2003-07-03, 16:18
Senior Metalhead
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Volume drop....
I've had my RG270 for about a year and now it is dropping volume on me in the middle of my playing.  It happens completely at random, it can be 30 sec. into playing or 30 minutes. I've tried switching out my cables, different amps and moved the pickup selector to see if it was just one set of pickups but no, it's all of them. Do I have a dirty volume knob? The input is very secure, not flimsy at all so I would assume it's my volume. If so should I fix it myself or take it to a tech?
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-07-03, 16:26
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
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Do your pickups have batteries? They might be dying...
I had that problem with my warlock with the EMG 81. If thats not the case, shoot yourself

2003-07-03, 16:30
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No I've got the stock passives, I was actually gonna upgrade to actives but then this happened, that's why I'm wondering if I can fix this myself, that way I can still have cash for pickups.
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-07-03, 16:39
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If the guitar is old and rusty then the pickups could just be fucked...Thats what happened to my first guitar when I left it in a storage facility. Or it might be your volume knob. Take apart your guitar sometime and make sure the wires are connected to the volume. You might need to re-solder it...
If all fails, just save up $75 and get a DiMarzio Evolution (steve vai model  ) or an EMG for your bridge pickup

2003-07-03, 16:41
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Also I had that problem again when I was playing through an acoustic amp...

2003-07-03, 16:45
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Well my guitar is at a band members house today so I guess I'll shoot myself until then...
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-07-03, 17:32
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Get rid of your avatar before you shoot yourelf 

2003-07-03, 19:56
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Its probably something real tech technical. I suggest not messing with it and take it into a guitar shop soon. Its probably just a loose wire that needs welding.
Check my band out:
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2003-07-03, 22:56
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yeah, all you need is solder though. Shops might charge you up the wazoo if you don't have the hook ups so I suggest getting a pickup mounting diagram from any website and go from there. (I know EMG has websites with diagrams but I don't know about single coils...but they should be out there). Anyways, you can't really fuck your guitar up yourself if you know how to use a soldering gun so its worth a shot. I'm thinkin' new pickups though.

2003-07-04, 04:36
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if you have a digital camera take a photo of the cavity before you tear any wires off of your guitar. if no camera you have,draw it on paper if your not shure. it could be a lot of things.
start by checking out your guitar.
does it do it if you play through a friends amp?
if not than you can eliminate you axe. if it does check all connections and replace battery. is the battery termanal corroded?
what kind if head are you using?. if it has tubes check them out. they could be going bad, or just loose. if no tubes it could be your power supply and or connections. it could be your volume pot. does the pot crackle when you rotate it? if it does go to radio shack and get a can of tuner control($7.99)take off the plastic pot knob and fire a few shots into the pot than turn it both directions quickly for a minute. do that a few times and that may do it(or it may not)
good fucking luck!!
i am your god, bow to me motherfucker
Last edited by jesus christ : 2003-07-04 at 04:44.

2003-07-04, 06:20
Senior Metalhead
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Thanks for all the help guys, especially jesus, you weren't a dick.  Seems you are gradually getting along with people here
Well, it's not the amp or cables so I think I'm gonna figure out how to use a soldering gun (can't be that hard) and go buy my pickups. If that doesn't turn out I'll take it to a tech.
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-07-04, 11:04
Supreme Metalhead
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one tip though, soldering may not look that hard, and to some people, it may be easy like shit, but they do have 8 week classes on how to solder, so don't take its easyness for granted.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-04, 11:26
Supreme Metalhead
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Soldering is, imo, pretty easy. Keep in mind that the soldering gun is *hot*, so don't put it on your guitar or on any cables in the cavity, or on the floor or on your brothers hands. You don't want to heat the uhm... what is it called in english? soldering metal wire thingy (?) directly. Keep the soldering gun in contact with the wires or the pots and stuff, and hold the soldering metal wire thingy against the other side of the pot or whatever it is. Avoid getting molten soldering metal wire thingy on the guitar, as that will leave a mark in the finnish.
If there's anything you need to know, feel free to PM me.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2003-07-04, 15:26
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Posts: 90
you will need rosin core solider and a can of flux to make it stick well.
the gun type os irons are worth the investment while the stright irons are shit.
i wasnt a dick? dammit i knew i forgot something!
have fucking fun and dont burn your pecker with the iron!
i am your god, bow to me motherfucker

2003-07-04, 17:43
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
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Oh yeah, definatly write down what the insides look like.... You'll be screwed if you don't. And the metal wire thingy is the actual solder. Thats why theres a solder gun.....and when you use it on wires its called soldering
And dont buy an active pickup and leave a passive one on....it won't work. You need all active or all passive or a special piece to connect to your guitar..forgot the name but I think they're like $10..
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