2003-06-22, 12:38
Senior Metalhead
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Guitar position
How do you hold you guitar when you are playing sit down?
I used to hold the guitar on my right leg. But now i've been playing for a while with the guitar in the middle of my legs. The part where used to be on my right leg is now on my left leg. I pick the notes with my right hand. I hope this gives you a picture of how i hold the guitar.
Is there a right way to hold the guitar while sitting down?
Hail Death!

2003-06-22, 12:55
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i just play the guitar in a position i'm most comfortable in...i used to keep my old guitar on my right thigh.........now i play a V so i have to keep it in between my legs when i play sitting down
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-06-22, 14:01
Join Date: Apr 2003
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i play with the guitar on my left leg and pick with my right hand because its real comfortable anyway there is no right or wrong way to play your guitar sitting down. You should just play in the position which you feel most comfortable in
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2003-06-22, 14:38
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i play with the guitar on my right leg, pick with my right hand.

2003-06-22, 18:23
Throbbing Member
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Do what ever is comfortable in this situation. It also interly depends on the shape of your guitar.
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i'm so bonery

2003-06-22, 19:19
Senior Metalhead
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The shape of my guitar is that typical Ibanez shape. Im thinking in buying a V Jackson. That was when i start playing like that, with the guitar in the midlle of my legs, i guess.
Hail Death!

2003-06-22, 20:19
Throbbing Member
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Experiment. Hold the guitar oneway and record your self playing a tuff song, then do the same with all the other diffrent posistions. Also a huge factor is your comfortablity level. The more comfortable you are; the easier it is to play.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-06-25, 06:25
Senior Metalhead
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I'll grind your fucking head in!
What have you accomplished compared to what you have done?
Bands to Listen to:
Disrupt,Children Of Bodom,Gorelord,Vile,Brujeria,Carcass,Arch Enemy,Carpathian Forest,Dissection,FleshGrind,God Dethroned,Kalmah,PFP XIII,suffocation,Hate Eternal,Berzerkers,Slayer,Grief,Judas Preist,Danzig,Black Sabbath,Fleas and Lice,Carnal Grief,Fuck the facts ,immolation,Agoraphobic Nose bleed,Deeds of Flesh,Spawn of Posseion,Nile,Skinless,Cephalic Carnage,Fuck..............I'm Dead,At the Gates,Skit System,Cripple Bastards,Phobia,The Crown,Napalm Death,cryptopsy,Deicide,Disgorge,Exhumed,Flesh Grinder,Lord Gore,Mortal Decay,Severed Savior,SOD,Sodom,Structure of Lies,Disgust,Gorgoroth,GWAR!!!!!!

2003-06-25, 08:54
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 35
I kinda hate playing live, when your standing up playing its alot harder after youve learned the licks sitting down, i dont know. But live shows still kick ass. not that this has anything to do with this thread.

2003-06-26, 14:59
Senior Metalhead
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offcourse it does
Hail Death!

2003-06-26, 15:47
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i learn songs sitting, and practice them standing.
so i don't sit often, but i do, and when i do the jackson
is on my right thigh, with the neck extended outward,
instead of to the side, it's easier to pick for some reason.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2003-06-26, 23:13
New Blood
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ive got a jackson warrior, (roughly x shaped if you dont know), and it fits nicely between the legs  leaving the fretboard at about a 45 degree angle. very good to parctise on, though horrible for any fast picking. if i want to speed pick, ill play standing up. the nature of the curves also allow me to rest it on my right leg with the fretboard going almost straight across me.

2003-06-27, 02:04
Join Date: May 2003
Location: CA
Posts: 50
i play a strat...so i just put the thang on me right leg and pick wit my right hand 
Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
Anyway. The old guy wore silly sunglasses. No contest. I will NOT PUT UP WITH SILLY SUNGLASSES.
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