2003-06-26, 03:56
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Argentina
Posts: 4
a Little Help please
i want to know how can i play the arpegios like in Rhapsody - trolls in the dark
i ts really fast (maybe cuz i starter to play guitar 4 months ago)
thanks for helping...

2003-06-26, 04:02
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Australia
Posts: 480
like with every thread that ask for help to play better its all about practice sit down everyday and try to learn it eventually your going to get it, just take it easy and work your way up
I Seek And Destroy

2003-06-26, 04:08
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Argentina
Posts: 4
Thanks, i will 

2003-06-26, 06:31
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 35
Sounds shitty but stuff takes time, its gunna take about 3 or 4 months of rhap type riff practice till you get fast picking down practice some deicide songs then move up to rhapsody
Destruction, Terror 2000, Death, Slayer, Carnal Forge, The Haunted, Kreator, Darkane, Construcdead. What more could you ask for?

2003-06-26, 23:07
New Blood
Join Date: May 2003
Location: hull, england
Posts: 11
i havent heard the stuff you want to play, but if they are fast arpeggios dont expect to learn them overnight. ive been playing seriously for about a year and have am starting to get my head round a few vai and malmsteen esque sweeps.
you'll probably need to learn plenty of other things first, ie. left and right hand co-ordination, like when swapping strings or picking upwards or downwards. stamina is important in both hands. youll risk blowing both out if you try and go at 100 miles an hour.
accurate fingering is vital. like i say, i dont know the sort of arpeggio, but if thres big sweeps travelling up all 6 strings and possibly with stretches of about 4 frets, you've got your work cut out.
it sucks i know, but you need to take you time and practice other aspects first. ive finally nailed the solo to "number of the beast", despite thinking about 2 years ago i could learn it in about 3 months with hardly any practice. i can play a few faster and more technically harder solos, but i had to work on my trilling and legato for ages to get up to the correct speed.
dont be too miserable when people tell you the only thing to do is practise. once things start to make sense and you feel yourself advance, there is no greater sense of acheivment.

2003-06-27, 16:11
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 478
wait until you build up your skill over time and occasionally go back to the song and try to play it. thats what i do.

2003-06-27, 19:01
New Blood
Join Date: May 2003
Location: San Diego
Posts: 43
I think, besides practice, there's one thing you must never do: quit. I started playing since I was 7 yrs old, but I couldn't play rock songs so I would play for 6 months at a time and quit dozens of times. I finally stuck with it and years later learned dozens of metal songs like I always wanted. But I only wonder how I would have been able to play now had I never quit all those times. So I only count my years as playing as 2-3. When I learned tab notation though my ability increased 100+ fold. So my advice is: practice, and never quit.
And as for learning songs, every time I try to tab one I just sit down with my guitar and play the cd and play the guitar with it and get a good deal of the song that way.

2003-06-27, 19:44
Throbbing Member
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Im gunna say it like every else did who beat me to it (damn you). Practice, practice practice. Practice till your fingers are bleeding, your eyes are blood shot, and the stench of sweat the steal are stingin your nose. And don't rush, play really slow and work your way up.
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