2003-07-18, 14:14
Senior Metalhead
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Did you ever make someone else become a metalhead?
OK I think there might already thread about how you first got into metal but I was wondering did you ever get someone else into metal? I got my little sister into metal, she also listens to a lot of punk (by punk I mean both old punk like The Clash and the Ramones and the pop-punk like Good Charlotte and Sum41) and I don't know I guess she just got into it from being around me so much. She doesn't really dislike any of the bands I listen to and her favorite metal band is Anthrax. She still hasn't seen a metal show yet though... Then I also got my cousin who's in his 20's into metal he doesn't really know a whole lot about metal really just when I first started getting into metal I told him about it and for some reason he wanted to hear some metal so after listening to his first Anthrax song he was hooked. So when ever I see him we just hang out and listen to metal and stuff.
City is guilty
Crime is life
Sentence is death

2003-07-18, 14:48
Senior Metalhead
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I converted one of my techno junky friends into a metalhead. He used to listen to techno and watch Japanese anime all day, now he plays bass and listens to Opeth! the world is a better place... 

2003-07-18, 14:50
I got one of my friends into Lacuna Coil and new Sentenced and my other friend, who ironically listens to christian rapcore, into Children Of Bodom.

2003-07-18, 14:53
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I've introduced tons of people to bands I listen to, but I would never in a million years say I transformed someone into being a metalhead. That's a terrible thing to do to a person, taking away their brain from them like that.

2003-07-18, 14:58
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i had a friend he only listened to punk and alternative bands (some classic rock too); typical middle-class suburban dude.
took him many months, but i got him to like Pantera and Metallica, and now he's getting into more (probably). and he told me "atif, if you told me many months ago, that i was gonna like Pantera and Metallica, i wouldn't have believed you"
he's kinda picky about music, so i think that's quite an accomplishment
i almost got him into Dream Theater......i was *this* close...... dang, what a shame. i don't know what happened.
playing a musical instrument, will also further open up a person's mind.

2003-07-18, 14:59
Join Date: Dec 2002
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i made my younger bro a metalhead & he in turn made all the kida in the neighborhood metalheads......bands like death, children of bodom, inflames etc are popular in my neighborhood
off topic: slayme wot happened to your avatar???
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-07-18, 15:00
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also my college friends who used to listen to only hindi & punjabi SHIT...now atleast know what metal is
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-07-18, 15:00
You gamma-minus fucktards
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I'd rather turn one of my friends into a corpse, to be quite frank.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-07-18, 15:01
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Originally posted by slayme_returns
but I would never in a million years say I transformed someone into being a metalhead. That's a terrible thing to do to a person, taking away their brain from them like that.
hey, it's as if you're implying that metalheads are beefheaded foam-at-the-mouth idiots.....i wonder you got that notion from..... 

2003-07-18, 15:30
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Originally posted by corroded_soul
off topic: slayme wot happened to your avatar???
atifman doesn't like looking at breasts and forced me to remove it. further discussion of atifman's homosexuality and my former avatar will be in the current RTT.

2003-07-18, 20:36
The Devil
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Most of my friends listen to metal and play instruments because of me.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2003-07-18, 20:43
I am a tax on the world..
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i wish i was that lucky.
i've shown many people metal, but they never "converted" or whatever.
they just say..."badass man" just until they dude starts singing...or growling
i should say.
it also gives me a rep. for being really musically talented. like i'd ask someone
what they feel like hearing right now, and after i put in the right cd, they're like
"whoa, man, you really know music."  they're just idiots.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-07-18, 21:00
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I've introduced people to metal but thats it. If they like what they hear they can do the rest on thier own if they really like it.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-07-18, 23:45
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i've tried to get a few people to listen to metal, only ever succedded with one.

2003-07-19, 00:16
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Everyone that I have introduced Nightwish to has loved them. Same goes for Rozz's Christian Death, Theatre of Tragedy, Amorphis, Type O Negative and many more.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-07-19, 03:50
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I got one of my techno-loving friends into metal. I always tell him that he's gonna die....with his boots on. And that got him into Iron Maiden sort of. I also got him into Stratovarius, Nile, Children of Bodom, Anthrax, Testament, Iced Earth, Death, Morbid Angel, Marduk, and some others. Then theres my friend phil, god his sisters hot! She has always been my safe hoooooome  . Yeah...I got phil into metal. He plays drums so automatically I introduced him to Death and Iced Earth.

2003-07-19, 17:41
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ive gotten a couple of my friends into it and my exgf 

2003-07-19, 21:46
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Walpurgis got me into Sabbath even though they're from my generations time, and then Metallica, Vintersorg, etc. My other son got me into hip-hop and r-n-b. And my other one likes Type O Neg and In Flames so I've been brainwashed into liking that , too. But I've done the same to them for as long as I've known 'em, evil bitch that I am . We're a broad-minded musical family. Dad took Wally and a friend to Ozzfest several years ago. Father and son bonding moment there.
Not metal but, Shane McGowan anyone???? 
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2003-07-19, 21:53
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my bro only listenes to rammstein and he thinks they are the shit (they are cool but not the shit).
so he listened to a couple of my pantera, slayer, death metal shit records and now he at least knows that there are heavyer bands on earth.

2003-07-20, 00:57
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i tought a punk how to play bass and in the process turned him over to SOAD and now he no longer listens to any punk(only metal), but that doesnt count, does it? didnt think so.  let the dumfucks who like anything else be the dumfucks that like anything else. if we were all metalheads, then...hey, wait a minute. thats actually a really cool idea. hmm, nevermind..
Ask not what your country can do for you, yet what you can do for your country. Because you can give to this governemt all you want, but they ain't giving back shit.

2003-07-21, 11:12
Senior Metalhead
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Originally posted by boomashaka
i tought a punk how to play bass and in the process turned him over to SOAD and now he no longer listens to any punk(only metal), but that doesnt count, does it? didnt think so. let the dumfucks who like anything else be the dumfucks that like anything else. if we were all metalheads, then...hey, wait a minute. thats actually a really cool idea. hmm, nevermind..
wat the fuck are u on about?
I Seek And Destroy

2003-07-21, 11:26
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I made some friends of mine listen to slayer etc. etc.
now they discovered slipknot and they're nu-metal asses now 

2003-08-08, 05:25
YES!! I HAVE!! (made someone become a metal head)
My friend would just listen to whatever the hell everybody else liked or he never even listened to music.
He saw my binder with KoRn metallica and so on writen all over(me being the "Goth Kid" as referd to by my class mates ...fuckers) and i started bringing Korn and Sw1tched and Metallica CDs to the large gym sterio for "Class rollerskating" for a month and blew their fucking heads off...any way he liked it. and he came to my house resently and i got him into metallica by playing some songs on guitar.
"Enter Sandman"
"One" and half of "Nothing Else matters" and half of "Fade to black" Which was all i knew at the time and then he liked it.
IM NOT FUCKING GOTH IM JUST a different kinda metal head

2003-08-08, 06:00
I would actually wish to turn one of the girls i know into a metal head. but that damn nelly 

2003-08-08, 07:19
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Turned a fourteen year old into a HUGE metal head. He was the little brother of my best mate in high school & now he's an utter monster - the only guy I know who shares my love for truly brain-blistering metal (ie. Hypocrisy, CoF, Satyricon, Limbonic Art, Death, Damaged, etc. etc.).
Other than that, most of the people I know are happy. Genuinely happy....
...because they're really, really fucking dumb. So I'm not going to bother.
And besides, it's more fun to occasionally roll into the office with a busted-arse, old Impaled Nazarene t-shirt on  Should see the looks on their faces....

2003-08-08, 16:22
Being a metal head has good outcomes if only nobody else like in your school is.
Its fun to go to school with a really obscene KoRn shirt (or thats what they said [even if KoRn isnt metal]) and freaking them out and with my gay school tradition ,"Roller skating month" where we skate arround in the gym for a fucking 45 mins, and playing Dark Tranquillity or some old school KoRn. fun...

2003-08-08, 16:48
Forum Daemon
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You're a fan of redundancy, aren't you?
I've introduced various acquaintances to music I thought they would like. Sometimes it's Anthrax. Other times it's Charlie Parker. Still other times it's Stevie Ray Vaughan. In any case, it's not a big deal, it's just doing a good turn. 'Making' someone a metalhead makes about as much sense as that other kind of brainwashing we so complain about that 'makes' people like pop music. If they're going to like metal, they'll like it for it. If you make them one, they're what's commonly known as a 'poseur.' Is a poseur a good thing? No it fucking isn't.

2003-08-08, 17:01
Join Date: Jul 2002
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my buddy who just listened to rap, well, let me just say i listen to alot more rap and he listens to alot more metal.
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