2003-06-24, 19:10
Senior Metalhead
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pickup Q
Right now i got a IBANEZ SA160, i have EMG-81 i think it is, at the bridge, and 2 single pos generic pickups. What could i replace those singles with , if anything good for metal?
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2003-06-25, 01:37
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EMG singles?
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-02, 05:53
i think there called emg s, thats what kirk hammet uses i think

2003-07-02, 14:43
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i think i have seen a dime pickup in a single but im not sure, although i do know that companies make humbuckers squashed to fit where a single would. but if your rich get your guitar routed(sp) so that it can hold humbuckers
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2003-07-02, 14:49
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Hmmmmmmmmmm you could get 2 stacked humbuckers (they are humbuckers but are in the size of a single coil) i dont know which would be the ones to get though

2003-07-02, 16:25
Supreme Metalhead
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seymour duncan makes those humbucker-in-the-size-of-pickup thinga ma bobs, go to their website (seymourduncan.com), and look around.
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2003-07-02, 17:19
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2003-07-02, 17:20
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Originally posted by artofnothing6
seymour duncan makes those humbucker-in-the-size-of-pickup thinga ma bobs, go to their website (seymourduncan.com), and look around.
yeah, Seymour Duncan HotRails are good too, they've got all sorts of single coil kickass pickups.

2003-07-02, 21:03
i have a question, i wanna put emgs in my guitar but my dad was like will they fit in your guitar with the battery and everything? i was like i think... will they?

2003-07-02, 23:56
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they should the battery will probably be put where the wires for the emg's are then all you will have to do is take the back plate off that covers the wires to change it
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2003-07-03, 04:57
Supreme Metalhead
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there should be enough room, considering EMGs have less wires then most other pickups that don't need batteries. I was lucky and mine was made to e replaced with EMGs, so i got lucky. But there should be enough room.
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2003-07-03, 15:06
Supreme Metalhead
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I installed a pair of EMGs in my Jackson KE3 this night, and the battery does fit, although there is not much space left. The cavity on a KE3 is like 1.5" wide and maybe 3" long, and there's a volume pot and a 3way switch in there, and by winding the cables around the walls of the cavity, I got enough room to get the battery in there. I did keep most of the wires from the pickups in the pickup holes though. But you should be able to get the battery into your guitar.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia
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