2003-07-12, 02:57
picks n' strings
i ordered the dava medium pick not knowing how much i would love them and well... i love them lol. they have that hard i love and it has the flexibleness of a thin pick. i also got some of the ernie ball regular slinky strings and those also KICK ASS lol. they dont get out of tune easy bend good and have some like lube on it for sliding (ive never bought stings with that on them). i think there the same strings used by James Hetfield.

2003-07-12, 03:04
im trying the GHS strings atm...the set that the 3 heaviest strings are black, and the other 3 are silver...looks pretty cool, and they sound nice(good metallic tone)
only problem ive noticed is harmonics are slightly harder, but then again theyre quite new so it might just be that

2003-07-16, 11:35
Senior Metalhead
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i cant stand ernie balls. they break way too easy.. and who cares what some one else uses? you should pay more attention to how you sound rather that what another player uses.
i like d addario's. they last long and they have a good harmonic sound ( great whenever i pinch, seeing how i love pinching...). also, ever since i've started using d addario's, i have not broken any strings yet, and i can get pretty violent with my strings. like once a week, i play my hardest to try to blow out this tiny custom practice amp ( it wont blow!!!) i also bend all the time and i vibrato alot. my strings have also taken the toll of bein tuned in 600 different ways. lol. they still sound fairly new. i ve had em in for like 2 months already....

2003-07-18, 04:47
Originally posted by freek666
i cant stand ernie balls. they break way too easy.. and who cares what some one else uses? you should pay more attention to how you sound rather that what another player uses.
i like d addario's. they last long and they have a good harmonic sound ( great whenever i pinch, seeing how i love pinching...). also, ever since i've started using d addario's, i have not broken any strings yet, and i can get pretty violent with my strings. like once a week, i play my hardest to try to blow out this tiny custom practice amp ( it wont blow!!!) i also bend all the time and i vibrato alot. my strings have also taken the toll of bein tuned in 600 different ways. lol. they still sound fairly new. i ve had em in for like 2 months already....
if i shouldn't care what some1 else uses then why did you post your preference of strings... ernie ball strings are great i dont know what your smoking  . + my last like 10 pairs of strings had to be retuned a million times when they were first bought and these stayed in perfent tune. and about the sound... i wanted to "sound" like james hetfield since i play a lot of metallica. Why are you trying to blow out ur amp? 

2003-07-18, 11:54
Supreme Metalhead
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if you want to sound like james hetfield, or any guitar player for that matter, strings won't help, unless there soem super special strings.
"ernie balls are great i don't know what your smoking"
its all preference. I like d adarrios and DRs (right now i've been hooked on DRs), others may not like them. Its all opinion.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-18, 15:52
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Manitoba Canada
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i usually use dean markley's but i'm currently putting ernie balls on for something different. they're just streching out before i lock them down. btw, are you suposed to lock at the bridge first or at the nut?

2003-07-19, 02:35
i lock mine at the bridge, string it through the tuning machines and tune it, then lock it. yeah i know about the how the strings dont make a different sound, but i just liked them compared to my other pairs of strings, there a decent price. i was just going all out metallica by buying his kirks pick preference, james strings, james old bridge pickup before he signed with emg, stuff like that. when i posted the ernie's i was just saying i know why james likes them. i think kirk uses the deans but i guess strings make no diffence unless you count how good they bend, slide, and the guage. (I went up a size in guage).

2003-07-19, 13:27
Master Killer
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Originally posted by artofnothing6
its all preference. I like d adarrios and DRs (right now i've been hooked on DRs), others may not like them. Its all opinion.
same here, for both guitar and bass, they're expensive but at least they do keep their tone, D'addario's sound like shit, really fast, they just don't last 

2003-07-19, 13:31
Senior Metalhead
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Originally posted by TheKtuluCall
my last like 10 pairs of strings had to be retuned a million times
you cant be stringing them properly.
ur meant to stretch them as you wind them on
then u only have to tune them a few times, it dont matter what strings you use that always works.
btw i use dean markley's gauge 10 nickel wound steel (somfing like that anyways)
gone but never forgotten

2003-07-19, 20:17
maybe i have been strining my guitar wrong, but i do it the same everytime no different this time, strings stayed in tune. i might try deans next time, im just saying i liked these 1s immediatly compared to the other strings. I forget what the last bunch of strings were but they held their own, they didnt break in 6 mounths.

2003-07-19, 21:04
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: the hellish pits of your worst nightmares
Posts: 234
yeah the deans are great ive had them since sometime before easter and they havent broke and need very little tuning in fact the only time ive tuned lately is for drop d and other tunings
slinky's feel like im playing with paper strings they dont feel like they have any strength in em
gone but never forgotten
Last edited by dai saunders : 2003-07-19 at 21:06.

2003-07-20, 04:36
bugfucker strikes back.
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D'adarrio 9-42
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-07-20, 04:37
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Oops. Forgot picks.... I usually use dunlop .80 or Pos-a-grip 1mm
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
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