2003-07-12, 11:48
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 625
Just an idea for the Site!
I was wondering, if this is maybe an idea for the site.
There is colom of posted messages. Maybe if it is possible, to make a colom of posted tabs below it.
like example from me:
700 posts
50 tabs
it is maybe funny, but i think it's hell of a job.
so people easily see who are guitar/drum/bass etc.. players and who did some help to this site.
I'll wait for reactions.
Join the hordes!!

2003-07-12, 12:36
Master Killer
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well, I don't think all the forum users post tabs, probably most of them don't do it at all, so I dunno. I only posted a few.

2003-07-12, 12:59
Dog farts
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That would take quite a bit of fucking around with PHP.

2003-07-12, 15:16
The Devil
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I still haven't posted one.
It's not a bad idea, but i don't really see it as a great one either. The forums themselves don't have much to do with the tab part except for the 2 sections dedicated to forums. The rest is just about heavy metal music.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2003-07-12, 15:37
and i doubt the tab db takes count of the author of the tab, so itd take too much messing around to get it to work
worst case just make a perl script that adds it to your sig or something...at least that wouldnt add 20% load to the server hehe

2003-07-12, 22:59
Forum Leader
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good idea, but ducking hard to realuiza

2003-07-13, 03:59
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Lay back on the beer Doc...
I think its a good idea.

2003-09-02, 00:59
Supreme Metalhead
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Haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha, holy shit, I just read this and was about to respond to this thread and totally forgot what I was going to put because of Doc there made me laugh my ass off. Also, my oppinion on that would be that I think it sucks!
walk through nature's dwelling
hide from obscure trees listening
winter brings gloom, brings remnants of our shadows
twilight casts spells on those who espouse their fate
ice pricks necks like knives, leaving shards of cadaverous skin
tears spout from eyes, shunned from mankind's den
(Prayer For Cleansing/ "A Dead Soal Born")

2003-09-12, 23:27
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Concepcion, Chile
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i think is a good idea, but i think is better that you put the age in there, and its way more easy to do
!My english realy sucks!
Muera Bolivia, Viva La Patria!!

2003-09-13, 13:56
Senior Metalhead
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I think it sounds pretty sweet.
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2003-09-15, 00:11
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 403
If you really give a shit whether people know you tab count, just throw it in your sig...
Fuck yourself with a rubber hose
Stick it in your mouth and down your throat
Up your nose and in your heinie hole
I don't care where it goes
And it don't matter if you're straight or gay
You should fuck yourself anyway
Now, you don't have to listen to a word I say
But I know you, you'll be humpin' away

2003-09-15, 07:43
Join Date: Jul 2002
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I agree with that a lot of people don't post tabs... I only posted one, so that doesn't look very cool 
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-09-15, 07:44
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 1,596
And most tab posters are kids who post a tab and then never look at the forum...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2004-04-09, 21:48
round the world
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Done. Closed.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...
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