2003-06-29, 23:41
Last edited by TheKtuluCall : 2003-06-29 at 23:48.

2003-06-29, 23:47
Join Date: Oct 2002
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go to your local store and see what they have for used shit sometimes you can find a really sweet guitar at a great price, but if you really like the way the guitar you have now playes and stuff then just get the emg's for it
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2003-06-30, 00:01
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Get a Schecter! great guitars, great price... cant go wrong 

2003-07-01, 04:02
i think im gonna go with this jackson V... practice standing and playing. its 400, no emgs...

2003-07-01, 04:18
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which v?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2003-07-01, 04:25
jackson kvx10 king v, i think its the lower class old dave mustain v

2003-07-01, 05:16
Supreme Metalhead
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you oughtta just buy EMGs instead, if you like the RG that much.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-01, 06:58
i kinda dont understand what the difference is between pickups though... duncan makes a pickup just for metal called dimbucker, why wouldnt i want that 1 opposed to the emg?

2003-07-01, 07:16
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the dimebucker is Dimebag's signature pickup. For my 2nd jackson (which right now is using stock duncan designed pickups) i'm buying a dimebucker and a '59. Both EMG and Dimebuckers are great, its just preference. I like both, but i wanted to buy the EMG's first. which is what i did.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-01, 07:55
i just heard from some guy i met somehow... anyway he told me dimarzio is the best pickup there is, dont let anyone tell u different... anyway i think ill save a little money and just buy the pickups for my current guitar. im thinking ill forget about emgs because they are mad expensive.

2003-07-01, 07:57
Supreme Metalhead
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dimarzio's fucking suck, unless your playing nu metal, dimarzio suck ass.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-01, 08:34

2003-07-01, 18:25
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don't switch guitars, switch pickups, unless you're not satisfied with certain features of your rg270. how do you like your rg270? what don't you like about it? if you don't like it, get a better guitar with better pickups; upgrade the whole package, instead of just the pickups.
pickups are all a matter of preference. they just sound different to other people. it's pretty subjective
you just gotta hear how they sound, maybe try out a few guitars that have the pickups in question, then you'll get an idea.

2003-07-01, 19:26
Join Date: Jun 2003
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i agree replace the pickups, i did it with my guitar instead of buying a new one, you wont be dissapointed with new pickups

2003-07-02, 05:49
alright... now i gotta find a place or website with cheap emgs

2003-07-02, 05:51
Join Date: Oct 2002
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no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2003-07-02, 06:15
yeah i already looked they start at like 67 bucks

2003-07-02, 06:38
what if i put a emg81 on the bridge a dimebucker for the neck and like a dimarzio single coil for the middle (pickups-hsh)

2003-07-02, 11:09
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Your dillema is you dont know what a "Knob Thingy" is.

2003-07-02, 11:10
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Im sorry "nob thingy"*

2003-07-02, 16:27
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you wouldn't be able to put a dimebucker, emg, and single coil dimarzio. Unless you bought EMG HZ's. I don't know about dimarzio, but i'm pretty sure dimebucker is passive, while the EMG 81 is active, and you can't mix electronics.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-02, 17:20
tone and volume the, there is an extra tone "nob" on the kirk hammet 1, i dunno what their called... hardwear? anyways you didnt have u say that jackass

2003-07-02, 17:21
oh really, my friend told me, or this guy i met on the internet, that you could mix them. oh well.
do u put store batteries in active pickups?
Last edited by TheKtuluCall : 2003-07-02 at 17:27.

2003-07-03, 01:25
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dude, you cant mix active and passive and hope for both of them to be clean. your not gonna be able to ground the the passive because emg's are internally sheilded and you'd probably shock yourself
if i were you, i'd get 2 EMG-85's and a single coil active EMG. the 85 has a fuller output than the 81 as well as better distortion. i love my 85 

2003-07-03, 01:27
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Originally posted by TheKtuluCall
yeah i already looked they start at like 67 bucks
dude thats cheap enough!!!

2003-07-03, 01:32
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Originally posted by TheKtuluCall
tone and volume the, there is an extra tone "nob" on the kirk hammet 1, i dunno what their called... hardwear? anyways you didnt have u say that jackass
that extra knob is the active afterburner made by emg. it's a 20db boost . im prolly gonna get that for my bc rich after i decide to make the electronics cavity larger. the cavity is already stuffed with a 9 volt for the EMG 85 and the tone pot (theres only one knob on my guitar cuz it's the cheap slipknot signature. i dont care the white binding rules!). there's also a meass of electrical tape and wires.
oh yeah.. this guitar of mine will be fully customized soon. i'm getting black hardware for it
yes, the neck pickup is passive but its not connected. it's not like i use it anyway....
Last edited by freek666 : 2003-07-03 at 01:34.

2003-07-03, 04:24
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 81
If you havent played on emg 81s test them before you buy them, in my opinion they sound thin, they have no balls, i would suggest an 85 over the 81 if you need emgs. What is the problem with your RG? does it not play well? does it not sound good? Do you need something different for your guitar or your amp to make it sound better? before you buy pickups or a new guitar look into why you want a new guitar sound. If it was me, i would probably get a parker p-series guitar. They are the most diverse guitars in my opinion, you wont get bored with it anytime soon.
I like Dave Matthews, Coldplay, Radiohead, and alot of other great music.

2003-07-03, 05:33
i just got some money to blow on shit, i knew kirk hammet used the 81s, most of the stuff i play is metallica so i though why not get metallica's pickups.

2003-07-03, 09:08
its ok to mix brands though right, as long as there all passive. like i could have a duncan for the bridge and a dimarzio for the neck and slap a single coil of something in the middle?
can anyone recomend a good single coil pickup? (if it says pickup for fender strat, does that mean i cant put it in my ibanez)?
Last edited by TheKtuluCall : 2003-07-03 at 09:10.

2003-07-04, 04:47
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: heaven
Posts: 90
fuck all of the bull shit and go to www.warmoth.com and start bulding your own.
$450 will get you into a body. than all you need is a neck,bridge and pickups.
you will have the baddest axe in town.
i am your god, bow to me motherfucker

2003-07-04, 11:07
Supreme Metalhead
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jesus makes good point, building shit from warmoth is GUARENTEED to be the best axe in your... well, until you find the next guy who built his from warmoth.
but yeah, you can mix all the pickups, as long as they're the same electronics. And yeah, if a pickup says for fender strat, mostlikely, you can put it in your ibanez, but check the dimensions and shit first, it's a hell of alot easier when you don't have to cut any of your guitar.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-05, 03:19
... WHY DIDNT U TELL ME ABOUT BUILDING MY OWN GUITAR EARLYER.......... i already ordered my pickups, humbucker from hell in the neck, chopper middle, and invader for the bridge. lol when i have another $600 to spare ill make my own lol

2003-07-05, 20:42
Join Date: Jun 2003
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also warmoths hold their value very well.
when building your own you must also add in the cost of having it put togther by a luthier if you cant do it yourself(drilling holes through the body for the strings and filing down the frets edges on a raw neck , routing out for pickups if needed etc......)
it runs about $300-$400.
i am your god, bow to me motherfucker

2003-07-05, 20:47
yeah i'm sure its well worth it, and that would just be awsome to have your own custom guitar!

2003-07-05, 21:33
Supreme Metalhead
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i hear john williams pays a good 20,000 plus for a luthier to make his guitars.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-12, 02:43
i installed my pickups, humbucker from hell, the chopper, and the invader, they all sound perfect with clean and i would recomend all of them but,... when i give it distortion from my pedal (boss metal zone) it gets feed back, is it my pedal?

2003-07-12, 15:02
Senior Metalhead
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Originally posted by crispen411312
If you havent played on emg 81s test them before you buy them, in my opinion they sound thin, they have no balls, i would suggest an 85 over the 81 if you need emgs.
thank you, for once some one agrees w/ me.
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