar euro ofzo.
get it?

2003-06-22, 10:18
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Hehe I understand now
Maybe you should check another topic started by me,
with anal cunt in the title.
It has a link to a song we tried....
Everyone thinks it awfully sucks, so you probably wouldn't want to have one.
But listen anyway

2003-06-22, 13:46
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
Posts: 1,824
How do you start your own record label?
And how do you Copyright songs?
I heard if you post songs in MP3.com,
they copyright your songs.
I suck at guitar.

2003-06-22, 14:06
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
In Belgium we can "simply" do this
(it's in English too)
You should mail to some bands of your country how they copyright their songs...
They should tell you the company or whatever...
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