2003-06-23, 06:10
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B.C. Rich warlock
About the axe...
Is it worth of buying?
Good\bad sides?
And which series would be best?
Im about to buy a new axe and this ones what Ive been looking for for a while...
Doom what thou wilt

2003-06-23, 15:13
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I own a NJ Series Warlock with a set of EMGs in it. 85 on the neck and 81 on the bridge. Before the EMGs the guitar kinda sucked but its definatly good for the money. A downside to the warlock is the neck. Its real heavy so the guitar gets weighed down when you stand up with it. You get use to it though. Penis.

2003-06-23, 19:11
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I have a white Platinum Series Warlock w/ EMGS and I love it. Espically the shape, its extremely comfortable and it looks brutal. Plays beautifully also. I woudent recomend getting a bronze series, get and NJ if you can afford it.
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i'm so bonery

2003-06-23, 21:16
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i have a bc rick warlock with an EMG 85 in the bridge position and that guitar kicks ass. a flaw with bc rich's though is that the neck likes to delaminate. go figure....

2003-06-25, 05:57
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I'll grind your fucking head in!
What have you accomplished compared to what you have done?
Bands to Listen to:
Disrupt,Children Of Bodom,Gorelord,Vile,Brujeria,Carcass,Arch Enemy,Carpathian Forest,Dissection,FleshGrind,God Dethroned,Kalmah,PFP XIII,suffocation,Hate Eternal,Berzerkers,Slayer,Grief,Judas Preist,Danzig,Black Sabbath,Fleas and Lice,Carnal Grief,Fuck the facts ,immolation,Agoraphobic Nose bleed,Deeds of Flesh,Spawn of Posseion,Nile,Skinless,Cephalic Carnage,Fuck..............I'm Dead,At the Gates,Skit System,Cripple Bastards,Phobia,The Crown,Napalm Death,cryptopsy,Deicide,Disgorge,Exhumed,Flesh Grinder,Lord Gore,Mortal Decay,Severed Savior,SOD,Sodom,Structure of Lies,Disgust,Gorgoroth,GWAR!!!!!!

2003-06-26, 16:51
New Blood
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Posts: 16
My friend bought one of the cheap ones and he said it is the worst thing he has ever played. He said something about it starting to fall apart within 6 months. As for the higher up versions I would conclude they wouldn't fall apart or they would no longer be in business.

2003-06-27, 16:13
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actually i've heard stories of platinum/nj (one of the two) with black hardware, bound necks and heads, all the good shit you find in upper class riches, with delaminating necks. it's seems to be a bc rich problem. my guitar did it. but i fixed it up.
i need to take a shit...

2003-06-27, 19:42
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whipe your ass when you're done
my warlock plays very smooth, easy bending, but gets untuned veryveryvery fast, i just cant use my whammy bar because of that, that sucks

2003-06-27, 21:57
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A lot of complaints are about the weight. See if you can find an acryllic version. Those are pretty light.

2003-06-28, 03:55
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2003-06-28, 06:12
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ok all of you morons(yes all of you) if your bc rich dosent have a mother of pearl
"R" logo inlay on the headstock than it is shit! all of the new riches are shit.....period.
they dont stay in tune at all and the parts are of lower quality. riches are great. but only if it is an AMERICIAN NECK THROUGH!!!!!!!!! even those nj neck throughs are crap!
bc rich went to shit now that bernie sr passed away. bernie jr sold it off and it all sucks now. it is a dam shame. id love to kick his ass and make him take the company back again.

2003-07-03, 01:55
Senior Metalhead
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Originally posted by jesus christ
ok all of you morons(yes all of you) if your bc rich dosent have a mother of pearl
"R" logo inlay on the headstock than it is shit! all of the new riches are shit.....period.
they dont stay in tune at all and the parts are of lower quality. riches are great. but only if it is an AMERICIAN NECK THROUGH!!!!!!!!! even those nj neck throughs are crap!
bc rich went to shit now that bernie sr passed away. bernie jr sold it off and it all sucks now. it is a dam shame. id love to kick his ass and make him take the company back again.
i totally agree with you but i must defend the honor of my axe. it stays in tune fine and w/ the necessary changes it will do. an emg does alot!

2003-07-03, 03:24
The Mountie From Hell
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I got a B.C. Rich warlock (Bronze), yes I know its shitty, but i made a few changes, I put a new bridge on the damn thing so i have a whammy bar, and I finally got my Seymour SH-6, and it kicks some serious ass.
P.S. My guitar stays in tune just fine.

2003-07-03, 03:52
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My platinum is great. I use to have that tune problem but it stopped after I broke the guitar in. The only complaint is the weight because it is alittle heavy but its nothing that effects my playing. My friend has a NJ and it is extremly light.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-07-05, 15:02
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1
I have B.C Rich Warlock Mick Thompson signature special and i like it.
Its good to play and looks like cool.
Sound is also good.

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